Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
170802 France Bleu Bourgogne
177567 France Bleu Corse
169107 France Culture
179047 France Culture, "Une vie, Une Oeuvre
920578 France Culture, Entendez-vous l'éco ?
177414 France Culture, LSD, La série documentaire
838841 France Culture, Questions d’islam
157565 France Elevage Charolais
181138 France Forum
171087 France Forum Institut Jean Lecanuet
161675 France Info
133782 France Inter
170786 France Inter
45089 France Japon Eco
177402 France Portait Social 2427-805X INSEE
48250 France Portrait Social
139839 France Soir
169110 France TV Info
145878 France Tennis de Table Magazine 0984-421X Fédération française de tennis de table
178321 France aviation
360443 France cyclisme 2427-9986 Fédération française de cyclisme
68743 France latine
30805 France, Syrie et Liban 1918-1946. Les ambiguïtés et les dynamiques de la relation mandataire
84064 France-Arménie
710869 France-Asie. Revue française des problèmes asiatiques contemporains
108066 France-Estonie Association France-Estonie
160197 France-Guyane
162099 France-Italie
34706 France-Levant : de la fin du XVIIe siècle à la première guerre mondiale
73887 France-URSS Magazine
87399 France-Égypte. Horizons partagés
176631 France3-regions Nouvelle-Aquitaine
822719 FranceInter
177108 Franceinfo
665760 Frances Energies Marines
33298 Francesco Bianchini (1662-1729) ud die europäische gelehrte Welt um 1700
836665 Francetv Info
171132 Francetvinfo France3 Region Grand Est
171897 Francia
173013 Francia Mittelalter-Moyen Âge
919163 Francia, Beihefte der Francia (BdF)
172578 Francia, Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte
509776 Francia-Recensio
100561 Francia. 3, Histoire contemporaine (Institut historique allemand)
169743 Francia. Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte
169781 Francia. Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte 0251-3609
154644 Francia. Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte 0937-7743
43766 Francis Jammes Prosateur Colloque 3 mai 2002 - Bulletin n° 37
25916 Franciscan Studies
69689 Franciscana. Bollettino della Società internazionale di studi francescani
182860 Franciscanum
455280 Francisola : Revue indonésienne de la langue et la littérature françaises 2527-5100
117748 Francisola : : revue indonésienne de la langue et de la littérature françaises
70462 Franco-British Academic Partnerships : the next chapter
172052 Franco-British Studies
25969 Franco-Italica Edizioni dell'Orso
172806 Franco-Italica
144785 Franco-Italica 1121-7189
163877 Franco-scot humanities
166430 Francofonia
109653 Francontraste 2
166434 Francophone Postcolonial Studies
87181 Francophonia
126060 Francophonie vivante 1371-5232 Association Charles Plisnier
113509 Francosphères 2046-3820 Liverpool University Press
162789 Francosphères
105872 Francparler
179997 Francs-Parlers
77554 Franfurter Afrikanistische Blatter 19 (2007)
112844 Frankfurt African Studies Bulletin 0937-3039 Rüdiger Köppe
66625 Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter
66504 Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter ISBN 978-3-89645-719-6
175541 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 0174-4909
154756 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
85293 Frankfurter Frauenblatt
48185 Frankreich Jahrbuch
65369 Frankreich Jahrbuch 2010
182230 Frankreich-Forum. Jahrbuch des Frankreichzentrums der Universität des Saarlandes
83067 Frankreich-Jahrbuch 2010, Deutsch-französischer Institut (ISSN : 0935-6649)
173818 Fransk Nyt 0909-6547 Forfatter og Fransk Nyt
176691 Frantice 2110-5324 Caen
315410 Frantsuzskij Ezhegodnik
644530 Franz Rosenzweig-Jahrbuch Verlag Karl Alber
43616 Französisch Heute
119675 Französisch Heute 0342-2895 Vereinigung der Französischlehrerinnen und -lehrer e. V
25472 Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch
50668 França-Flash, Coopération, Recherche, Technologie
101640 Français & Société 1375-4599 EME Editions
31617 Français du Canada-français de France VI. Actes du sixième colloque International d'Orford, Magog (Québec), Université de Sherbrooke, 26-29 septembre 2000
179611 Français du Monde 0244-7607
98011 Français et Société
67306 Français, langue et littérature, socle commun
68904 Française de Socioéconomie
34999 François Couperin (1668-1733), textes réunis par Catherine Cessac
37075 François Mitterrabd et les territoires français du Pacifique (1981-1988)
287701 Fraternité d'Abraham 0336-9126 Collège de France
896478 Fraternité Œcuménique Internationale
170455 Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale
31501 Frauen und China
705004 Frauen und Film. Feministische Ökonomie und Zeitlichkeit Aviva
30423 Frauenarbeit Männerarbeit.Neue Muster der Ungleichheit auf demeuropäischen Arbeitsmarkt
35355 Free Rad. Bio. Chem
29682 Free Radic Res
103314 Free Radic Res
113382 Free Radic. Res
133295 Free Radical Research
160742 Free Radical Research Communications 8755-0199
820882 Free Turkish Press
173765 Free radical biology & medicine 1873-4596
134792 Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies
154459 Freiburger Münsterblatt
25537 Freiburger Universitätsblätter Rombach Verlag
93826 Freie Universitaet Berlin/ Verlag Das Arabische Buch
159156 Freinet-Pays des Maures 1275-2452 Editions du Luberon 14 bis chemin du Luberon 84360 Lauris
27929 Fremdheit – Eigenheit, hrsgb. P.C. Bol, G. Kaminski, C. Maderna, Städel-Jahrbuch, Francfort
132689 Fremdsprache Deutsch Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag
857794 Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung / AKS Almut Klepper-Pang und Andreas Bahr
31344 French Association for Muslim and Arabic World Studies -Congress "la construction des savoirs sur les mondes musulmans
112886 French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies
174003 French Colonial Historical Society
135964 French Colonial History
145588 French Cultural Studies
87503 French Culture Politics and Society
172641 French Historical Studies
172225 French History
163584 French Journal for Media Research indexé à DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
138572 French Journal of communication
92041 French Language Studies
132552 French Philosophy of Technology
177262 French Politics 1476-3427
302845 French Politics
159588 French Politics and Society 0882-1267
848698 French Politics, Culture &Society New York University
166389 French Politics, Culture and Society
332436 French Politix
167573 French Review
73645 French Royal Entries in the Sixteenth Century : Event, Image, Text, "The Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Essays and Studies series
802679 French Studies
173204 French Studies Bulletin
88292 French Studies in Southern Africa
82061 French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
711450 French Yearbook of Public Law
36011 French and Algerian Identities from Colonial Times to the Present. A Century of Interaction
355816 French history and civilization : papers from the George Rudé seminar 1832-9683
84626 French politics and society
157837 French report to COSPAR
36342 French-German Working Party on Energy Outlook and Energy Economics
131563 French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry
112127 Frenia. Revista de Historia de la Psiquiatría
58602 Frequency Control Symposium, 2009 Joint with the 22nd European Frequency and Time forum. IEEE International
52104 Frequenz
55624 Frequenz (special issue on THz waves),
76467 Frequenz - Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications
82629 Frequenz Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications
66086 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB)
93722 Fresenius Environmental Chemistry
54629 Freshwater Crayfish
57875 Freshwater Reviews
82161 Freshwater Science
53020 Fresjwater Biology
93844 Freudiana
31728 Freundschaft oder "amitié"? Ein politisch-soziales Konzept der Vormoderne im zwischensprachlichen Vergleich (15.-17. Jahrhundert), France (2005)
380440 Frictions 1298-5724 Jean-Pierre Han
173560 Frictions: Europe, America and Global Transformations
168870 Friedrich Hölderlin : présences du poète
164475 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Perspektive
583678 Friends of Dr Williams's Library Annual Lectures Dr Williams's Trust
80996 Frio Calor Aire acondicionado
91931 Friture Magazine, dossier "demain ma ville
96934 Friture mag
119230 From Data To Decision ISTE France-OpenScience
30415 From Myth to Reason ? Studies in the Development of Greek Thought
36649 From NP to DP: the expression of possession in noun phrases
783449 From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations 2194-1009 Springer Cham
107958 From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations II Springer International Publishing
36935 From Space to Place, 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology, Rome, 2006 december 2nd-7th
33758 From economic to legal competition: New perspectives on European federalism
99395 From here to there: Mileposts of European higher education
60713 From the Blank Page to the Silver Screen: Film Adaptation in the English-Speaking World
60714 From the Blank Page to the Silver Screen: Re-adaptation
549005 From the Outer Heliosphere to the Local Bubble, Space Sciences Series of ISSI
113250 From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies
33204 From the River to the Sea, the Paleolithic and the Neolithic on the Euphrates and in the Northern Levant Studies in Honour of L. Copeland
168392 From the economic matter of scarcity to thermodynamics to Freud's economic model
78317 From the other shore
72142 Fronesis
147892 Fronesis Socialdemokat 1651-9795
140547 Fronesis – Politik, teori, kritik 1404-2614
69397 Front (Séoul)
586662 Front Aging
29899 Front Biosci
64644 Front Biosci (Elite Ed)
75346 Front Genet
86109 Front Neural Circuits
66198 Front Neuroanat
33124 Front Neuroendocrinol
62125 Front Neuroenergetics
96164 Front Neuroinform
66259 Front Neuroinformatics
71290 Front Pharmacol