Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
178817 Fédéchoses 0336-3856
178822 Revista de Educación Ambiental 2659-708X Universidad de Cádiz
178823 GAIA 0871-5424
178824 Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1844-6035 University of Oradea, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
178825 Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2064-5279
178826 Cyber-Physical Systems 2333-5777
178827 Archiscopie 27 0768-5785 Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine
178828 Drammaturgia 1122-9365 Firenze University Press
178829 CDH1 and CTNNA1 Genetic Screening in Tunisian Patients with Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Carcinoma
178831 Ae Agricultura y Ganaderia Ecológica 2172-3117 SEAE Soiciedad Espagnola de Agricultura Ecológica
178832 Transgender Health 2688-4887
178834 Health Services Insights 1178-6329
178835 The Journal of Economic Asymmetries 1703-4949
178839 Gerencia y Políticas de Salud 1657-7027
178840 SARS-CoV2 serology assays: utility and limits of different antigen based tests through the evaluation and the comparison of four commercial tests
178842 Engineering Biology 2398-6182
178844 Australian Educational Leader
178845 Areté. International Journal of Philosophy, Human and social sciences 2531-6249 Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi
178848 Trace Elements and Electrolytes
178849 Michigan war studies review : review, surveys, essays and commentary in the field of military studies 1930-045X James P. Holoka
178850 Vol. 1(1)
178851 Vol. 2(1), pp.1-8.
178852 Journal of Business and Behavioral Science
178853 Challenge: the Magazine of Economic Affairs
178854 Journal of Regional Economic Studies
178855 “Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ” Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI. 0373-2703 ``Nauka'' S.-Peterburg. Otdel
178856 South Asian Journal of Management Sciences
178857 Journal of Knowledge Globalization
178858 Technics Technologies Education Management
178859 Green University Review
178860 Voice of Academia
178861 Economics Research International 2090-2123
178862 Les Cahiers du Pays thionvillois 1144-2816 SHAL - Section de Thionville
178863 Elixir Online Journal: Elixir Finance
178864 Emerging Economics
178865 Res Manageria
178866 Journal of Economics and Business Research
178867 United Nations (UN ESCAPE), Thailand
178868 Dialogue & Alliance
178870 Journal of Bangladesh Studies
178871 European Journal of East Asian Studies
178872 Asian Journal of Environmental and Disaster Management
178873 Mitigation and Adaptation for Global Change
178874 Asian Economic and Financial Review 2305-2147 Asian Economic and Social Society
178558 Le GNOMON. Revue internationale d'histoire du notariat
178561 Brennus
178563 Études ibériques 2802-6640 Hypothèses
178564 Poblacion y Desarrollo. Argonautas y Caminantes 2221-7002 Maestría en Demografía y Desarrollo de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
178565 Вестник МАНЭБ, 11 (8), с.187-191
178566 Symposium culture@kultur
178567 La connaissance clinique
178568 2017. Une année avec le CNRS en Alsace
178569 Reportage sur France 3 (12/13 et 19/20)
178571 Recollecta Aegyptiaca
178572 La collection de l'Institut d'Égyptologie
178573 20Minutes
178574 Documentaire dans Le Journal Afrique sur TV5 Monde
178575 Reportage sur Fr3 (12/13 et 19/20)
178576 Alsace 20
178577 L’actualité de la recherche. Université de Strasbourg. À la une, sciences humaines et sociales
178578 Karnak
178579 Parisien et Aujourd’hui en France
178580 Les Espaces Syro-mésopotamiens, Subartu 1780-3233
178582 Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes 2105-2565
178583 Das Altertum
178584 «Գլոբուս Ազգային անվտանգություն», 4 (14), էջ 19-29
178585 «Գլոբուս», 5, էջ 33-38
178586 «Գլոբուս. ազգային անվտանգություն», 3, էջ 17-21
178587 «Գլոբուս», 6, էջ 33-40
178588 Գլոբուս ազգային անվտանգություն, 6 (10), էջ 27-36
178589 LEA 2680-2198 Assoc. Esprit d'Archimède
178590 Promarket
178591 Повышение эффективности строительного производства (Межвузовский сборник)
178592 CCJ-Occasional-Papers Centre for Studies on China, Korea and Japan)
178594 Повышение эффективности снабжения и производственно-технологической комплектации строительства (Сборник научных трудов), М.: Научно-исследовательский институт экономики строительства Госстроя СССР, с. 46-51
178595 Christianity-World-Politics
178597 Philologia 1339-2026 Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
178598 21-й ВЕК, 6 (46), с.17-34
178599 Memorias de la Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate" de Mexico
178600 Applied mechanics
178601 Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie 1611-4051
178602 Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung (FUB) 1616-0991 Chmielorz
178603 Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 2152-2812
178605 Cahiers du CIRDIS 1929-1027 Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en développement international et société
178606 Dacoromania literraria
178607 PLOS Global Public Health 2767-3375 Public Library of Science
178609 Notiziaro SIBM 1121-161X Società Italiana di Biologia Marina /
178611 Naturalista Siciliano 0394-0063 Società siciliana di scienze naturali
178614 Asian Journal of Biosciences 0973-4899 Global Press Hub
178616 Regards SFE (Online) Société Française d'Ecologie
178617 Acta Silvatica et Lignaria Hungarica 1786-691X University of West Hungary
178619 Orientalia Christiana Periodica (OCP)
178620 Revue d'etudes augustiniennes et patristiques
178621 Nouvelle Revue Théologique
178623 Quaderni del PENS 2611-903X ESE - Salento University Publishing
178624 Autoroutes et mobilités
178625 Métropolis
178626 Buddhismus Aktuell 0949-1104 Susanne Billig
178627 Philologica Jassyensia 1841-5377 Iaşi Alfa
178628 La revue Perrault Institut International Charles Perrault
178629 Evolution 1558-5646 Wiley
178630 Mémoires de la Société Archéologique du Nivernais
178514 Institut Psychanalyse & Management 2272-4729 Edition Institut Psychanalyse & Management
178515 Quaestiones Romanicae 2457-8436 JATEPress Szeged, EUV Timisoara
178516 Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies Association for Computational Linguistics
178517 Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers) Association for Computational Linguistics
178518 Les cahiers mésozoaires École supérieure d'art d'Aix-en-Provence
178519 Journal of Languages for Specific Purposes 2359-9103 University of Oradea
178521 Annales médicopsychologiques
178523 Hors série Le Monde
178524 Concordia. Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie
178525 Mental Health & Human Resilience International Journal
178526 Psychothérapies
178527 Ricerca
178528 Société, Droit & Religion
178530 Brève stratégique de l'IRSEM
178532 IRSEM Strategic Brief
178534 Journal of Water Management Modeling 2292-6062
178535 Les Cahiers de Beaumont 0244-1934 CNEFASES
178536 International Journal on Numerical and Analytical Methods in Engineering (IRENA) 2281-7026
178538 国外马克思主义研究报告2020 [Foreign Marxism Research Report 2020] 人民出版社 [People's Publishing House]
178539 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Update 2666-9900 Elsevier
178540 Nature & Technology 2437-0312
178542 Research in Immunology: An International Journal 2331-7299
178545 International Journal of Chemistry 1916-9698
178546 European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 2325-4823 Routledge Taylor & Francis
178547 Patrimonio Historico
178548 Tiede & edistys 0356-3677 Tutkijaliitto ry
178550 Boletim da CMF 1516-1781 Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA
178551 Kasvatus. Finnish Journal of Education 0022-927X
178552 Romanischen Forschungen Vittorio Klostermann
178553 Mathematical Finance
178554 Arcana Naturae : Revue d'histoire des sciences secrètes Agorà & Co
178555 РИСК, N 5-6, с. 15-21
178557 Journal de physique et de chimie des étudiants Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
281115 Journal of Hebrew Scripture
281119 Jahrbuch für biblische Theologie
281125 L’OBS Hors-Série
281128 WiBiLex
281146 Bulletin d'Histoire contemporaine de l'Espagne CNRS-Maison des Pays Ibériques
281174 Islamic Economic Studies 2411-3395 Emerald Publishing Limited
281237 Grabbe-Jahrbuch
281283 Bioprinting 2405-8866
281295 OASE : Journal for Architecture
281378 Campbell Systematic Reviews 1891-1803
281555 Light and Engineering (Svetotechnika)
281556 IEC e-tech online news
281557 Lighting Engineering
281559 La revue du réseau ECRIN
281664 Humanities
281666 WdO
281667 Angelicum
281668 HeBAI
281673 RSB
281711 LUX, la revue de l'éclairage
281719 Photoniques
281720 Laser journal
281722 Le mensuel de l'Université
281759 Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety
281813 LED professional Review (LpR)
281866 IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
281949 Mycological Progress
281951 bioRxiv - PREPRINT
281952 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
281956 Cryptogamie Mycologie
281957 Cryptogamie, Mycologie
282014 The Moving Image: The Journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists 1532-3978 University of Minnesota Press
282097 Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
282103 IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
282510 Versus 2782-3660
282512 Advanced Materials
282522 International Journal of Engineering Research – online (IJOER)
282581 Frontiers in Health Services
282599 Acta Historica Universitatis Kalipedensis Institute of Baltic Region History and Archeology Klaipéda University
282607 Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodnieji Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodnieji
282615 Cahiers du CESAT Collège de l’enseignement supérieur de l’Armée de terre
282617 Review of Military History Université de Bucarest
282639 Exercice – Revue bien urbaine
282656 International Journal of Aging and Health
282660 Endoscopy 0013-726x
282664 Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition
282672 Journal Africain de Morphologie
282676 Anatolia Antica IFEA
282695 Conversations
282740 Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology (THA)
282787 Environmental Science: An Indian Journal 0974-7451 Trade Science Inc
282879 Elementos de Juicios : Revista de temas constitucionales 1900-8376 José Gregorio Hernández Galindo
282955 Research and Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2319-9865 Research & Reviews
283030 Research and Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Science 2319-9865 Research & Reviews
283084 Agrafil
283299 Arthritis & Rheumatism
283321 Care and Conservation of Manuscripts
283328 Ossory, Laois and Leinster
283354 Art d’aujourd’hui, Patrimoine de demain
283493 Progress in Neurobiology 0301-0082
283653 The Art Newspaper
283712 SSM - Mental Health 2666-5603