Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
267356 Réussir Pâtre 1638-4830 Idèle
267442 Annual Review of Developmental Psychology 2640-7922 Annual Reviews
267564 Comunicación y Género 2605-1982
267671 Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal 2581-6152
267682 Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs 2332-0761 Longdom
267798 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters (PIER Letters)
267814 Progress In Electromagnetics Research C
267821 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
267834 Ingeniare
267868 Lettres des départements scientifiques du CNRS. Sciences physiques et mathématiques 1168-6251 CNRS
267896 Hotel Cordel
268035 Cahiers du volontariat 2593-2667 Plateforme Francophone du Volontariat
268044 Urban Science
268074 Filosofi(e)Semiotiche 2531-9434 il Sileno edizioni
268132 Diversité. Revue d'actualité et de réflexion sur l'action éducative
268224 Silhouette AEDON Productions SAS
268287 Knowledge 2673-9585
268289 Current Chinese Chemistry 2666-0008
268351 Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 2572-3626 Trinity University
268416 Fabrica Societatis 2657-3679 Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
268585 Palabra y Razón, Revista de Filosofía, Teología y Ciencias de la Religión 2452-4646 Unversidad Catolica del Maule
268650 Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes, 2015
268651 Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes, 2016
268653 Scriptorium, 2017
268654 Revue de philologie, de littérature et d’histoire anciennes, 2016
268660 Incontri di filologia classica
268661 Geographia Antiqua
268665 Villes en parallèle,
268671 Papyrologica Lupiensia
268673 RPh 92/1, 2018
268674 Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris
268678 Interférences littéraires / Literaire Interferenties 2031-2970
268698 Le Souffleur 2297-2153 Association des amis du Théâtre populaire romand (TPR), La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)
268787 Yearbook of Finno-Ugric Studies 2224-9443
268788 Archaeologie in Deutschland
268813 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Reports 2772-4174
269050 Applied Microbiology 2673-8007 MDPI
269069 Current Tissue Microenvironment Reports Springer
269175 Research and Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 Research & Reviews
269440 Bajo palabra. Revista de filosofía de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 1576-3935 UAM Ediciones
269593 Sidney Journal 1192-1757 Massachusetts Center for Renaissance Studies
269686 Documenta Mathematica 1431-0635 Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung e.V., Berlin
269723 Digital Culture & Society 2364-2114
269918 Synthesis and Catalysis: Open Access 2574-0431 Insight Medical Publishing
270155 Revista Republicana 1909-4450
270313 Revista Pensamiento Republicano 2145-4175 Corporación Universitaria Republicana
270316 Tijdschrift voor Filosofie : Leuven Journal of Philosophy 1370-575X KU Leuven
270438 Modernités Médiévales
270451 Journal of Economics, Theology and Religion 2772-9001 Erasmus Economics and Theology Institute (EETI) of Erasmus University of Rotterdam
270478 Archives héraldiques suisses 1423-0534 Société suisse d'héraldique
270718 Int J Adv Med 2349-3925
270769 Revista Brasileira de Alergia e Imunopatologia ASBAI
270922 J Belg Soc Radiol/Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology 2514-8281 London : Ubiquity Press, [2015]
270929 The European Union review 1606-8963 ECSA
270940 High altitude medicine & biology/High Alt Med Biol 1527-0297 Larchmont, NY : Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., c2000
271223 Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 1526-1506 Tech Science Press
271249 Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems American Meteorological Society
271455 ALCEU 2175-7402
271458 Nature Reviews Physics 2522-5820
271462 Forces in Mechanics 2666-3597
271541 arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.10050
271718 Synthèse 1282-3910 Isemar : Institut du shipping et d'économie maritime
271742 Tesserae iuris 2724-2013 Universitas Studiorum Casa Editrice
271971 Cleaner Production Letters 2666-7916
272978 System and Information Sciences Notes (SISN) 1753-2310
273006 International Journal of Physical Activity and Health
273078 L'Age de faire : écologie, citoyenneté, solidarité : savoir, comprendre, agir 1777-1323 L'Age de faire
273100 Réseau Allix, Lettre d’actualité IRJS
273154 Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal 1013-7025
273297 The EMBO Journal 1460-2075
273298 Hépato-Gastro
284441 ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 1935-021X
284443 Ash-sharq
284446 JAAJ
284447 Studia Biblica Athanasiana
284456 International Journal of Cancer and Oncology Ommega Publishers
284470 Old World. Journal of Ancient Africa and Eurasia 2667-0755 Brill
284877 The Journal of Epigraphic Studies
284988 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 1943-7536 Association for Information Systems
285006 Annals of Operations Research
285012 Ophthalmology Science 2666-9145
285055 e-Spania 1951-6169
285102 Journal of Contemporary Research in Business Administration and Economic Sciences 2777-7391 International Business and Economic Research Academy
285145 Al-Machriq 1010-710X Beyrouth, Dar el Machrek
285263 Small States & Territories 2616-8006 Islands & Small States Institute of the University of Malta
285337 Fondation Eugène Piot. Monuments et mémoires publiés par l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
285434 Dumerilia 1256-7779 Association des Amis du Laboratoire des Reptiles et Amphibiens du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris / Zoologos
285699 CIM Bulletin 2183-8062 Centro Internacional de Matemática
285798 Asian Herpetological Research
285799 Biology Letters
285800 Applications in Plant Sciences
285820 Bulletin d'information Biblique 0990-1620 Équipes de recherche biblique
285828 Історія народного господарства та економічної думки України = History of economics and economic thought of Ukraine 0320-4421 Відділ економічної історії ДУ "Інститут економіки та прогнозування НАН України
286013 Riječ 0354-6039 Filozofski fakultet univerziteta Crne Gore
286024 Open Journal of Statistics 2161-7198
286064 Complex & Intelligent Systems 2199-4536
286105 Jubilé de l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
286148 Journal of analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation
286188 Art Africa Magazine
286246 Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar 2238-2860
286256 Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo 1415-9104
286273 Energy Conversion and Management
286276 The Journal of Modern History
286397 Archaeological Museum Newsletter Friends of the American University Archaeological Museum
286464 Journal of User Experience 1931-3357 Usability Professionals' Association
286465 Les Cahiers Pédagogiques 2268-7874 CRAP
286472 Brain and Spine 2772-5294
286588 Redalyc 2011-0839 Revista Universitas Medica
286609 Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique
286610 Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition
286612 Gynecologie, obstetrique & fertilite
286613 Annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation
286614 Indian pediatrics
286615 Children (Basel, Switzerland)
286616 Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie
286625 Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery
286632 Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
286633 Fetal and pediatric pathology
286634 Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association
286635 Frontiers in pediatrics
286808 International Journal of Mathematics and Physics 2409-5508 Almaty Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
286844 Cytobios
286847 Perspective : actualité en histoire de l'art INHA
286868 Revista Valenciana. Estudios de filosofía y letras 2007-2538
286886 Veredas: Revista de Estudos Linguísticos 1982-2243 Denise Weiss
287119 Cell Death and Disease
287147 Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung
287176 Archive of Mechanical Engineering 0004-0738 Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building
287293 Scriptum 2371-0497
287359 the Veterinary journal 1090-0233 elsevier
287362 Behaviour & Information Technology 1362-3001
287373 Europa 1778-171X
287502 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 1520-4804
287564 Research and Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2319-9865 Research & Reviews
287671 Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Fortune Journals
287701 Fraternité d'Abraham 0336-9126 Collège de France
287716 Revue de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
287827 Ekrany
287887 revue Alumni ENS-LSH
287973 Études. Revue de culture contemporaine 0014-1941 SER-SA
287992 Nutrients
287993 Trials
288072 JAAD International 2666-3287
288134 Pobl Vreizh 0245-9507 Gael Briand
288187 Studi di Antichità
288243 XVIIe siècle, N° 273 0012-4273 PUF
288244 Carbon dd
288514 Politiques & Management Public 0758-1726 Lavoisier
288579 Supramolecular Chemistry
278790 California Journal of Politics and Policy 1944-4370
278805 AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research 2162-3317
278806 Tel Aviv
278807 Semitica
278810 Le Monde de la Bible
278814 Biblica
278816 Ugarit-Forschungen
278817 Verbum et Ecclesia
278842 Les Cahiers de la SFE Société Française de l'Évaluation
278845 Journal International de Technologie, de l'Innovation, de la Physique, de l'Énergie et de l'Environnement - JITIPEE
278852 Mena Business Law Review 2493-3996 Lexis Nexis
278938 Materials Research Express
278996 Veille technologique : le magazine de l'ASPROM
279006 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
279008 La Vie protestante neuchâteloise
279011 Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
279012 Selecciones de Teología
279013 Autres Temps
279014 Evangile et Liberté
279019 Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses
279020 Lire et Dire
279024 Les cahiers protestants
279030 Foi & Vie, CB
279031 Les cahiers des A.R.I.A
279032 RThPh
279033 Libresens
279042 Journal of Physics: Conference Series
279050 Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 1735-3602 University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Evin, Kudakyar Ave., Tehran, Iran
279103 Key Engineering Materials
279106 MRC Working Papers 2534-9465 Monetary Research Center (Sofia)
279208 Actualité des religions
279209 AEPHE.R
279212 Dielheimer Blätter zum Alten Testament
279214 Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte
279219 Autre Temps
279220 Archiv für Religionsgeschichte
279317 Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics
279347 Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology
279368 Latinitas 2310-161X Arbor sapientiae
279372 International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science & Technology
279374 Journal of Engineering and Technology Research
279383 Trans
279391 Foi et vie / Cahier Biblique
279393 Welt und Umwelt der Bibel
279397 Theologische Zeitschrift Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Basel
279408 Revue DIMS Maghtech 2824-9712 Réseau Maghtech
279418 Journal of ICT Standardization 2245-800X
279521 Revista Politikja 2225-6458 Departament i Shkencave Politike, Universiteti i Tiranës
279623 Flash eNews: the EAAP Newsletter European Federation of Animal Science