Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
16722 Leadership and Policy in Schools 1570-0763 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
16723 Leadership in Action 1093-6092 Wiley
13648 Leading Edge 1070-485X Society of Exploration Geophysicists
544271 Leading Internet Case Law
47557 Leading-Edge Messenger RNA Research Communications
6764 Leads 0458-8983 American Library Association
1660 Lean Construction Journal 1555-1369 Lean Construction Institute
6765 Lear's 0897-0149 Lear's
50801 Lear. & Mem
30184 Learn Mem
117229 Learn. Mem
59811 Learned Publishibg
16724 Learned Publishing 0953-1513 Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
159942 Learned Publishing 0953-1513
85727 Learning & Behavior
73865 Learning & Instruction
6767 Learning (Belmont, Calif.) 0090-3167 Learning
39837 Learning Circuits American Society for Training and Development
16727 Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 0938-8982 Wiley
6772 Learning Disability Quarterly 0731-9487 SAGE Publications
39839 Learning Disability Today Pavilion Publishing
73867 Learning Environment Research
16728 Learning Environments Research 1387-1579 Springer Verlag
147614 Learning Health Systems 2379-6146
144700 Learning Organization (The) 0969-6474
19536 Learning Organization, The 0969-6474 Emerald
51384 Learning Technology
6773 Learning Today 0091-7281 Library College Associates, Inc
6766 Learning and Behavior 1543-4494 Springer Verlag
6768 Learning and Individual Differences 1041-6080 Elsevier
16726 Learning and Instruction 0959-4752 Elsevier
6769 Learning and Leading with Technology 1082-5754 The International Society for Technology in
16725 Learning and Memory 1072-0502 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
655911 Learning and Memory 1549-5485
6770 Learning and Motivation 0023-9690 Elsevier
114788 Learning and individual differences
75054 Learning and nonlinear models (L&NLM)-Journal of the Brazilian Society on Neural networks
16729 Learning in Health and Social Care 1473-6853 Wiley
81119 Learning inquiry
73896 Learning technology newsletter
102556 Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 2210-6561 Elsevier
98994 Learning, Media & Technology
16730 Learning, Media and Technology 1743-9884 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
680856 Learning, strategies, and educationnal policies. What interdisciplinarity, methodologies and international perspectives?
112873 Leaves 2492-0983 CLIMAS - Université Bordeaux Montaigne
811954 Leaves 2492-0983
919133 Leaves
21891 Lebanese Medical Journal 0023-9852 Scientific Committee of the Lebanese Order of Physicians
23116 Lebanese Science Journal 1561-3410 National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon
94477 Lebanese Sciences Journal
279631 Leben & Glauben
154300 Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie-Food Science and Technology
39840 Lebensmittel Zeitung 0024-0001 Deutscher Fachverlag GMBH
75958 Lebensmittel wissenschaft und technologie
20574 Lebensmittelchemie
92450 Lebenswelt. aesthetics and philosophy of experience 2240-9599 Università degli Studi di Milano
150639 Lechaim 0869-5792
387077 Lect. Notes Phys Springer
117540 Lecticiel-infos Saint-Cloud
1661 Lectio Difficilior 1661-3317 Universität Bern
70580 Lectora : revista de dones i textualitat (Barcelona)
163941 Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat
32833 Lectrices d'Ancien Régime (Actes du Colloque International Lectrices d'Ancien Régime, modalités, enjeux, représentations, Université Rennes 2--Haute Bretagne, 27-29 juin 2002)
48697 Lectura y signo
111103 Lecturae tropatorum 1974-4374 Napoli: Università di Napoli Federico II
45295 Lecturas Matematicas (Bogotá, Col.)
26868 Lecturas de Economia CIE Universidad de Antioquia
174702 Lecturas de historia del arte
126992 Lecture Jeune 1163-4987 Lecture jeunesse
168223 Lecture Jeune, La Romance décomplexée
96450 Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligence
169056 Lecture Notes / ABIOMED 1733-0874 Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
57527 Lecture Notes In Buseness Information Processing
92157 Lecture Notes Series London Mathematical Society
67944 Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics
27675 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Springer
64873 Lecture Notes in Automation, the Edition of the Selected Papers entitled "Frontiers of Assembly and Manufacturing" , Lee, Sukhan; Suárez, Raúl; Choi, Byung Wook (Eds.)
54153 Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, LNCS 5488
157105 Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 0341-633X
114168 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 1865-1348 Springer
60772 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Springer-Verlag
178007 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 2366-2557
85077 Lecture Notes in Communication on Computer and Information Science
45404 Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 1439-7358 Springer
47704 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0302-9743 Springer
702493 Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer
514468 Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences
106512 Lecture Notes in Economics 129 and Mathematical Systems 0075-8442 Springer
169609 Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 0075-8442 Springer International Publishing
142840 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 1876-1100 Springer
85129 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer
134953 Lecture Notes in Energy 2195-1284
169012 Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science 2078-0966 Hong Kong: Newswood Limited
105422 Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography 1863-2246 Springer International Publishing
53025 Lecture Notes in Information Business Processes
179554 Lecture Notes in Information Technology
80071 Lecture Notes in Math
22871 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 0075-8434 Springer
118769 Lecture Notes in Mathematics
95219 Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering 2195-4356 Springer
182133 Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
150893 Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2367-3370 Springer Verlag
182675 Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
20258 Lecture Notes in Physics 0075-8450 Springer
60910 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics
48226 Lecture Notes in Statistics
45918 Lecture Notes in Statistics “Wavelets and Statistics”
89718 Lecture Notes in Statistics: Modeling and Stochastic Learning for Forecasting in High Dimension
146563 Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 1867-8211
129163 Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
114069 Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence
31175 Lecture Series on Comp. and Comput. Sci
43217 Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences
100915 Lecture critique d`article
57701 Lecture jeune
202285 Lecture jeunesse
58855 Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering
105474 Lecture notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
24125 Lecture notes in control and information sciences 0170-8643 Springer
79193 Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems
70404 Lecture notes in engineering and computer science
42831 Lecture notes on Mathematical Finance
14133 Lecture notes-monograph series / Institute of Mathematical Statistics 0749-2170 Institute of Mathematical Statistics
106090 Lecture pour tous
162732 Lecture, la revue des bibliothèques
125475 Lectures 2116-5289 Centre Max Weber
177428 Lectures 1255-8702
165142 Lectures
43802 Lectures (Bruxelles)
293380 Lectures - La revue des bibliothèques Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Service général des Lettres et du Livre
354364 Lectures Anthropologiques 2551-2927
177194 Lectures [en ligne] Les comptes rendus
152135 Lectures anthropologiques : Revue de comptes rendus critiques Association française d'ethnologie et d'anthropologie
166275 Lectures de Mac Orlan 2275-0894 Société des lecteurs de Pierre Mac Orlan
68741 Lectures de Samuel Beckett
31268 Lectures des territoires
107739 Lectures du genre 1958-5136 Lectures du genre
159407 Lectures du genre
128600 Lectures du monde anglophone 2429-2664 ERIAC - EA 4705
452285 Lectures liens socio
32119 Lectures politiques des mythes littéraires au XXe siècle
174076 Lectures, Les comptes rendus
904048 Lectures.Revues.Org
164965 Lectures.cultures 2565-7704
852178 Ledger 2379-5980 Pitt Open Library Publishing
92725 Ledidiga Revue négro-africaine de poétique et des sciences du langage
1662 Leeds International Classical Studies 1477-3643 University of Leeds
94680 Left History
6774 Legacy 0748-4321 University of Nebraska Press
163952 Legacy 1052-3774 National association for Interpretation
6775 Legal Affairs 1538-8123 Legal Affairs Inc
6776 Legal Aid Brief Case 0024-0338 National Legal Aid and Defender Association
129567 Legal Concept 2587-8115 Volgograd State University
6777 Legal Education Review 1033-2839 Legal Education Review
39841 Legal Ethics 1460-728X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6778 Legal Information Management 1472-6696 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
121544 Legal Information and Communication Technologies, European Press Academic Publishing
6779 Legal Intelligencer 0277-495X King & Baird
39842 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 1566-6573 Kluwer Law International
16735 Legal Issues of European Integration 0377-0915 Springer (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
16736 Legal Medicine 1344-6223 Elsevier
141845 Legal Medicine
6780 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 0270-319X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
530206 Legal Research Development 2456-3870
377931 Legal Research Quarterly 1024-0772 Shahid Beheshti University
6781 Legal Studies 0261-3875 Wiley
540320 Legal Studies
6782 Legal Studies Forum 0894-5993 American Legal Studies Association
6783 Legal Theory 1352-3252 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
16734 Legal and Criminological Psychology 1355-3259 Wiley
181334 Legal medicine 1873-4162
503033 Legal roots Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
151323 Legami e corrispondenze fra la Letteratura e le Arti Sinestesie
144149 Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies 2545-1693 Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN
113232 Leggendaria 1825-523X Anna Maria Crispino
166971 Leggendaria (Libri, Letture, Linguaggi)
480050 Leggere
160965 Leggere Donna 1122-4975 Andrea Musi Editore
93084 Leggere Yehoshua
149155 Legibase Elections Berger-Levrault
149154 Legibase RH Berger-Levrault
179309 Berger Levrault
620883 Legicom
28531 Legilocal
6784 Legion d'Honneur 1081-6828 New York, NY : The Society
16737 Legislative Studies Quarterly 0362-9805 Comparative Legislative Research Center
175348 Legislative Studies Quarterly
198115 Legislaçao do trabalho 1516-9154
161154 Legs et Littérature 2307-0234 Legs Edition
181347 Legs et donations. Le Guide des associations & fondations [Supplément à la Semaine juridique. Notariale et immobilière (JCP N)] 2606-9377 LexisNexis [201.-....]
105502 Legume Perspectives 2340-1559
171571 Legume Science 2639-6181 Wiley
177674 Legume Society 2340-1559
74234 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
107167 Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems 2199-2002 European Design and Automation Association (EDAA) \ EMbedded Systems Special Interest Group (EMSIG) and Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing
887773 Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems
34932 Leibniz et les puissances du langage
6785 Leiden Journal of International Law 0922-1565 Cambridge University Press (CUP)