Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
164103 Revue belge de la comptabilité 1782-3498 Ordre des experts comptables et des comptables brevetés de Belgique
166520 Intervention 0713-4290 Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ)
115031 Executio 2063-1596 Ordre national des huissiers de justice de Hongrie
7624 Oregon Historical Quarterly 0030-4727 Oregon Historical Society
7593 OLA Quarterly 1093-7374 Oregon Library Association
6789 Letter to Libraries 0747-5608 Oregon State Library
145862 Prólogos - Revista de Historia, Política y Sociedad 1852-0715 Oreste Carlos Cansanello
164891 Sinais de Cena 1646-0715 Orfeu Negro
118319 Sinais de Cena : Revista de estudos de teatro e artes performativas Orfeu Negro
7628 Organic Gardening -Emmaus 0897-3792 Organic Gardening, Subscription Office
177138 Les Cahiers de Neuropsychologie Clinqiue 2429-2079 Organisation Française des Psychologues spécialisés en Neuropsychologie
612388 Les Cahiers de Neuropsychologie Clinique Organisation Française des Psychologues spécialisés en Neuropsychologie (OFPN)
7561 OECD observer 0029-7054 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
861909 odomag 2561-6803 Organisme D'expertise Odeur
2230 Revista Iberoamericana de Educación 1022-6508 Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura
698811 Organizational development review Organization Development Network
38814 Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review 1027-1775 Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern
62811 Transformative Works and Cultures Organization for Transformative Works
40095 OAH Newsletter 1059-1125 Organization of American Historians
2967 Americas 0379-0940 Organization of American States
169177 Proceedings of Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics 2189-9606 Organizing Committee of USE 2019, Institute for Ultrasonic Electronics, Kyotanabe, Kyoto, Japan
72588 Terzo Millennio 2038-0070 Organo ufficiale dell'Associazione Culturale "Terzo Millennio"
158421 Liberdade Orgaõ da Frente patriotica de libertaçao
157769 A & A 2533-0713 Orienta
693976 A&A Architettura e Ambiente 2533-0713 Orienta Edizioni - Sapienza Università di Roma
7635 Oriental Art -London 0030-5278 Oriental Art Magazine
165084 Forktail 0950-1746 Oriental Bird Club
930547 Oriental College Magazine 1991-7007 Oriental College, University of the Punjab, Lahiore
78383 Oriental Archive - Archiv Orientalni­ 0044-8699 Oriental Institute (Prague)
561605 Nový Orient 0029-5302 Oriental Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
138358 Journal of the Oriental Institute 0030-5324 Oriental Institute, the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara
143911 Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 1818-1252 Oriental Numismatic Society
153540 Journal of Manuscript Studies Oriental Research Institute and Manuscripts Library, Trivandrum
641906 Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 0974-6242 Oriental Scientific Publishing Company
102462 Oriental Journal of Chemistry 0970-020X Oriental Scientific Publishing Company
112988 Orientalia Parthenopea 1972-3598 Orientalia Parthenopea Edizioni
7636 Orientations -Hong Kong 0030-5448 Orientations Magazine Ltd
7637 Orion 1058-3130 Orion
113406 Manger et être mangé : l'alimentation et ses récits 9791030900620 Orizons
21855 Journal of Otolaryngology 0381-6605 Orl Medical Publications
7638 Ornament 0148-3897 Ornament, Incorporated
162219 A l'écoute 0222-0911 Orphelins-apprentis d'Auteuil
132526 Rhizome 1622-2032 Orspere-Samdarra (Bron, France) [2000-....]
25776 Les savoirs de l'informatisation dans les industries uruguayennes et argentines : annexes 1, Jean Ruffier, G. Argenti, et Denis Guigo, Travail et Travailleurs du Tiers-Monde (Les Cahiers de l'ORSTOM) Orstom (Institut français de recherche scientifique pour le développement en coopération)
81679 Rééducation orthophonique 0034-222X Ortho édition
3626 Bulletin of the Orton Society 0474-7534 Orton Society
21527 Osaka City Medical Journal 0030-6096 Osaka City Medical Center
1886 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 0030-6126 Osaka University
126858 Transactions of Joining and Welding Research Institute Osaka University
22463 Clinical Calcium 0917-5857 Osaka-shi; Iyaku Janarusha; [2015]
152875 Osagaiz : osasun-zientzien aldizkaria 2530-9412 Osasungoa Euskalduntzeko Erakundea
111592 Revista de Antropologie urbana 2286-2390 Oscar Print
7639 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 0030-6185 Osgoode Hall Law School
123510 Techne Series. Research in Sloyd Education and Craft Science 1893-1774 Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
77159 Professions and Professionalism 1893-1049 Oslo: Professions and professionalism
44940 Tid og Tanke 0809-0505 Oslo: Unipub
2514 Web Journal on Cultural Patrimony 1827-8868 Osservatorio per la Protezione dei Beni Culturali in Area di Crisi dell'I.S.Fo.R.M
135870 Rivista di Studi e ricerca sulla criminalità organizzata 2421-5635 Osservatorio sulla Criminalità Organizzata del Dipartimento di Studi Politici e Sociali dell'Università degli Studi di Milano
3421 Biblos 0006-2022 Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek
176734 Proceedings of the 6th Planetary Radio Emissions Workshop Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
165250 Emder Jahrbuch für historische Landeskunde Ostfrieslands 1434-4351 Ostfriesischen Landschaft
391985 Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University : Philology Series [Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu «Ostrozʹka akademìâ». Serìâ Fìlologìčna] 2519-2558 Ostroh Academy National University
7641 Otago Law Review 0078-6918 Otago Law Review Trust
1616 Junctures : The Journal for Thematic Dialogue 1176-5119 Otago Polytechnic
873648 Scope 1177-5653 Otago Polytechnic
175778 Vostok / Oriens [Восток / Oriens] 0869-1908 Otdelenie istoriko-filologitcheskih naouk RAN
102772 Fundamental and Applied Mathematics = Фундаментальная и прикладная математика 1560-5159 Otkrytye Sistemy = Открытые системы
146893 Current Issues in Sport Science Otmar Weiss
7467 News Notes - Microfilm Project, Canadian Library Association 0527-9445 Ottawa, Canadian Library Association, Microfilm Project
138512 Hungarian Studies Review 0713-8083 Ottawa: Hungarian Readers' Service
5865 Journal of Asian History 0021-910X Otto Harrassowitz
27611 Journal of Automata Languages and Combinatorics 1430-189X Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
47200 Chinese Journal of European Studies 1004-9789 Ou Zhou za zhi she
785086 Le courrier de l'ouest Ouest France
174382 Le Drenche 2428-1875 Ouest-France
71809 Ouest-France : Bretagne, Normandie, Maine, Anjou, Poitou : journal républicain du matin 0999-2138 Ouest-France
102681 Note sous la décision CEDH Ould Dah c/ France
122020 Cahiers de philosophie ancienne Ousia
40138 Outdoor Indiana 0030-7068 Outdoor Indiana
58930 La revue du notariat / rédigée avec la collaboration des notaires et sous la haute direction de la Chambre des notaires de la Province de Québec 0035-2632 Outremont, Qué : Chambre des notaires du Québec,
103145 Mentalities, Mentalités 0111-8854 Outrigger Publishers
303752 Cahiers de recherches médiévales d’Orléans 1272-9752 Ouzouer-le-Marché (c/o Bernard Ribémont, Gaudonville ; 41240)
5578 International Bulletin of Missionary Research 0272-6122 Overseas Ministries Study Center
158632 Environmental Epidemiology Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
157768 Analele Universităţii "Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Filologie = The Annals of Ovidius University Constanţa. Philology 1223-7248 Ovidius University Press
110924 Revista Literatura Teatrul Si Filmul Ovidius University Press (Roumanie)
105975 Wi:Journal of Mobile Media 1918-2104 Owen Chapman
140549 Annals of Applied Sport Science 2476-4981 Owjj Andishan Pasargad (Scientica)
125854 Journal of Roman Pottery Studies 0958-3491 Oxbow Books
172385 History of Linguistics at the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics Oxford
135871 Journal of Polymer Materials 0970-0838 Oxford & IBH Pub. Co
49723 Journal of Anthropological Society of Oxford 0044-8370 Oxford : Anthropological Society of Oxford
128672 BAR Archaeolingua Central European Series Oxford : Archaeopress
141644 Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System 2059-6987 Oxford : Oxford University Press
108402 Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 2050-6201 Oxford : Oxford University Press
76088 Modern French Identities 1422-9005 Oxford ; Bern ; Berlin ; Bruxelles ; Frankfurt, M. ; New York, NY ; Wien : Peter Lang
150694 Burns & Trauma 2321-3876 Oxford Academic
648072 Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society 2752-938X Oxford Academic
130768 J. Log. Comput 1465-363X Oxford Academic
116474 Journal of Professions and Organization 2051-8803 Oxford Academic