Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
90365 NSS/MIC 2013 : IEEE nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference
90367 Le Verbe dans tous ses états : grammaire, sémantique, didactique, Diptyque,
90368 Мысль - Санкт-Петербургское философское общество (
90370 Elisée, Revista de Geografia da UEG
90371 Miscelanea Medieval Murciana
90376 Contemp. Math
90382 africa economic brief
90391 Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management
90392 Journal of Materials Life Society
90398 The spectrum
90399 Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc
90403 Les cahiers de l'espace
90404 Jour. App. Phys
90406 ACM Ada Letters
90415 Int. J. of Product Lifecycle Management
90418 La Pierre & l'Ecrit
90419 DARIAH-DE Working Papers
90420 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
90421 Journal of South China University of Technology
90422 Journal of Unsolved Questions
90423 IAU Symposium, Volume 297- 2014
90424 Constats et leçons issus de deux sites industriels
90426 Revue Internationale de psychologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels ESKA
90433 Diffuse Optical Imaging III. Edited by Hielscher
90439 Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development Entrepreneurship
90440 Journal of the international association for shell ans spatial structures
90445 Board Game Studies
90447 International Journal of Oceanography
90449 International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management Inderscience
90457 UPB Scientific Bulletin
90459 International Journal of Pavements
90464 Journal of Bioenergetics
90468 ISBI 2013 : IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro
90472 News and Views
90473 Kufa Review
90475 ASIA CCS 2013 : 8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security
90477 FC 2013 : Financial Cryptography and Data Security 17th International Conference
90480 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systemes, Series B: Applications and Algorithms
90487 International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM)
90488 Estudios del centro de políticas públicas
90489 arhitext. Arhitectura (in)vizibilului
90490 Architecture-Mouvement-Continuité
90491 Adventice
90495 Actes des Premières Rencontres Doctorales en Architectures, " Trajectoires doctorales ", Cahiers de la Recherche Architecturale, Urbaine et Paysagère
90504 Revista Brasileira de Sociologia
90506 Capital Histoire
90507 Electronic Journal of Digital Enterprise Georgetown University Library
90508 Revue électronique internationale e-TI (e-revue en Technologies de l'Information)
90509 Revue RTSI, s√©rie ISI, Vol. 14 N¬∞2 Hermès-Lavoisier
90512 International Journal on Networking and Computing unknown