Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
17999 Physics of Atomic Nuclei / Yadernaya Fizika 1063-7788 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
18000 Physics of Fluids 1070-6631 American Institute of Physics
18003 Physics of Life Reviews 1571-0645 Elsevier
18005 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters / PisВ'ma v Zhurnal Fizika Elementarnykh Chastits i Atomnogo Yadra 1547-4771 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
18006 Physics of Plasmas 1070-664X American Institute of Physics
171514 Physics of Wave Phenomena 1541-308X Springer
110005 Physics of the Dark Universe 2212-6864 Elsevier
18007 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 0031-9201 Elsevier
18008 Physics of the Solid State 1063-7834 Springer
81824 Physics of the Solid State American Institute of Physics
7797 Physics today 0031-9228 American Institute of Physics
18010 Physics-Uspekhi 1063-7869 Turpion
40218 PhysicsWorld Archive IOP Publishing Limited
18011 Physik in unserer Zeit 0031-9252 Wiley-VCH Verlag
20343 Physikalische Blatter
50550 Physio-Géo - Géographie Physique et Environnement 1958-573X AERES
159918 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317
7798 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317 Wiley
21485 Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical Nmr 0748-6642 Physiological Chemistry and Physics
18014 Physiological Entomology 0307-6962 Wiley
18015 Physiological Genomics 1094-8341 American Physiological Society
18016 Physiological Measurement 0967-3334 IOP Publishing
157441 Physiological Plant Pathology 0048-4059
101999 Physiological Reports 2051-817X Wiley
1942 Physiological Research 0862-8408 Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences
7800 Physiological Reviews 0031-9333 American Physiological Society
7801 Physiological Zoology 0031-935X University of Chicago Press
7799 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 1522-2152 University of Chicago Press
18013 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 0885-5765 Elsevier
1943 Physiologist 0031-9376 American Physiological Society
21484 Physiology 1548-9213 American Physiological Society
18017 Physiology & behavior 0031-9384 Elsevier
166851 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0971-5894 Springer
217826 Physiology international 2498-602X Hungarian Academy of Sciences
18018 Physioscience 1860-3092 Georg Thieme Verlag
40219 Physiotherapy 0031-9406 Elsevier
40220 Physiotherapy Canada 0300-0508 University of Toronto Press
40221 Physiotherapy Frontline 1356-9791 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
18019 Physiotherapy Research International 1358-2267 Wiley
18020 Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 0959-3985 Taylor & Francis
148649 Physis Terrae - Revista Ibero-Afro-Americana de Geografia Física e Ambiente 2184-626X Universidade do Minho
43298 Physis; rivista internazionale di storia della scienza 0031-9414 Leo Olschki Editore
120605 Phytiatrie Phytopharmacie 0031-8876
160096 Phytiatrie Phytopharmacie 0031-8876
603506 PhytoFrontiers 2690-5442 APS Publications
107741 PhytoKeys 1314-2011 Pensoft
142397 Phytobiomes Journal APS Publications
18021 Phytochemical Analysis 0958-0344 Wiley
7802 Phytochemistry 0031-9422 Elsevier
160085 Phytochemistry 0031-9422
105958 Phytochemistry Letters 1874-3900 Elsevier
18022 Phytochemistry Reviews 1568-7767 Springer Verlag
18023 Phytocoenologia 0340-269X Borntraeger Science Publishers
147843 Phytologia 0031-9430 Texensis Publishing
159731 Phytoma 0048-4091
102786 Phytoma 2265-089X Groupe France Agricole
155576 Phytoma España 1131-8988
104516 Phytoma la Défense des Végétaux 1164-6993 Ruralia/Le Carrousel
18024 Phytomedicine 0944-7113 Elsevier
156223 Phytomedizin 0944-0933
139802 Phyton, International Journal of Experimental Botany 0031-9457 Tech Science Press
106311 Phytoneuron 2153-733X Phytoneuron
108899 Phytoparasitica 0334-2123 Springer
131740 Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 2249-4669 Technology Society Of Basic And Applied Sciences
120335 Phytopathologia Mediterranea 0031-9465 Firenze University Press
157288 Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 0031-9481
7803 Phytopathology 0031-949X American Phytopathological Society
159926 Phytopathology 0031-949X
154968 Phytopathology Research 2524-4167
146738 Phytopharmacology 2046-1194 Inforesights publishing
156677 Phytophthora Newsletter (Versailles) 0983-1401
40222 Phytoprotection 0031-9511 NRC Research Press
114103 Phytotaxa 1179-3155 Magnolia Press
18025 Phytotherapy Research 0951-418X Wiley
12710 Phytothérapie 1624-8597 Springer Verlag
112124 Phänomenologische Forschungen 0342-8117 Felix Meiner Verlag
169313 Phœbus : la revue de la sûreté de fonctionnement 1621-0190 Editions Préventique
20344 Pi N Newsletter
113373 Pictor 2273-7669 Pessac: Ausonius
7804 Picturescope 0031-9694 Picture Division, Special Libraries Association
7805 Piecework 1067-2249 Interweave Press, LLC
40223 Piel 0213-9251 Elsevier España
7806 Pierce Law Review 1543-138X Franklin Pierce Law Center
157542 Pig Farming 0031-9759
157134 Pig International 2312-6949
153854 Pig News and Information 0143-9014
154873 Pig Progress 1387-3946
94141 Pigment Cell & melanoma research Blackwell Munksgaard
18029 Pigment Cell Research 0893-5785 Wiley-Blackwell
104635 Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 1755-1471
18028 Pigment and Resin Technology 0369-9420 Emerald
40224 Pijn Info Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum BV
122592 Piktorialismus Portal Kunstbibliothek – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
156346 Pil'Azote Infos Isère 1252-9966
149399 Pilgrimages: The Journal of Dorothy Richardson Studies 2050-9502 the Dorothy Richardson Society
203167 Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2055-5784 BioMed Central
40225 Pink Sheet 0734-6514 FDC Reports Inc
7809 Pioneer America Society transactions : P.A.S.T. Pioneer America Society 0884-3309 Pioneer America Society
7811 Pipe Line Industry 0032-0145 Pipe Line Industry
7812 Pipeline & gas journal 0032-0188 Advanstar Communications