Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
136223 HARMONIA - Coccinelles du monde 2102-6769 Association des COccinellistes de France (ACOF)
115939 HB revue internationale d'études stendhaliennes 1287-3209 Eurédit
147212 HDV Magazine : le magazine des bonne ondes Société d'édition et de communication médicale
13860 HEC Forum 0956-2737 Springer Verlag
116029 HEGEL - HEpato-GastroEntérologie Libérale 2269-0530 ALN Editions
13240 HEPAC Health Economics in Prevention and Care 1439-3972 Springer Verlag
178952 HERP me ! 2724-9468 Société Herpétologique de France
138205 HEnsA20 : histoire de l'enseignement de l'architecture au 20e siècle 2498-3918 École nationale supérieure d'architecture (Strasbourg)
57759 HFSP Journal
74945 HISTORIAS México DF: Dirección de Estudios Históricos del Instituto Nacional de Antiopologia e Historia
13921 HIV Clinical Trials 1528-4336 Thomas Land Publishers
13922 HIV Medicine 1464-2662 Wiley
22129 HIV clinician / Delta Region AIDS Education & Training Center 1551-885X
22128 HIV inside : a newsletter for correctional professionals 1551-9066
22127 HIV prevention plus! : the newsletter of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse 1488-3694
22130 HIV/AIDS surveillance report (Atlanta, Ga.) 1048-759X
131149 HKIE Transactions 1023-697X Taylor & Francis
111610 HLA: Immune Response Genetics 2059-2302 Wiley
39215 HMS Beagle - The BioMedNet Magazine BioMedNet
13923 HNO 0017-6192 Springer Verlag
13934 HOMO, Journal of Comparative Human Biology 0018-442X Elsevier
165539 HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 2152-5188 International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
13943 HPB 1365-182X Elsevier
139352 HR Grapevine 2055-2556 Executive Grapevine International Ltd
39232 HR Online Florence Rousseau
39233 HR Resources Longwoods Publishing Corp
156581 HRC and CC. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography and Chromatography Communications 0344-7138
5264 HRLSD Journal 0196-7371 The Division
5265 HRMagazine 1047-3149 Society for Human Resource Management
22115 HRSA careaction [electronic resource]
136066 HSOA Journal of Non Invasive Vascular Investigation 2572-7400 Italian Society of Vascular Investigation
149328 HSOA journal of gerontology & geriatric medicine 2381-8662 Herald Scholarly Open Access
13944 HSS Journal 1556-3316 Springer Verlag
39248 HVAC&R Research 1078-9669 Taylor & Francis
22933 HYBRIDOMA 1554-0014 Mary Ann Liebert
155867 Habbanae 1148-4357
13766 Habitat International 0197-3975 Elsevier
424274 Habiter Lapcos, MSHS Sud-Est
165309 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 1305-5992 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
107275 Hacienda pública española 0210-1173 Ministerio de Hacienda, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales
960 Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Surveys in Israel 1565-043X Israel Antiquities Authority
13767 Haematologia 0017-6559 Brill Academic Publishers
22186 Haematologica 0390-6078 Ferrata Storti Foundation
13768 Haemophilia 1351-8216 Wiley
39171 Haemostasis 0301-0147 S Karger AG
164664 Hagiographica : rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internationale per lo studio del medio evo latino 1124-1225 SISMEL ; Brepols
13985 Hague Journal of Diplomacy 1871-1901 Brill Academic Publishers
13769 Haigan 0386-9628 Japan Lung Cancer Society, The