Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
16677 Langenbecks Archiv fur Chirurgie 0023-8236 Springer-Verlag
16678 Langmuir 0743-7463 American Chemical Society
887369 Langmuir 1520-5827
165671 Langscape
6719 Language 0097-8507 Linguistic Society of America
422919 Language
850254 Language & Ecology 1745-3631 Amir Ghorbanpour
117689 Language & History 1759-7536 Taylor & Francis
130288 Language & History Taylor & Francis
128386 Language & Linguistics Compass
128347 Language & Speech
16680 Language Acquisition 1048-9223 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6720 Language Arts 0360-9170 National Council of Teachers of English
16686 Language Assessment Quarterly 1543-4303 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
886884 Language Association Journal
16687 Language Awareness 0965-8416 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
77692 Language Awareness, 19(2),
1650 Language Design - Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics 1139-4218 Granada Lingvistica (and Metodo Ediciones)
275443 Language Development Research 2771-7976 Carnegie Mellon University Library Publishing Service
179354 Language Discourse & Society 2239-4192
33499 Language Diversity and Cognitive Representations
92976 Language Documentation & Conservation 1934-5275 University of Hawaiʻi Press
151653 Language Documentation and Description 1740-6234 EL Publishing
132813 Language Dynamics and Change 2210-5824 Brill
129418 Language Ecology
138076 Language Education & Assessment
145116 Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal The Langscape Network c/o Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
39819 Language Learner (formerly NABE News) National Association for Bilingual Education
6722 Language Learning 0023-8333 Wiley
131581 Language Learning
811144 Language Learning & Technology
67195 Language Learning Journal
16689 Language Learning and Development 1547-5441 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
1651 Language Learning and Technology 1094-3501 University of Hawaii
88956 Language Learning in Higher Education 2191-6128 De Gruyter
59169 Language Matters
39820 Language Policy 1568-4555 Springer Verlag
39821 Language Problems and Language Planning 0272-2690 John Benjamins Publishing
588673 Language Related Research 2383-0816 Tarbiat Modares University
48716 Language Research
28709 Language Research, Special Issue
16690 Language Resources and Evaluation 1574-020X Springer Verlag
157643 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020)
90561 Language Resources and Evaluation Special Issue on Multiword expression: hard going or plain sailing
16691 Language Sciences 0388-0001 Elsevier
16692 Language Teaching 0261-4448 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
16693 Language Teaching Research 1362-1688 SAGE Publications
16694 Language Testing 0265-5322 SAGE Publications
115684 Language Typology and Universals 1867-8319 De Gruyter Mouton
132653 Language Typology and Universals (STUF)
35503 Language Under Uncertainty Workshop, Kyoto University, January 2005
16695 Language Variation and Change 0954-3945 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
422333 Language Variation and Change
96187 Language and Cognition 1866-9808 Cambridge
16681 Language and Cognitive Processes 0169-0965 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
16679 Language and Communication 0271-5309 Elsevier
137237 Language and Communication 33, 1
39818 Language and Computers - Studies in Practical Linguistics 0921-5034 Rodopi
52610 Language and Culture
105709 Language and Dialogue 2210-4119 John Benjamins
16682 Language and Education 0950-0782 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
59639 Language and History
16683 Language and Intercultural Communication 1470-8477 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
584886 Language and Law=Linguagem e Direito 2183-3745
108230 Language and Linguistics 1606-822X Sage publishing, Association with Academia Sinica, Taiwan
149012 Language and Linguistics
620085 Language and Linguistics 1606-822X John Benjamins
16684 Language and Linguistics Compass 1749-818X Wiley
104670 Language and Lingusitics Monograph Series: Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech
1649 Language and Literacy : A Canadian Educational e-journal 1496-0974 Language and Literacy
16685 Language and Literature 0963-9470 SAGE Publications
112965 Language and Psychoanalysis
548836 Language and Semiotic Studies 2096-031X
41309 Language and Society
21763 Language and Speech 0023-8309 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
109648 Language and bilingual cognition 978-1848729247 Vivian Cook and Benedetta Bassetti
101979 Language and computers : Studies in practical linguistics
48873 Language and linguistics (Academia Sinica)
173437 Language et Culture, Meiji Gakuin University
160379 Language in Africa 2686-8946 Russian Academy of Science
166026 Language in Africa (Moscow & St Petersburg)
166024 Language in Africa (Moscow & St. Petersburg)
840961 Language in Japan The Society for Japanese Linguistics
6721 Language in Society 0047-4045 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
149024 Language in Society
77510 Language in performance
107412 Language policy in the context of contemporary language processes
30349 Language typology and language universals. An international handbook
88818 Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2327-3798 Taylor and Francis
145813 Language, Cognition and Neuroscience
16688 Language, Culture and Curriculum 0790-8318 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
148984 Language, Culture and Society 2676-1750 John Benjamins
167989 Language, Discours and Society
162777 Language, Individual
115439 Language, Journal of the Linguistic Society of America
103550 Language, Literature and Cultural Studies - Langue, Littérature et Études Culturelles
6723 Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 0161-1461 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
497020 Language, communication and information flow in entrepreneurship International Scholar Journals
113552 Language, communication, and culture
124124 Language. Philosophy. Culture 2223-2273
1652 Language@internet 1860-2029 Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf
152869 Languages MDPI
52552 Languages & Linguistics
180507 Languages & Linguistics in Melanesia 0023-1959 Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea
41015 Languages and Linguistics
175981 Languages and Modalities 0000-0000 Online
39822 Languages in Contrast 1387-6759 John Benjamins Publishing
99192 Languages of Design, Formalisms for Word, Image and Sound
709379 Languages of the Caucasus 2375-2068
25464 Languages of the Tibeto-Burman Area
107997 Langue et Littérature. Repères identitaires en contexte européen / Language and Literature. European Landmarks of Identity, didactique des langues Facultatea de Litere, Pitesti, Romania
149967 Langue francaise
69620 Langue francaise, Paris~: Larousse
39823 Langue française 0023-8368 Armand Colin
164341 Langue française
127257 Langue(s) & Parole 2466-7757 Éditions du CIPA
388978 Langue(s) et Parole Université Autonome de Barcelone et Centre International de Phonétique Appliquée
34811 Langue, fonctionnements, représentations, enseignement et apprentissage. Colloque national des jeunes chercheurs en sciences du langage (18-19 juin 1999)
35172 Langue, lecture et école au Japon
96955 Langue, littérature, littéralité
101367 Languedoc Psychologie Institut de psychologie
166339 Langues & Cultures 2716-8093
716421 Langues & Cultures 2716-8093 Université Ahmed Draya d'Adrar
84713 Langues & cité
134138 Langues & usages Université Abderrahmane Mira de Béjaia
35174 Langues : Histoires et usages dans l'aire méditerranéenne
44259 Langues : cahiers d'études et de recherches francophones 1291-1542 Université des réseaux d'expression française
716567 Langues Formation Education 2820-7645
28800 Langues Modernes
138715 Langues O INALCO
809412 Langues O
83957 Langues Orientales Anciennes Philologie et Linguistique 0987-7738 Peeters ; LOAPL
71333 Langues et Cités
36066 Langues et Constitutions
30657 Langues et Droits. Langues du droit, droit des langues, Hervé Guillorel et Geneviève Koubi éd
54944 Langues et Linguistique
162607 Langues et Linguistiques
913176 Langues et Littératures 0851-0881 Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Maroc
26706 Langues et Littératures du Monde Arabe 1625-5194 UMR ICAR - ENS éditions
35156 Langues et cité 1772-757X DGLF - Observatoire des pratiques linguistiques
174085 Langues et cité
101758 Langues et cité
115470 Langues et cité, Bulletin de l'observatoire des pratiques linguistiques
174102 Langues et cité, Bulletin de l'observatoire des pratiques linguistiques. 
180528 Langues et cité, revue en ligne
617802 Langues et cultures 2716-8212 Université Ahmed Draya d'Adrar (Algérie)
49771 Langues et langage
30950 Langues et langages
131497 Langues et littératures berbères, chronique des études
703848 Langues, Culture, Sociétés 2550-651X
140413 Langues, Cultures, Communication 2550-6471 Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Université Mohammed 1er - Oujda - Maroc
113210 Langues, cultures et sociétés
133181 Langues, diversité et stratégies interculturelles
71954 Langues, langage et textes
97395 Langues, littératures et identités culturelles, Paris, L'Harmattan
125930 Lanscape History 0143-3768 Routledge Taylor & Francis
69462 Lan­guages in Contrast
53108 Lao Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
207527 Lao Medical Journal 2219-3847 University of Health Sciences, Phiawat Campus, VIentiane
548838 Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery 2468-9009 Elsevier
85037 Lapithos
48556 Lapsus
25327 Lapurdum 1273-3830 Centre de recherche sur la langue et les textes basques IKER UMR 5478 CNRS
137877 Larcier-Bruylant, coll. "Europe", Bruxelles
444251 Lard-Frit Panache éditions
61555 Lares
136097 Lares : quadrimestrale di studi demoetnoantropologici 0023-8503 Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki
96977 Lares, quadrimestriale di studi demoetnoantropologici
628805 Lares-Quadrimestrale di studi demoetnoantropologici Casa editrice Olschki
110130 Large Animal Review 1124-4593
6726 Large Animal Veterinarian 1043-7533 Watt Publishing Co
78691 Large Marine Ecosystems
167318 Large Scale Systems 0165-0777 North-Holland
126836 Larhyss Journal 1112-3680 Research laboratory in subterranean and surface hydraulics
35308 Larsa - Travaux de 1987 et 1989
16696 Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 0935-8943 Georg Thieme Verlag
57515 Laryngol Otol Rhinol
150760 Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie 0340-1588
19535 Laryngoscope 0023-852X Wiley
181886 Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology 2378-8038 Wiley
31593 Las dinámicas de la población indígena. Cuestiones y debaste actuales en México
30422 Las nuevas fronteras de la desigualdad
298971 Las puertas del drama: revista de la Asociación de Autores de Teatro 1575-9504 Asociación de Autores de Teatro
70873 Laser & Photonics Reviews
16699 Laser Chemistry 0278-6273 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
6727 Laser Focus 0740-2511 PennWell Pub. Co
6728 Laser Focus World 1043-8092 Laser Focus
138626 Laser Focus World
36771 Laser Methods in Medicine & Biology
341077 Laser Photonics Rev
46273 Laser Phys. Lett
16700 Laser Physics 1054-660X MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
134978 Laser Physics
16701 Laser Physics Letters 1612-2011 IOP Publishing
16703 Laser Technik Journal 1613-7728 Wiley-VCH Verlag
86230 Laser Therapy
116911 Laser Therapy 0898-5901 International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine
16698 Laser and Particle Beams 0263-0346 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
16697 Laser and Photonics Reviews 1863-8880 Wiley-VCH Verlag
53314 Laser in Engineering