Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
18199 Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1364-5021 Royal Society, The
18230 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 0962-8452 Royal Society, The
17259 Proceedings of the Royal Society Mathematical and Physical Sciences 0962-8444 Royal Society, The
40288 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A, Mathematics 0308-2105 Royal Society of Edinburgh
18227 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 0370-1662 Royal Society, The
156518 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A Mathematical and Physical Sciences 0080-4541
18229 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and physical sciences 0080-4630 Royal Society, The
18231 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing papers of a Biological character. Royal Society (Great Britain) 0950-1193 Royal Society, The
156583 Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology of the Netherlands Entomological Society 1388-8390
33208 Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 0308-8421 Archaeopress
18232 Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry 0037-9697 Royal Society of Chemistry
18233 Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 0037-9727 Wiley
7972 Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research 0081-1475
22955 Proceedings of the Society of Philippine Archaeologists
18234 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 0081-5438 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
176796 Proceedings of the URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference IEEE
67527 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 2150-8097 VLDB Endowment
165873 Proceedings of the Yerevan State University - Chemical and Biological Sciences 1829-1767 Yerevan State University
154972 Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences 0206-0477
104600 Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2299-0984 Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium
7943 Proceedings- Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 0097-3157 Philadelphia, the Academy of Natural Sciences
7947 Proceedings- American Philosophical Society 0003-049X The American Philosophical Society
40277 Proceedings- Estonian Academy of Sciences Chemistry 1406-0124 Truekitud Ou
40278 Proceedings- Estonian Academy of Sciences Engineering 1406-0175 Estonian Academy Publishers
40280 Proceedings- Estonian Academy of Sciences Physics Mathematics 1406-0086 Estonian Academy Publishers; 1999
21436 Proceedings- Indian National Science Academy Part B 0073-6600 Indian National Science Academy
12644 Proceedings- Japan Society of Civil Engineers 0289-7806 Dotoku Gakkai
21434 Proceedings- Western Pharmacology Society 0083-8969 [Western Pharmacology Society]; 1998
62624 Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 1135-5948 Sociedad Espanola para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
1997 Procesos Históricos 1690-4818 Universidad de Los Andes
177068 Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia 1390-0099 Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador
108506 Process Alimentaire 1956-9106
18235 Process Biochemistry 1359-5113 Elsevier
18236 Process Control and Quality 0924-3089 Brill Academic Publishers
7973 Process Engineering -London 0370-1859 Morgan Grampian Plc
7974 Process Industries Canada 0826-7243 AIS Communications Ltd
18238 Process Safety Progress 1066-8527 Wiley
18237 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 0957-5820 Elsevier
7975 Process: Architecture 0386-037X International Specialized Book Services, Inc
124582 Processes 2227-9717 MDPI
139560 Processing and Application of Ceramics 1820-6131 University of Novi Sad
50489 Proche-Orient Chrétien 0032-9622 Editions de l'Université Saint-Joseph
90737 Proche-Orient Études en Management 1028-0286 Beyrouth : Éditions de l'Université Saint-Joseph
156644 Procédique 0995-5046
50025 Procédures 1260-3902 Éditions du Juris-classeur [1995-2004] - LexisNexis [2005-....]
40290 Producer & Engineer Directory RPM Direct Incorporated
40291 Product Safety & Liability Reporter 1522-5259 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
156728 Producteur de Lait 0753-7360
102548 Production & Manufacturing Research: An Open Access Journal 2169-3277 Taylor & Francis
7977 Production Engineering 0146-1737 Penton Publishing
7978 Production Machining 1548-4378 Gardner Publications, Inc
18239 Production Planning and Control 0953-7287 Taylor & Francis
7976 Production and Inventory Management Journal 0897-8336 American Production & Inventory Control Society, Inc
40292 Production and Operations Management 1059-1478 Wiley
7979 Products finishing 0032-9940 Products Finishing; 1999
156249 Produtor Rural 1981-8025
156371 Produzione Animale 0033-0000
1998 Produção 0103-6513 Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção (ABEPRO)
40293 Profession Politique 0992-5163 Profession Politique
137873 Profession Sage-femme 1251-9839 Paganelle
155983 Professional Animal Scientist 1080-7446
7980 Professional Builder 0885-8020 Cahners Publishing Co
7981 Professional Builder & Remodeler 1053-6353 Cahners Publishing Co
7982 Professional Builder -Denver 1072-0561 Chaners Business Information
7983 Professional Builder/Apartment Business 0361-5316 Professional Builder
40294 Professional Case Management 1932-8087 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
40295 Professional Development Today Questions Publishing Company
7984 Professional Geographer 0033-0124 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
2779 Professional Lawyer 1042-5675 American Bar Association
7985 Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 0735-7028 American Psychological Association
7986 Professional Remodeler 1521-9135 Reed Business Information
7987 Professional Safety 0099-0027 Asse American Society of Safety Engineers
7988 Professional School Counseling 1096-2409 American School Counselor Association
21432 Professional nurse (London, England) 0266-8130
18240 Professional psychology 0033-0175 American Psychological Association (APA)
2001 Professionalization of Exercise Physiology online d000-0902 The American Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP)
21433 Professioni Infermieristiche 0033-0205 Consociazione Nazionale Infermiere, Infermieri e
77159 Professions and Professionalism 1893-1049 Oslo: Professions and professionalism
21431 Profiles in healthcare marketing 1040-7480
18241 Profiles of Drug Substances Excipients and Related Methodology 0099-5428 Elsevier Academic Press
149883 Profils‎ : revue de l'Association d'histoire de l'architecture 2647-8730 Association d'histoire de l'architecture
7989 Profitable Embroiderer 1550-8552 Prism Business Media
7990 Program 0033-0337 Emerald
18242 Program in Ethnographic Film Newsletter 0192-6918 University of California Press
44258 Programmez ! 1627-0908 Magazine Programmez
18243 Programming and Computer Software 0361-7688 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
20356 Progres Scientifique
40296 Progresos de Obstetricia y Ginecología 0304-5013 Elsevier España
23667 Progress In Electromagnetics Research
83257 Progress In Electromagnetics Research 1070-4698 EMW Publishing
103629 Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 1937-6472 EMW Publishing
121865 Progress In Electromagnetics Research C 1937-8718 EMW Publishing
108025 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters 1937-6480 EMW Publishing
124853 Progress In Electromagnetics Research M 1937-8726 EMW Publishing
137753 Progress in Additive Manufacturing 2363-9512 Springer Verlag
18244 Progress in Aerospace Sciences 0376-0421 Elsevier
18245 Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences 1786-335X Akadémiai Kiadó
78113 Progress in Applied Mathematics 1925-251X Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures
75873 Progress in Artificial Intelligence 2192-6352 Springer
18246 Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 0079-6107 Elsevier