Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
454975 Global Affairs
795596 Global BioID-based SARS-CoV-2 proteins proximal interactome unveils novel ties between viral polypeptides and host factors involved in multiple COVID19-associated mechanisms
35999 Global Biochemical Cycles
317235 Global Biogeochemical Cycles
176339 Global Business and Organizational Excellence
154407 Global Chance, numéro spécial : Développement, Energie, Environnement: changer de paradigme
294172 Global Change Biology
94006 Global Change Biology - Bioenergy
73693 Global Change Biology Bioenergy
173772 Global Change Newsletter
117670 Global Communications Newsletter, IEEE Communications Magazine
175851 Global Constitutionalism 2045-3817
76486 Global Constitutionalism
163121 Global Cooperation Research - A Quarterly Magazine
164219 Global Crime
33922 Global DSP
638241 Global Discourse
852219 Global Ecology and Biogeography 1466-8238
181298 Global Ecology and Biogeography
913572 Global Ecology and Conservation
104563 Global Ecology and Conservation
91922 Global Education
157905 Global Education Magazine 2255-033X
176996 Global Energy Law and Sustainability 2632-4512
123959 Global Environmental Change 0959-3780
116558 Global Environmental Change
538413 Global Epidemiology 2590-1133
132394 Global Fashion Management Conference 2288-825X
142649 Global Focus
77639 Global Focus (formerly Business & the Contemporary World)
568387 Global Food History 2054-9547
456288 Global Food Security
145444 Global Geology
524599 Global Health Action
573007 Global Health Action 1654-9880
78726 Global Health Promotion
532790 Global Health Research and Policy
818282 Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics 2054-4200
177962 Global Histories
361842 Global Implementation Research and Applications 2662-9267
152456 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium
70867 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium (GIIS 2011)
80608 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium, GIIS'11, IEEE Xplore
80909 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium
146210 Global Intellectual History
178925 Global Journal Al-Thaqafah
178339 Global Journal of Advanced Research
667064 Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2052-6350
138520 Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues
422903 Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice
118799 Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management 2349-4506
106365 Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches 2348-8034
153028 Global Journal of Engineering Sciences
170021 Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances
53365 Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
148890 Global Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine 2349-5014
153091 Global Journal of Human Resource Management
114602 Global Journal of Human Social Sciences
137299 Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Theory and Practical
982344 Global Journal of Medical Research 0975-5888
179471 Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome 2455-8583
90340 Global Journal of Research on Medicinal Plants & Indigenous Medicine
149476 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: D Agriculture and Veterinary
176690 Global Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 2756-3456
847347 Global Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Research
126715 Global Journal on Technology
66440 Global Journal on Technology and Optimization, Transaction in Hybrid Renewable Energy
90121 Global Labour Journal
78480 Global Marine Environment
109695 Global Media Journal Canadian Edition
110416 Global Medical Discovery Series
138268 Global Mining Magazine Review
52993 Global Nest
137335 Global Networks 1470-2266
95564 Global Observatory
175760 Global Observatory (International Peace Institute)
120366 Global PGS Newsletter
33375 Global Poitics of Regionalism, Theory and Practice
95956 Global Policy
169204 Global Political Review 2521-2982
179486 Global Risk Regulator
105696 Global Science Technology Forum
129905 Global Scientific Journals - GSJ 2320-9186
682984 Global Security & Intelligence Studies
141237 Global Security Mag
130747 Global Social Policy 1468-0181
164408 Global Solutions Journal
169203 Global Strategic & Security Studies Review 2708-2121
144484 Global Strategy Journal 2042-5791
144787 Global Strategy Journal 2042-5805
93870 Global Strategy Journal
76373 Global Studies Journal,
164407 Global Summitry 2058-7430
560855 Global Transitions
175208 Global Water Forum
72802 Global business and finance Review
89106 Global economics and management review
93053 Global environmental change:Human and policy dimensions
107369 Global journal of Mathematics 2395-4760
85704 Global journal of Science Frontier