Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
182056 Revue du droit insolite 2823-9733 Enrick B. Éditions (Paris, France) [2021-....]
165490 Smerilliana. Luogo di civiltà poetiche Enrico D’Angelo
171052 Roma e America. Rivista di Diritto dell'Integrazione e Unificazione del Diritto in Eurasia e in America Latina - Roma e America. Diritto romano comune 1125-7105 Enrico Mucchi editore
112456 Revista Topía 1666-2083 Enrique Carpintero, César Hazaki y Alejandro Vainer
784317 L’atelier public de paysage Ensapl
119561 Théâtre/Public 0335-2927 Ensemble Théâtral de Gennevilliers [1974-2011] - Ensemble Théâtral de Gennevilliers ; Éditions Théâtrales [2012-....]
102405 RIVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENSINO DE CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA 1982-873X Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - PPGECT/UTFPR
152326 Balisages Enssib
635931 Balisages 2724-7430 Enssib
116645 La revue des Revues 0980-2797 Ent'revues
21510 Pathologica 0031-2983 Ente Ospedaliero Ospedali Galliera
163708 Entefktirio 1105-4190 Entefktirio
4658 Environment Today 1054-7517 Enterprise Communications Inc
4672 Environmental Management Today 1089-1617 Enterprise Communications Inc
4647 Entertainment & Sports Law Journal 8756-3991 Entertainment & Sports Law Journal
3001 Annals of the Entomological Society of America 0013-8746 Entomological Society of America
38355 Arthropod Management Tests Entomological Society of America
4665 Environmental Entomology 0046-225X Entomological Society of America
6029 Journal of Economic Entomology 0022-0493 Entomological Society of America
15776 Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 Entomological Society of America
104260 African Entomology 1021-3589 Entomological Society of Southern Africa
138731 Entreprendre & territoires 2271-8613 Entreprendre & territoires
4651 Entrepreneur 0163-3341 Entrepreneur Inc
124622 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center
153481 Insights into Regional Development Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center
166750 Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 2029-7017 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center
745287 Entreprises Magazine, Luxembourg Entreprises Magazine
46170 Entropia : Revue d'étude théorique et politique de la décroissance 1954-2437 Entropia ; Lyon : Parangon/Vs
151460 Arcadia 2199-3408 Environment & Society Portal
38924 Environmental Practitioner Environment Institute Of Australia & New Zealand
38882 Ends Report 0966-4076 Environmental Data Svc Ltd
792 Engenharia Ambiental : Pesquisa e Tecnologia 1678-2178 Environmental Engineering Course / UNIPINHAL
38925 Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine 0835-605X Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine
150074 Fast TIMES 1943-6505 Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
115447 Danubius Noster Eotvos Jozsef University
23419 Techniques financières et développement 1250-4165 Epargne sans frontière
806 Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization 2052-1499 Ephemera Editorial Collective / Ephemera Editorial Collective Warwick Business School (WBS)
163412 Aletheia Ephèse formation
38930 Epidemiology Monitor Epidemiology Monitor
167710 Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement Episciences
173806 Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization Episciences
166192 Management & Organisations du Sport Episciences
176808 Épijournal de Didactique et Epistémologie des Mathématiques pour l’Enseignement Supérieur Episciences
40879 The Witness 0197-8896 Episcopal Church Publishing Company (ECPC)
872830 Lettre d'information Epos-France Epos-France
2533 The World Wide Web Journal of Biology d000-0057 Epress Inc
40903 World Wide Web Journal of Biology Epress Inc
38646 Component Developer Magazine (CoDe) 1547-5166 Eps Software Corp
261455 Epsys (Ed. française) 2013-1887 Epsys