Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
86836 J. African Earth Sc
86841 Revista del Área de Estudios Urbanos
86842 Revue Aequitas (Universidad del Salvador - Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas - Buenos Aires (Argentina)
86850 Multiscale Analysis of the Roughness Effect on Lubricated Rough Contact
86854 Effects of abrasive tools on surface finishing under brittle-ductile grinding regimes when manufacturing glass
86856 Yearb Med Inform
86860 Soviet and Post-Soviet Review
86863 Voices in Italian Americana
86866 The Scale Effect of Roughness on Hydrodynamic Contact Friction
86867 Network and heterogenous media
86869 E/C
86870 Aracne editrice
86874 International of Sustainable Engineering
86878 J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
86880 Pedobiologia - International Journal of Soil Biology
86881 International Conference Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME)
86887 Journal of Life Sciences
86893 International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering
86894 Journal of Optoelectronics Laser
86896 Guangxue Xuebao
86897 Studii şi Cercetări Matematice
86907 Annales du centre régional de documentation pédagogique de Clermont-Ferrand
86909 OSLa Oslo Studies in Language
86918 Revue interdisciplinaire des travaux sur les Amériques
86919 Actes des 12° journées nationales du MAIS (Mouvement pour l'accompagnement et l'insertion sociale)
86921 Cuadernos de bioética
86925 Front. Chem. Anal. Chem
86926 ACS Chem. Biol
86930 Les Dossiers de demain, revue de l'Agence d'urbanisme de la région grenobloise
86939 Functional Materials Letter
86943 Mada-Géo : journal des sciences de la terre
86946 NAVITEC 2012 : 6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies
86950 International journal of creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics
86956 Revue Aménagement-environnement
86964 Cook's Log
86966 Journal of Transportation Safety and Security
86971 Matari'i. La Revue du Ciel. Centre d'investigation en ethnoastronomie locale
86973 Les petits cahiers du CDI ( Centre de Droit International)
86978 Military Law and the Law of war Review
86986 Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
86988 Journal of micro./Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS
86998 IRECAP
86999 Progress in Electromagnetics Research PIER L
87021 International Journal of Chemical Modeling
87027 EMC Radiologie Et Imagerie Médicale - Principes Et Techniques - Radioprotection
87030 Νέα Ῥώμη. Rivista di ricerche bizantinistiche
87032 Journal of the Korean Society for nondestructuve testing
87041 Educar : revista del Departament de Pedagogia i de Didàctica
87042 La Berio, Rivista semestrale di storia locale e di informazioni bibliografiche
87044 Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, Online-Ausgabe
87050 Transportmetrica
87060 Arabyan Humanities / ex-Chroniques yéménites
87061 ヨーロッパ研究
87064 Behaviour & Information Technology
87067 Magazine France-Arménie
87074 Café Géo
87088 Journal of Amino Acids
87096 International Journal Ion Mobility Spectroscopy
87098 Information for Journal of Algebra, Number Theory: Advances and Applications
88244 Cuadernos de soluçoes constitucionais (Brésil)
88251 Известия Санкт-Петербургской лесотехнической академии (Actes Forêts de l'Académie technique Saint-Pétersbourg)
88253 Pages Europe
88254 La Lettres de la DFLM
88274 Littératures et langages
88277 Prace geograficzne
88280 Mittelweg 36
88281 Bloch' Notes
88283 International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering
88284 The Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle III: Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automatic Control and Informatics (ISSN: 1221-454X)
88286 American Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
88292 French Studies in Southern Africa
88293 Offcourse. A Literary Journey
88294 Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte XXII
88295 Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte
88298 Orbis Linguarum, Wroclaw
88299 La Foucade
88301 Les Actes de Lecture
88316 Théâtre du monde
88319 The Journal of Hindu Studies
88320 Kultura Liberalna
88324 International Journal on Communications Antenna & Propagation
88329 The Theta Foundation
88330 Clay Math. Proc
88331 Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc
88332 J. Non Commut. Geom
88336 J. Op. Th
88338 Pacific J. Math
88339 Operator theoretical methods (Timisoara, 1998), Theta Found
88342 The 21st Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'09)
88344 NU Ideas
88345 the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)
88351 Em Questão
88358 Telecommunication Systems, Springer
88386 Cornova
88387 ISRN Economics
88388 Image and Vision Computing Journal