Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
58634 IJEBM
144718 IJEC, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1086-4415
144370 IJEM, International Journal of Educational Management 0951-354X
171301 IJERT
93259 IJETAE
144076 IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1937-4585
554475 IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
55201 IJGS
105833 IJICT, International Journal on Information and Communication Technologies, Special Issue on Information Technologies
105707 IJIG, International Journal of Image and Graphics
55124 IJIGS
66728 IJIIDS
144823 IJIL, International Journal of Innovation and Learning 1471-8197
144511 IJIMA, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 1477-5212
144815 IJISM, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 1477-5360
119532 IJJL International Journal of Literary Linguistics
123085 IJLS Law Journal
65067 IJMIC, International Journal of Identification Modelling and Control , special issue on Formal Modeling and Verification of Critical Systems
144734 IJMR, International journal of management reviews 1460-8545
91727 IJMSA - International Journal of Materials Science ans Applications
90716 IJNCR
83867 IJNS
51445 IJNS International Journal of Network Security
105835 IJOCI, International Journal on Organisational and Collective Intelligence
65678 IJODIR
144812 IJOQM, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 1082-1910
83609 IJOR
58631 IJPD
80310 IJPE
59216 IJPE, International Journal of Production Economics (Elsevier) Control and Management of Productive Systems
58627 IJPLM
144813 IJPQM, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 1746-6474
47975 IJPR
83133 IJPRAI on Automatic Signature Verification
110942 IJRCM : International journal of research in commerce, IT and management 2231-5756
150563 IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology
145195 IJRRAS
110335 IJSH - International journal of smart home 1975-4094
90765 IJSN, International Journal of Sensor Networks
136715 IJTD
58633 IJTM
917700 IJUQ
58630 IJVCM
64852 IJVS International Journal on Violence and School
66707 IJVSMT International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
133564 IJWGS
58981 IJWMC : International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing
91581 IKALA
179071 IL-6 increase in CSF as additional diagnostic criteria for definite neuro-behcet disease
175922 ILCEA (Revue de l'Institut des Langues et des Cultures d'Europe et d'Amérique
182161 ILCEA, Revue de l’Institut des langues et cultures d’Europe, Amérique, Afrique, Asie et Australie
215247 ILIRIA International Review 2192-7081
168705 ILO Research Department Working Paper
168704 ILO Working Paper
138166 ILO research Papers
116830 ILR Review
84488 IM '13 : IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management
101117 IM 2015
56657 IM Environnement
174405 IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
160537 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
51024 IMACS Transactions
54250 IMAGE'2008
81742 IMD Report, EFMD, Bruxelles
111862 IMED
175775 IMF Economic Review 2041-4161
33292 IMF Working Paper
47833 IMF Working Paper ( International Monetary Fund)
37413 IMF Working Paper n° WP/06/247, International Monetary Fund
129412 IMHE
95528 IMIS Beiträge
53832 IMKU
78796 IMMoA '12 : 2nd International Workshop on Information Management for Mobile Applications
144820 IMP journal 0809-7259
156720 IMPP Newsletter
76672 IMProVe International conference on Innovative Methods in Product Design
76192 IMTIC '12 : Second International Multi Topic Conference
49604 IN2P3 Rapport d'activité 2004-2006
356704 INA Global
62567 INAMO
176435 INAMO 0946-0721
66787 INAP
91020 INCOM 2012
75726 INCOSE 2012 proceeding
80447 INDES. Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft
54095 INED - Congrès et colloques
75302 INEE CNRS press, Paris
177727 INFFO Formation
75487 INFOCOM 2012
71426 INFOCOMP Journal
169087 INFOR
176563 INFOR Journal
863841 INFORM International News on Fats, Oils, and Related Materials 1528-9303
49346 INFORMATION & SECURITY. An International Journal