Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
759944 E-journal degli scavi di Pompei Parco Archeologico di Pompei
759950 Sztuka i Dokumentacja
760168 Les Cahiers de l'ESPI2R ESPI2R
759896 Profils Americains
761838 La Revue des lettres modernes. Ecritures contemporaines
761819 Caiana 2313-9242 Centro Argentino de Investigadores de Arte
761713 Public Law Studies
761823 Cockpit
761598 GDR B2I
763243 International Journal of Forest, Soil and Erosion 2251-6387 Shabestar, Iran
762806 Theology and Philosophy of Education 2788-1180 Czech Christian Academy, Pedagogical Section (Česká křesťanská akademie, Pedagogická sekce)
762869 Cahiers d'Agora : revue en humanités Université de Cergy
763312 Harvard Business Review
765275 Revista IDeAS – Interfaces em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade 1984-9834 Marcos Aurélio Freire da Silva Júnior
765364 Translation studies, theory and practice 2738-2699 Presses universitaire de l'Université d'Etat d'Erevan
767354 Revue Algérienne des Manuscrits 2600-6251
767089 Journal of Philosophical Research
767035 Adv.Quantum Technol
766943 L'Asie en 1000 mots Centre d’études de l’Asie de l’Est (CÉTASE), Université de Montréal
766983 Démiurges CRHI Centre de Recherche et d'Histoire Inter-média
768222 Traité de droit de la police et de la sécurité
768219 Sudradio
768161 Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja 2083-3296
768285 South African Dental Journal 0375-1562
768268 Boletín de Estética 2408-4417
768199 jpdm
771502 2023 Internationnal Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD)
771499 – Journal of Philosophy 2420-9775
771576 Triptic – Echange culturel dans le Rhin Supérieur
773096 Revue de la Société Internationale d'Ethnographie 2267-7909 Société Internationale d'Ethnographie
773200 The Journal of Transport and Land Use
773109 Nature Cities 2731-9997
774208 Journal of the Indian Roads Congress 0258-0500 Indian Roads Congress
774152 Strenna Storica bolognese
773781 Doce Calles
775254 arts-vivants-departements
775215 Yearbook of Private International Law
775214 Oslo Law Review
775213 Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEP)
775246 Dictionnaire encyclopédique Joly Sociétés
775248 Rev. sociétés
775235 Théâtre(s), Le magazine de la vie théâtrale
775231 Répertoire Droit International
775237 Revue des sociétés
777596 Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
777652 Jianbo yanjiu 簡帛研究
777631 The Mekong Eye Internews
777654 Drugs
779103 LAUTECH j=Journal of Engineering and Technology Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria
779127 The Mouth: Critical Studies on Language, Culture and Society
779114 Quaderni di Diritto delle successioni e della famiglia
779312 Mondes en décroissance 2970-2879
779146 The Journal of Energy and Development SSRN
779132 immunology and infectious diseases Horizon Research
779133 Europe 0014-2751 Revue Europe
779277 Swiss Medical Weekly 1424-3997
777768 ACS Sustainable Resource Management 2837-1445
777002 Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research 0971-4456
780792 Beyond Philology: An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching 1732-1220 University of Gdańsk
780839 Menoufia Journal of Electronic Engineering Research 2682-3535 Faculty of Electronic Engineering – Menoufia University
780889 Hydrobiologia 1573-5117
780781 jus civile 2421-2563 Giappichelli
780854 J Clin Endocrinol Metab 0021-972x
780860 Med Teach 0142-159x
784444 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 1365-2036
784751 polisMOBILITY Magazin
784703 Monuments vaudois
786114 Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, Swets & Zeitlinger
786146 Rolling ISSN 1684-257X
786098 Javnost - The Public 1854-8377
786085 Institutions
786187 High Power Laser Sci.Eng
786189 CDEP en ligne
787334 Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 1438-5627 OJS
787340 Finance, Contrôle, Stratégie 2261-5512
787377 Revue Dix-septième siècle
787305 South Centre, Research Paper 1819-6926 South Centre
787339 Revue Sciences de Gestion - Economie et Société
619360 International Journal of General Systems
619266 Prime Research on Biotechnology (PRB) 2315-5299 Prime Journals
619404 La lettre de Sol et Civilisation 1252-9417 Sol et Civilisation
619185 Science et Vie 0036-8369
619361 Nanterre info
619567 The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 2588-1582 Lab-NuPABS
619578 Revue trimestrielle en Sciences Sociales (RSS) PASRES ÉDITIONS
619586 Exper.Astron
619547 Arts Asie Sorbonne
620764 The ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 2375-4699 Imed Zitouni
620879 IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
620872 International Journal of Limnology
620769 Revue des deux mondes 0035-1962 Aurélie Julia
620767 Europe 0014-2751 Jean-Baptiste Para
620798 Revue 303 0762-3291 Editions 303
620822 Acer 1828-4434 Il verde editoriale
620761 Le texte et l’idée
621124 Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation 1965-0256
621107 La Lettre de l'association pour l'étude de la céramique
621098 Sèvres, revue de la Société des Amis du musée national de Céramique
621154 Journal of Business Ethics 1573-0697
621240 Civ Eng J 2676-6957
621106 Le Réverbère
622391 Espiral, revista de geografías y ciencias sociales 2663-8134
622157 European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 2684-1827
622315 Revue de jurisprudence commerciale
622341 East Asian Journal of Popular Culture 2051-7084
622288 Lexbase Hebdo Droit public
623685 Washington University Review of Philosophy
623499 Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy
623962 Letras 0326-3363 Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
623601 PROCEED Julius Kühn Institute
625117 Revue des Sciences de l’Environnement 1987-1511 GREENLAND
624946 International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review 2582-6131 IJISRR
625094 Journal of Gender-Based Violence 2398-6808
625103 Hosei Riron 0286-1577 Law and Political Science Association
625029 The Alasdair Gray Archive
625072 FSJES
626619 Proceedings of the 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2023)
626787 University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series University of Bucharest
626553 Kainos, Rivista elettronica di filosofia
628523 Administrative Sciences
628393 PeerJ Analytical Chemistry 2691-6630
628416 Cadernos de Estudos Africanos 2182-7400
629080 Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology and therapeutics 1884-8826 official English online journal of the Japanese Society of Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology
629096 Journal of Contemporary Social Research 2276-6480 Department of Mass Communication, Kogi State University
629060 eTransportation
629081 Revista Română de Psihanaliză 1582-5906 Asociației Internaționale de Psihanaliză, Trei (Bucarest)
629111 Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems
629074 精神医学 0488-1281 Igaku Shoin, Tōkyō
629063 最新精神医学
634055 International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems Of Engineering 2077-3528
633064 Giuristi: Revista de Derecho Corporativo 2708-9894 Université ESAN
633504 Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 1545-9985 Nature
634087 Néorestauration IPD
633473 Revue d’histoire des chemins de fer
635915 Grassland science in Europe Wageningen Academic Publishers
637083 International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics 1054-853X Riad Benelmir
637141 Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives 1896-5644
637054 North-Holland Delta Series North-Holland Delta Series
637125 Revue d'études proustiennes 2430-8218
637198 K. Les Juifs, l'Europe, le XXIe siècle
637070 epiDEMES 2970-166X
637086 Entropie 0013-9084
638259 Conflent
638241 Global Discourse
638250 De facto
638916 Transactions Of The Indian National Academy Of Engineering/INAE 2662-5415 Springer
641846 Current Research in Statistics & Mathematics Opast Publishing Group
641865 Revista de Historia 0034-8309
644155 Pharmaceutics 2641-3052 mdpi
644136 Open Journal of Chemistry 2641-3051 peertechz
644266 Sports Coaching Review 2164-0629
644212 Zine: Film Research Series
646676 Revista LTr 87-09/1078 – 1088 – setembro/2023 . São Paulo, Brasil 1516-9154 Ltr
646563 International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
646508 Rencontres Annuelles Internationales du Design 1737-7986 ESSTED
646510 Sports Economics Review 2773-1618 Elsevier
650425 European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 2325-4815
650340 Dpratun
653398 Traduction et Langues 2600-6235 Université Mohamed Ben Ahmed Oran 2
653297 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 2250-0545
653447 La Lettre du Printemps Laboratoire PRINTEMPS
656517 Natural Product and Bioprospecting 2192-2195
656501 Revista de História 2316-9141 USP
656451 Revista de História 0034-8309 USP
658161 Soft Materials 1539-4468
658158 Wear 1873-2577
658159 The European Physical Journal E
658156 EPL (Europhysics Letters) 1286-4854
657204 Renewal: A journal of social democracy 0968-252X Lawrence and Wishart
658219 Bulletin de liaison de la Société de Géographie Société de Géographie
658212 Academy of Management Journal
657162 Arkéolog 2106-2978 ArkéoTopia, une autre voie pour l'archéologie
657184 Chemical Geology
660582 Revista intramuros - Biografias, autobiografias y memorias 2594-9853 ABD – Associação Brasileira de Designers de Interiores
660627 Sneak Peek Cell Press
661783 Psiencia. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencia Psicológica
661853 Social Psychology / Psihologie Socială
661946 Bazar americano 2314-1646 Ana Porrúa
661865 Revue des Sciences de l'Eau 1718-8598
662007 Canada Cahiers
662075 Actes TACD
664191 Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine 2662-4729
664123 Ieee Open Journal of the Communications Society
667349 Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 1860-0824 Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig
667253 Histoire@Politique
667320 European Journal of Business and Management Research 2507-1076
667473 BMJ mental health 2755-9734
667483 Continence 2772-9737
667334 Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht 1379-4930 Wolters Kluwer
667312 Annali di geofisica 1590-1815
670717 Wood Material Science & Engineering 1748-0280
671253 Minerals and Mineral Materials 2832-269X
674112 Echanges linguistiques en Sorbonne : Revue des jeunes chercheur.euse.s du CELISO
673949 PFG - Journal of photogrammetry remote sensing ang geoinformation science 2512-2789 Springer
673874 Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior 2666-2450
673650 Biomedical Materials & Devices 2731-4812
674022 Envirotech online
675533 Negócios Estrangeiros 1645-1244
675660 Revue des sciences et de la technologie University of Batna 2