Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
18344 Psychological Research 0340-0727 Springer Verlag
8015 Psychological Review 0033-295X American Psychological Association
8016 Psychological Science 0956-7976 Association for Psychological Science
18345 Psychological Science in the Public Interest 1529-1006 Association for Psychological Science
18346 Psychological Services 1541-1559 American Psychological Association
131068 Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Pratice, and Policy 1942-9681 American Psychological Association
121917 Psychological journal 2414-004X H. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
27990 Psychologie Clinique 1145-1882 EDP sciences
18348 Psychologie Française 0033-2984 Elsevier Masson
40306 Psychologie Magazine Weekbladpers
112345 Psychologie clinique et projective 1265-5449 ERES
20991 Psychologie de l'interaction 1291-0600 L'Harmattan
18347 Psychologie du travail et des organisations 1420-2530 Elsevier Masson
29871 Psychologie et Education 1148-9502 AFPEN
155262 2270-7662
18349 Psychologische Rundschau 0033-3042 Hogrefe
19558 Psychologist-Manager Journal 1088-7156 American Psychological Association
113704 Psychology 2152-7180 Scientific Research Publishing
138818 Psychology & Neuroscience 1984-3054 Instituto Brasileiro de Neuropsicologia e Comportamento
168882 Psychology & Sexuality 1941-9899 Taylor & Francis
18354 Psychology Evolution and Gender 1461-6661 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
360401 Psychology Journal: Research Open 2771-9340 Research Open World
118495 Psychology Research 2159-5542 David Publishing Company
177427 Psychology Research and Applications 2663-7014 Isaac Scientific Publishing Co., Ltd
8022 Psychology Today -New York 0033-3107 Psychology Today
8018 Psychology and Aging American Psychological Association
146216 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences - Open Journal 2380-727X Openventio
18350 Psychology and Developing Societies 0971-3336 SAGE Publications
222315 Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 2822-4353 SciMatic
18351 Psychology and Health 0887-0446 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8017 Psychology and Marketing 0742-6046 Wiley
18352 Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 1476-0835 Wiley-Blackwell
130574 Psychology in Russia: State of the Art 2074-6857 Psychology in Russia. State of the Art
2023 Psychology in Spain 1137-9685 Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos
8019 Psychology in the Schools 0033-3085 Wiley
16539 Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 0893-164X American Psychological Association
18356 Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 1931-3896 American Psychological Association
144894 Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 2326-5523 American Psychological Association
28831 Psychology of Language and Communication Sciendo
8020 Psychology of Learning and Motivation 0079-7421 Elsevier
18357 Psychology of Men and Masculinity 1524-9220 American Psychological Association
18358 Psychology of Music 0305-7356 SAGE Publications
146374 Psychology of Popular Media Culture 2160-4134 American Psychological Association
174452 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 1941-1022 American Psychological Association
18359 Psychology of Sport and Exercise 1469-0292 Elsevier
8021 Psychology of Women Quarterly 0361-6843 SAGE Publications
18353 Psychology, Crime and Law 1068-316X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
20614 Psychology, Evolution & Gender
18355 Psychology, Health and Medicine 1354-8506 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18360 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 1076-8971 American Psychological Association
18361 Psychometrika 0033-3123 Springer Verlag
106252 Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain 0275-3987 American Psychological Association
40307 Psychoneuro -Stuttgart 1611-9991 Geog Thieme Verlag
18362 Psychoneuroendocrinology 0306-4530 Elsevier
21411 Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 1069-9384 Psychonomic Society
18363 Psychoonkologia 1429-8538 Via Medica
18364 Psychopathology 0254-4962 Karger
18365 Psychopharmacology 0033-3158 Springer Verlag
21410 Psychopharmacology Bulletin 0048-5764 Medworks Media
18366 Psychophysiology 0048-5772 Wiley
40308 Psychopraxis -Wien 1434-1883 Springer Verlag
18367 Psychosomatic Medicine 0033-3174 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
18368 Psychosomatics 0033-3182 Elsevier
18369 Psychosomatik und Konsiliarpsychiatrie 1862-8818 Springer Verlag
118512 Psychosomatique relationnelle 2272-916X Centre international de psychosomatique
18370 Psychotherapeut 0935-6185 Springer Verlag
18371 Psychotherapeutische Praxis 1616-1041 Hogrefe & Huber Publishing Group
18026 Psychotherapie im Dialog 1438-7026 Georg Thieme Verlag
18154 Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie 0937-2032 Georg Thieme Verlag
40309 Psychotherapies 0251-737X Editions Medecine et Hygiene
18375 Psychotherapy 0033-3204 American Psychological Association
19559 Psychotherapy Patient 0738-6176 Haworth Press, Inc., The
16540 Psychotherapy Research 1050-3307 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18372 Psychotherapy and Politics International 1476-9263 Wiley
18373 Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 0033-3190 Karger
18374 Psychotherapy in Private Practice 0731-7158 Haworth Press, Inc., The
18376 Psychotraumatologie 1439-8931 Thieme Publishing Group
26180 Psychotropes 1245-2092 De Boeck Supérieur
2024 Psycoloquy 1055-0143 American Psychological Association
2025 Psykhe (Santiago) 0717-0297 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
8023 Pt -Alexandria 1065-5077 American Physical Therapy Association Inc
8024 Public Administration 0033-3298 Wiley
8025 Public Administration Review 0033-3352 Wiley
18378 Public Administration and Development 0271-2075 Wiley
2026 Public Administration and Management 1087-0091 Penn State University
8026 Public Art Review 1040-211X Forecast Public Artworks
8027 Public Budgeting and Finance 0275-1100 Wiley
18379 Public Choice 0048-5829 Springer Verlag
8028 Public Contract Law Journal 0033-3441 American Bar Association
8029 Public Culture 0899-2363 Duke University Press
18380 Public Finance Review 1091-1421 SAGE Publications
18381 Public Health 0033-3506 Elsevier
78719 Public Health Ethics Oxford Academic
107113 Public Health Genomics 1662-4246 S. Karger
18382 Public Health Nursing 0737-1209 Wiley
18383 Public Health Nutrition 1368-9800 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
8030 Public Health Reports 0033-3549 Association of Schools of Public Health
21409 Public Health Reviews 0301-0422 EHESP Press
149827 Public Health in Practice 2666-5352 Elsevier
19560 Public Historian 0272-3433 University of California Press