Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
75693 Revue de l'ERSUMA
75696 Sonderheft
75697 Administration
75702 ICCIT '12 : The Second International Conference on Communications and Information Technology
75703 Buletinul AGIR
75709 The Geographical Journal
75710 Interntl. J. Math
75711 Journal of Thermal Science and Technology The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and The Heat Transfer Society of Japan
75713 Filière ovine et caprine. Trimestriel FICOW
75719 Les Cahiers du Comité Consultatif National d'Ethique
75726 INCOSE 2012 proceeding
75727 Alternatives theatrales 0774-4145 Association Alternatives théâtrales
75728 Teatrul Azi, Bucarest
75729 Revue Entreprise et Commerce
75732 Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
75734 Estudios Economicos
75738 Giurisprudenza commerciale
75748 Review of the Center for Applied Ethics (Ouyou Ronri) Hokkaido University Press
75749 Archive von Sozialwissenschaftlern
75750 Ma Ying and Hans-Michael Trautwein (eds.)
75751 Akademie-Verlag
75757 Revista del Seminario iberoamericano de matematicas
75759 International journal of research and reviews in next generation networks (IJRRNGN)
78453 European Labour Law Journal
78454 Revista Laboral Chilena
78456 Med Biol Eng Comput
78457 International Review of civil Engineering 2036-9913 Praise Worthy Prize
78459 Revue trimestrielle de l'Association Française des Administrateurs de l'Education
78468 Acteurs de la vie scolaire
78471 France Forum 0046-4910 Institut Jean Lecanuet
78473 Population et avenir 0223-5706 Association Population et Avenir
78475 Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 1662-5188 Frontiers
78477 VTC '11 Spring : IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference
78478 conservation biology journal
78479 Analog Integr Circ Sig Process
78480 Global Marine Environment
78481 Correspondances (Tunis)
78482 Fascicule Seine Aval
78490 Materiale Plastice 0025-5289 Revista de Chimie SRL
78491 Villes en développement
78493 Comput Geosci
78494 Revue des lettres et sciences humaines, Université Emir Abdelkader, Constantine
78495 Rassegna del Centro di Cultura e Storia Amalfitana
78498 Quality - Access to Success (ISSN: 1582-2559)
78500 Advances in Computational Intelligence, Communications in Computer and Information Science
78502 Bollettino dell'Atlante Linguistico Italiano III Serie - Dispensa
78505 Histoire Epistémologie Langage 0750-8069 SHESL
78506 Abstract Pyschiatrie
78519 Footprint. Delft Architecture Theory Journal 1875-1490 Jap Sam Books
78522 IZA Journal of Migration 2193-9039 SpringerOpen
78524 Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics 1559-176X Eudoxus Press
78525 Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology
78526 CFDT-Aujourd'hui
78528 Nano-micro Letters 2311-6706 OAHOST
78532 Plat 1.5
78533 Performances
78542 Stoch. Anal. Appl
78544 Les Cahiers de la NRF
78547 Des nouvelles de Drynet
78550 Revista de Investigacion Operacional
78551 libertinage et philosophie au XVIIe siècle : La Mothe Le Vayer et Naudé
78552 Advances in Science & Research
78558 Economie et sociétés. Série PE, Histoire de la pensée économique ISMEA
78561 Viator (English and multilingual edition) 2033-6993 Brepols
78566 Nat Prod Commun
78576 Structure / Struct Fold Des; Structure (Camb )
78578 Ecological Engineering and Environmental Protection
78579 Olympiads in Informatics: An International Journal 1822-7732 Vilnius University, International Olympiad in Informatics
78581 Chemins de fer : vers une Europe ferroviaire sans frontières techniques. Histoire de l'interopérabilité des chemins de fer européens ou les heurs et malheurs d'un enjeu majeur
78582 CSI Journal of Computing Computer Society of India
78583 Computer Education (China) Chinese Academy of Sciences
78584 International Journal of Microbiology 1687-918X Hindawi Publishing Corporation
78585 Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation
78587 Bulletin de la Société d'Archéologie et d'Histoire du Tonnerrois
78603 Revista Internacional de Sociología 0034-9712 Editorial CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
78604 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 0972-8600 Kalasalingam University
78606 Personalführung
78607 IADIS Mobile Learning
78608 Malaysian Journal of Nutrition
78610 Alcatel Telecommunications Review
78614 Food and Public Health
78617 The Journal of Nature (Bourbon Sciences)
78618 SHS Web of Conferences 2416-5182 EDP Sciences
78624 USENIX Association 1044-6397 USENIX Association
78629 Gastronomica The Journal of Food and Culture
78630 Audit
78631 Josai Mathematical Monographs, Special issue for the Proceedings of an international conference in Josai University (Tokyo)
78632 Adv Pharmacol Sci
78637 Institutions and Economies
78640 ICOST '11 : 9th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics
78641 ASSISTH '11 : 2e Conférence Internationale sur l'Accessibilité et les Systèmes de Suppléance aux personnes en sItuaTions de Handicap
78642 J. Mater. Chem. A
78643 Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction 1551-3955 Now Publishers
78648 Wall Street Journal
78649 Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands)
78652 The Conference Board, Director Notes
78653 La Revue du Design. Analyses et Regards Revue du Design
78654 CEO World
78658 Slow Food
78659 Revue Electronique @ Management
78660 Assurances (HEC Montréal)
78661 Assurances et Gestion des Risques (HEC Montréal)
78662 collège, ordinateur portable, enseignant
78664 Planète Sciences 1765-727X Planète Sciences
78670 Giornale di Diritto del Lavoro e di Relazioni Industriali 1720-4321 FrancoAngeli Edizioni
78671 Corporate Governance: The European Journal for Business in Society
78676 Risk Management & Insurance Review
78677 ISSPA '12 : The 11th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications
78683 Puzzle
78685 Terre malgache
78688 International Electronic Journal of Geometry 1307-5624 Turkish Academic Network and Information Center
78691 Large Marine Ecosystems
78693 ACM Computers in Entertainment
78694 Script & Print. Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia & New Zealand
78695 Transactions on Edutainment - Special Issue on Interactive Digital Storytelling
78696 JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
78699 Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME
78701 Energy and Power
78702 Journal of Computer Applications 0974-1925 Science Press
78705 PCM Revue des ingénieurs des ponts et chaussées
78707 Bulletin de l'Association pour le Développement de l'Histoire Culturelle
78709 Revue STAPS de l'Université de Mostaganem
78712 Numerical modeling of space plasma flows (astronum 2011). Proceedings of a 6th internation conference held at Velancia
78713 ICT '12 : 19th International Conference on Telecommunications
78714 Zoologie studies
78716 Open Biochemistry Journal 1874-091X Bentham Open
78718 Assistive Technology: The Official Journal of RESNA
78724 Computers & Security
78726 Global Health Promotion
78727 European Physical Journal: Data Science
78732 Trends in Chemical Physics 0972-4346 Research Trends
78733 Transworld Research Network, Recent Research Devel. Chem. Physics
78736 Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal 1932-9466 Prairie View A&M University
78737 Riv. Math. Univ. Parma
78739 VRST'12
78745 Malaria Research and Treatment 2090-8075 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
78747 International Journal on Advances in Network and Services
78748 Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics
78749 Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
78754 Biological sciences
78755 The Journal of Consumer Research
78756 ICC '12 : IEEE International Conference on Communications
78759 RLMminard, série Le Nouveau Roman
78760 WiMob '12 : The 8th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
78764 ICIN '12 : 16th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks
78765 to be updated
78766 ONIT '11@COMPSAC '11 : 3rd International IEEE Workshop on Open NGN and IMS Testbeds : Next Generation Network Evolution Towards the Future Internet
78768 ICIN '11 : 15th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks : From Bits to Data, from Pipes to Clouds
78772 BMMP '11 : Third International Workshop on Business Models for Mobile Platforms : Access and Competitiveness in Multi-Sided Markets
78774 CNSM '12 : 8th International Conference on Network and Service Management
78783 Am. J. Med
78787 LNCS Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency 1867-7193 Springer
78796 IMMoA '12 : 2nd International Workshop on Information Management for Mobile Applications
78798 IJCC - International Journal of Cloud Computing 2043-9989 Inderscience Publishers
78800 Research Challenges in Information Science
78801 Procedia CS
78806 Université Henri Poincaré Nancy I, Nancy-Université
78807 International Journal of Pediatrics 1687-9740 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
78809 Actes de colloque
78812 IET Synthetic Biology
78813 La revue des livres pour enfants 0398-8384 Centre national de la littérature pour la jeunesse
78814 Accounting Organizations and Society
78815 Electronic Government an International Journal
78817 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
78820 Humanitas 0871-1569 Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
78822 Cahiers Benjamin Fondane 2522-2066 Société d'études Benjamin Fondane
78823 J. Aerospace Engineering, ASCE
78831 Optical Nanoscopy
78839 IE '12 : The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments
78841 Atomization and spray
78842 ICISS '12 : 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security
78844 CSS '12 : The 4th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security
78848 Conferenze e Seminari dell'Associazione Subalpina Mathesis
78856 STV '12: System Testing and Validation Workshop
78858 CFBDSIR2149-0403: a 4-7 Jupiter-mass free-floating planet in the young moving group AB Doradus?
78859 Journal of Gökova Geometry Topology
78860 Atmospheres From Very Low-Mass Stars to Extrasolar Planets
78866 La Tortue verte. Revue en ligne des litteratures francophones Université de Lille
78867 Metallicity of M dwarfs. II. A comparative study of photometric metallicity scales
78869 Poiésis. Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, ISSN 2179-2534 Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
78870 Reflexão & Ação [ UNISC ISSN 1982-9949] Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
78872 CRiSIS '12 : 7th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems
78874 ACSAC '12 : 28th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
78875 ECOC '12 : European Conference on Optical Communications
78878 UP-TO-US '12 Workshop : User-Centric Personalized TV ubiquitOus and secUre Services
78881 World Summit on the Knowledge Society
78882 Extraction et gestion des connaissances
78884 Networked Digital Technologies
78885 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Hindawi
78889 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 2192-4406 Springer
78895 The journal of energy markets 1756-3607 Infopro Digital
78897 International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications
78899 IGA News
78907 Avanced Nonlinear Studies
78910 Agrarforschung Schweiz - Recherche Agronomique Suisse
78915 C.R.A.S. série IIb Paris
78916 Journal Forestier Suisse