Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
177279 Science, Technologie, Développement 2752-6879
177280 Chemical Engineering Technology 1521-4125
177284 Relaces. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad 1852-8759
177285 Revue du Comité Central Agricole de Sologne
177287 Αρχαιολογία & Τέχνες 1108-2402
177289 Journal of Cannabis Research 2522-5782 Institute of Cannabis Research
177291 Science of Gymnastics Journal
177292 ISPRS annals of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences 2194-9050 Copernicus Publ
177293 Archéologia. Hors-série 1290-2691 Ed. Faton
177294 Comparative and Continental Philosophy 1757-0638 Taylor and Francis
177297 Archives of Otolaryngology and Rhinology
177298 Mediamorphoses
177301 Informatics in Education 1648-5831 Vilnius University Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies (Lithuania) in cooperation with ETH Zürich Center for Computer Science Education (Switzerland)
177302 Linguistica Pragensia
177305 Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining 1311-4539 Iraq Geological Survey (GEOSURV, Iraq)
177307 Microtextualidades. Revista Internacional de microrrelato y minificción 2530-8297
177308 CALL and professionalisation: short papers from EUROCALL 2021
177309 Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung / Bochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies 0170-0006 IUDICIUM Verlag GmbH
177310 Bulletin de l'Amitié franco-tchéco-slovaque 0755-8082 Association Amitié franco-tchéco-slovaque
177311 Reliability: Theory & Applications 1932-2321
177315 FORO. Revista de Derecho 2631-2484
177317 Annuaire de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des Sciences Religieuses 1969-6329 Publications de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études
177319 Recueil LGA LegiAfrica
177320 Revue ATDA LegiAfrica
177321 Lex4 Magazine OHADA
177327 14ème congès de Médecine Générale 2020
177329 La Nouvelle République 2260-6858
177330 Journal of Modern Philosophy Aperio
177331 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology 1226-4512
177332 Competition Forum
177333 Portail de la fonction publique, carrière et parcours professionnel, rubrique « paroles d’experts »
177334 Le Pays d’Apt
177335 Genre, Sexualité & Société
177338 Josei kûkan 女性空間 (Espace des femmes)
177339 XXI/XX - Reconnaissances littéraires
177340 Lethica
177341 Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Saverne et environs 2507-6809
177342 Past Global Changes Horizons 2788-5658 PAGES (Past Global Changes)
177343 La Gazette Coubertin Comité Français Pierre de Coubertin
177344 Chemical Engineering Transactions 1974-9791
177345 IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering 2278-8735
177346 Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems 2328-5583
177347 Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 0992-499X International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA), Canada
177348 CAPTAR 1647-323X
177349 Reproduction & Fertility 2633-8386 Bioscientifica Ltd
177350 Revue Australe et Polaire [AMAEPF]
177351 Biomedical & Translational Science 2768-4911
177353 Außerschulische Bildung – Zeitschrift der politischen Jugend- und Erwachsenenbildung
177355 Annals of Corporate Governance 2381-6724
177356 La villa réflexive : carnet de recherche Hypothèses
177357 International journal of scientific and technical research in engineering 2581-9941 IJSTRE
177358 Papeles de Trabajo - Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Etnolinguistica y Antropologia Socio-Cultural 1852-4508
177359 INJEP analyses & synthèses 2555-1116 Institut national de la jeunesse et de l'éducation populaire
177360 Frontiers in Analytical Science 2673-9283 Frontiers Media
177361 Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences 2247-3769 Faculty of Constructions and Architecture, University of Oradea
177363 Futsugo Futsubungaku kenkyū Revue de langue et littérature françaises 0919-0473 Société de langue et littérature françaises de l'Université de Tokyo Tokyo Daigaku Futsugo Futsubungaku Kenkyūkai
177364 Trait-d'Union Université de Chlef, Algérie
177365 Musica Hodie 2317-6776
177366 Opus 1517-7017
177367 Archologitcheskie Vesti / Археологические вести / Archaeological news 1817-6976 INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MATERIAL CULTURE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
177368 Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 2375-4745
177370 Miríada: Investigación en Ciencias Sociales 1851-9431
177371 Artis Natura
177372 Écologie et Politique
177373 Lettre de Lethica
177376 Journal of Plant Biotechnology 1229-2818
177377 Akoz - Espace public. Les cahiers réunionnais du développement
177379 Regards 1262-0092
177380 Adelphi Series 1944-5571
177383 Physiotherapy research international 1471-2865
177384 Oltenia 1454-6892 Muzeul Olteniei Craiova
177385 L'Yonne républicaine 2271-4413
177386 The world today
177388 Croatian International Relations Review 1848-5782
177392 Travaux de la massane
177393 Nagoya Journal of Higher Education Nagoya University
177394 Spine Deformity 2212-1358
177395 Traité de bioéthique - Tome 4, Les nouveaux territoires de la bioéthique
177396 IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 2193-9012
177397 Columella 2064-7816 Szent István Campus of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
177398 Medical Ultrasonography 1844-4172 Romanian Society for Ultrasonography in Medicine and Biology
177400 Bulletin des Amis du Vieil Arles pour la protection de son patrimoine historique et esthétique 0988-9531 Société des Amis du Vieil Arles
177401 Acta Veterinaria Eurasia 2618-639X İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa
177402 France Portait Social 2427-805X INSEE
178875 American Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Science
178876 Pak. J. Commer. Soc. Sci
178877 American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
178878 Current World Environment
178879 Asian Politics & Policy
178880 International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences
178881 Journal of Scientific Research
178882 Journal of Bio-Science
178883 International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research,
178884 Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture
178885 Nova Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
178886 Annals of Veterinary and Animal Science
178887 International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences
178889 Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development
178890 International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences
178891 International Journal of Lakes and Rivers
178892 Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution
178893 Trends in Fisheries Research
178894 Journal of Developing Areas
178895 Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies
178896 International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
178897 Indian Journal of Education and Information Management
178898 Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal
178899 Asian Social Science
178900 Al-ijtihad: Journal of Islamization of Knowledge and Contemporary Issues
178901 e-Bangi
178902 International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance
178903 Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies
178904 Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution
178905 International Journal of Conservation Science
178906 Development Review
178907 Journal of Economic Studies
178908 International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology
178909 Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal
178910 International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
178911 Bulletin of Energy Economics
178912 Malaysian Accounting Review,
178913 Symposium. Culture@Kultur n°3 (2021), numéro thématique dirigé par Gilles Buscot et Françoise Knopper sur Expression artistique et cicatrices de la Première Guerre mondiale. Continuités et discontinuités (1919-2019). Perspectives franco-allemandes/ Künstlerischer Ausdruck und Narben des Ersten Weltkriegs: Kontinuität und Diskontinuität (1919-2019)
178914 Ludwig XIV. – Vorbild und Feindbild. Inszenierung und Rezeption der Herrschaft eines barocken Monarchen zwischen Heroisierung, Nachahmung und Dämonisierung
178916 Economics and Sociology
178917 International Journal of Economics and Management,
178918 The Business Review
178919 International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development,
178920 Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 1755-4179
178921 International Journal of Information Technology Project Management
178922 Journal of International Studies
178923 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration
178924 Global Journal Al-Thaqafah
178925 Global Journal Al-Thaqafah
178926 Social Responsibility Journal 1747-1117
178927 Jurnal Pengurusan 0127-2713
178928 International Journal of Business and Management Science
178929 Yamagata Chronicles
178930 Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews 2321-6212 Yang Qu
178931 Un Autre Monde/ Another Word
178932 Philosophy of Photography 2040-3682
178933 Revista de Estudios en Seguridad Internacional 2444-6157
178934 Journal of Marine Science Research and Oceanography 2642-9020 Opast Publishing Group
178935 Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Algeria; Highlight on the Focus of M’Sila
178936 International Journal of Advanced Materials Research 2381-6805 American Institute of Science
178937 Distribution of Human Papillomavirus in Precancerous and Cancerous Cervical Neoplasia in Tunisian Women
178939 Vierteljahrsschrift für Wissenschaftliche Pädagogik
178940 Ethylzingerone, a Novel Compound with Antifungal Activity
178943 Écriture et image : cahiers du CEEI 2780-4208 Centre d'étude de l'écriture et de l'image
178944 Iris 2779-2005 UGA Éditions
178945 International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 2010-3646 IACSIT Press
178946 Imagine demain le monde
178947 RTBF
178949 Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America Dictionary Society of North America 2160-5076
178950 Transactions of Chinese Electrotechnical Society 1000-6753
178951 Etudes phénoménologiques - Phenomenological Studies 0773-7912 Peeters
178952 HERP me ! 2724-9468 Société Herpétologique de France
178960 JiL Journal of Human & Social Sciences 2311-5181 Jil Scientific Research Center
178961 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Oeconomica 1220-0506 Babes-Bolyai University
178970 The Nabokov Online Journal 1911-8422
178982 Journal für Medienlinguistik 2569-6491
178983 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 2349-5103 Springer
178988 Tejuelo. Revista de didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, Monográfico
178990 Arqueo UCA. Revista digital científica independiente de arqueología
178991 Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional
178993 Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia
178994 Journal of African Studies and Sustainable Development 2630-7065 Association for the Promotion of African Studies
178995 Tourism and Heritage Journal University of Barcelona
178996 Journal of Tourism and Heritage Studies 2384-5740 Association for Tourism Development in Nigeria (ATDiN)
178997 Nsukka Journal of the Humanities 2705-4160 A publication of the Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria Nsukka
178998 Fuentes 2172-7775 Universidad de Sevilla
178999 Reticula 2283-9232 ISPRA
179000 RUS - Revue de Littérature et Culture Russe 2317-4765 FFLCH-USP
179001 Lex Sportiva
179006 Selecta Math
179007 Development of a Custom NGS Panel for the Determination of Bladder Cancer Risk
179010 Revista do Instituto de Geosciencias, Geologia
179011 Journal of Experimental Botany, erab517
177779 Cacanam Kiruṣṇakiri Māvaṭṭa Tolliyal Āyvu Maiyam
177782 Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois 0304-9620 Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois
177783 ANALYSES – Œuvres commentées du répertoire de l’Ircam 2557-8928 Ircam
177784 Journal of Big Data
177786 WIREs Climate Change 1757-7780
177787 Detskiie Tchteniia 2304-5817 Институт русской литературы (Пушкинский Дом) РАН
177789 Synergies Iran GERFLINT
177790 Synergies Turquie 1961-9472 GERFLINT
177791 Synergies Venezuela 1856-0350 GERFLINT
177792 Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Advances in the Clinical Lab 2667-145X
177793 Natureza Humana - Revista Internacional de Filosofia e Psicanálise
177795 Jus Ecclesiae 1120-6462 Facoltà di Diritto Canonico della Pontificia Università della Santa Croce
177796 IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 1751-8695
177797 TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 2302-9293
177798 Open Mathematics 2391-5455
177799 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1776-0852
177801 STS Encounters—Research Papers from DASTS
177802 Revista Direito Das Relações Sociais e Trabalhistas 2446-8908 Periódico Científico do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito (Mestrado) do Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal – UDF
177803 La Vache Mère La Vache Mère Suisse