Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
17822 Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 0891-3668 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
17823 Pediatric Nephrology 0931-041X Springer Verlag
17824 Pediatric Neurology 0887-8994 Elsevier
17825 Pediatric Neurosurgery 1016-2291 Karger
21503 Pediatric Nursing 0097-9805 Anthony J Jannetti, Inc
167794 Pediatric Obesity 2047-6310 Wiley
40169 Pediatric Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 1077-1042 Taylor & Francis
17826 Pediatric Pathology and Molecular Medicine 1522-7952 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
17827 Pediatric Physical Therapy 0898-5669 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
17828 Pediatric Pulmonology 8755-6863 Wiley
21502 Pediatric Pulmonology -Supplement 1054-187X Wiley-Blackwell
17829 Pediatric Radiology 0301-0449 Springer Verlag
17830 Pediatric Rehabilitation 1363-8491 Taylor & Francis
167486 Pediatric Reports 2036-7503 MDPI
17831 Pediatric Research 0031-3998 Nature Publishing Group
40170 Pediatric Rheumatology 1546-0096 BioMed Central
17832 Pediatric Surgery International 0179-0358 Springer Verlag
17833 Pediatric Transplantation 1397-3142 Wiley
156967 Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology 0304-4254
17807 Pediatric and developmental pathology 1093-5266 Springer Verlag
17834 Pediatrics 0031-4005 American Academy of Pediatrics
17836 Pediatrics International 1328-8067 Wiley
21501 Pediatrics in Review 0191-9601 American Academy of Pediatrics
17837 Pedobiologia 0031-4056 Elsevier
17838 Pedosphere 1002-0160 Elsevier
539275 Pedralbes 0211-9587 Universitat autonoma de Barcelona — UAB (1968 à …)
147951 Peer Community In Animal Science 2677-9307 Peer Community In
158531 Peer Community In Archaeology 2742-1929 Peer Community In
129424 Peer Community In Ecology 2606-4979 Peer Community In
178674 Peer Community In Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry 2779-9948 Peer Community In
114496 Peer Community In Evolutionary Biology 2551-668X Peer Community In
177211 Peer Community In Forest & Wood Sciences 2803-9971 Peer Community In
167538 Peer Community In Genomics 2780-0539 Peer Community In
826659 Peer Community In Health & Movement Sciences Peer Community In
215741 Peer Community In Infections 2968-2126 Peer Community In
160903 Peer Community In Mathematical and Computational Biology 2803-9963 Peer Community In
826656 Peer Community In Microbiology 2999-9332 Peer Community In
170944 Peer Community In Network Science 2968-2142 Peer Community In
173848 Peer Community In Neuroscience 2780-2795 Peer Community In
826661 Peer Community In Organization Studies Peer Community In
146297 Peer Community In Paleontology 2606-4820 Peer Community In
175526 Peer Community In Registered Reports 2823-9393 Peer Community In
159111 Peer Community In Zoology 2781-4734 Peer Community In
177014 Peer Community Journal 2804-3871 Peer Community In
125454 Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 1936-6442 Springer
104712 PeerJ 2167-8359 PeerJ
110081 PeerJ Computer Science 2376-5992 PeerJ
110359 PeerJ Preprints 2167-9843 Computer Science Preprints
277757 Pegasus. Journal of the Classics and Ancient History 0308-2431 University of Exeter Classics Department
311046 Peking University Law Journal / 中外法学 1002-4875 Université de Pékin [1988-....]
17839 Pelvi-périnéologie 1778-3712 Springer Verlag
65078 Penal Issues 1155-4169 CESDIP - Centre de recherches sociologiques sur le droit et les institutions pénales (Guyancourt, Yvelines ; 1983-....)
74413 Penant : Revue de droit des pays d'Afrique 0336-1551 Éditions Juris Africa (EJA) (Paris, France) [1961-2020] - Juriscope (Poitiers, France) [2021-....]
7716 Penn State International Law Review 1546-3435 Dickinson School of Law
7717 Penn State Law Review 1545-7877 The Dickinson School of Law
121218 Penn ar Bed 0553-4992 Société pour l'étude et la protection de la nature en Bretagne (SEPNB)
7718 Pennsylvania Bar Association quarterly. Pennsylvania Bar Association 0196-2051 Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly
21522 Pennsylvania Dental Journal 0031-4439 The Pennsylvania Dental Association
7719 Pennsylvania History 0031-4528 Penn State University Press
7720 Pennsylvania Library Association. Bulletin 0197-9299 Pennsylvania Library Association
7721 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 0031-4587 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
7722 Pennsylvania School Journal 0031-4676 Pennsylvania State Education Association
21521 Pennsylvania health & you 1539-8684
132278 Pensamiento crítico 0717-7224 Santiago: Pensamiento Crítico
164326 Pensamiento de los confines 1514-044X Ed. Diótima : Universidad de Buenos Aires
149497 Pensardiverso Revista de Estudos Lusofonos 1647-3945 Universidade da Madeira (Portugal)
87773 Penser / Rêver 1633-0552 Editions de l'Olivier
48607 Penser l'éducation 1253-1006 Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre
123491 Penser les Ailes Françaises Centre d'Etudes Aériennes Aérospatiales
7723 Pension Management 1078-9766 Prism Business Media
7724 Pension World 0098-1753 Pension World
40171 Pension and Benefits Reporter 1522-5976 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
17840 Pensions 1478-5315 Palgrave Macmillan
7725 Pensions & Investment Age 0273-5466 Pensions & Investment Age
7726 Pensions & Investments 1050-4974 Crain Communications Inc
37490 Pensée Plurielle - Parole, pratiques et réflexions du social 1376-0963 Haute École Charleroi-Europe / De Boeck Supérieur
125345 Península : publicación semestral del Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y en Ciencias Sociales 1870-5766 Mérida : Universidad nacional autónoma de México, Coordinación de humanidades
7727 People (New York, N.Y.: 2002) 0093-7673 Time Inc
131953 People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice 2575-9078 International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations
145985 People and Nature 2575-8314 Wiley Open Access
47367 People and culture in Oceania 1349-5380 Japanese Society for Oceanic Studies
7728 People management 1358-6297 Personnel Publications Ltd
40172 People on the Move Pontificio Consiglio Migranti
137482 Peoplesphere Peoplesphere Company
7729 Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal 1536-3090 Pepperdine University School of Law
7730 Pepperdine Law Review 0092-430X Pepperdine University
40174 Peptide Science 2475-8817 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
17841 Peptides 0196-9781 Elsevier
155976 Pequeños Rumiantes 1888-4865
40175 Per la Filosofia 0394-4131 Fabrizio Serra editore
102481 Percentile 1372-4916
17842 Perception 0301-0066 SAGE Publications
21499 Perception and Psychophysics 0031-5117 Psychonomic Society
7731 Perceptual and Motor Skills 0031-5125 Ammons Scientific
148418 Percorsi costituzionali 1974-1928 Jovene editore
40176 Percussion News Percussive Arts Society
40177 Percussive Notes Percussive Arts Society
1916 Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture 1554-8678 International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art
135001 Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie 2588-932X Elservier Masson
170959 Performance Enhancement & Health 2211-2669 Sydney : Elsevier Australia