Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
899605 European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
899604 European Journal of the History of Economic Thought,
13113 European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 0928-1371 Springer Verlag
175215 European Journalism Observatory
38988 European Judaism 0014-3006 Berghahn Journals
78453 European Labour Law Journal
136567 European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 2599-5855 CEPOL
4734 European Law Journal 1351-5993 Wiley
540355 European Law Journal
61819 European Law Reporter
4735 European Law Review 0307-5400 Sweet and Maxwell
29209 European Law Revue
175756 European Leadership Network
19462 European Legacy 1084-8770 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
155791 European Magazine Agriculture
4736 European Management Journal 0263-2373 Elsevier
540332 European Management Journal
13114 European Management Review 1740-4754 Wiley
144517 European Management Review 1740-4754
877661 European Management Review 1740-4762
38989 European Mass Spectrometry 1356-1049 IM Publications
23301 European Mathematical Society
177991 European Mathematical Society Magazine 2747-7894 European Mathematical Society
138593 European Mathematics Society Newsletter
74552 European Medical Biology Information
110816 European Medical Journal
46212 European Medical Physics News
23383 European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference
67214 European Medieval Drama
164035 European Medieval Drama 2031-0064
99535 European Microscopy & Analysis
99294 European Microscopy and Microanalysis
37963 European Microwave Association
124821 European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy 1417-2917 European Mineralogical Union
79351 European Modelisation Simposium, EMS 2012
150756 European Network for Economic and Policy Research
13115 European Neurology 0014-3022 Karger
144865 European Neurology
13116 European Neuropsychopharmacology 0924-977X Elsevier
129061 European Oncology & Haematology 2045-5275 Touch Medical Media Limited
77649 European Optical Society
27586 European P
127194 European Papers 2499-8249 European Papers
140934 European Papers 2499-7498
38990 European Pharmacopoeia Council of Europe Publishing
4737 European Photography 0172-7028 European Photography
13117 European Physical Education Review 1356-336X SAGE Publications
48764 European Physical Journal
182746 European Physical Journal - Special Topics
13118 European Physical Journal A 1434-6001 EDP Sciences
60850 European Physical Journal Applied Physics, physics of energy conversion and coupled Phenomena
13119 European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields 1434-6044 Springer Verlag (Germany)
19313 European Physical Journal E: Soft matter and biological physics 1292-8941 EDP Sciences: EPJ
105732 European Physical Journal H 2102-6459 EDP Sciences
48731 European Physical Journal J
145689 European Physical Journal N (EPJ N), - Nuclear Sciences and Technologies
702924 European Physical Journal, Applied Physics
11032 European Physical Journal: Applied Physics 1286-0042 EDP Sciences
78727 European Physical Journal: Data Science
53091 European Physical Letters
41416 European Physics JAP
93213 European Physics Letters
54986 European Physics letters 84
81817 European Planetary Science Congress 2012
89787 European Planetary Science Congress 2013
176758 European Planetary Science Congress Abstracts The Europlanet Society
13120 European Planning Studies 0965-4313 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
175136 European Planning Studies
121256 European Police Science and Research Bulletin 1831-1857 European Police College (CEPOL)
147344 European Policy Analysis Policy Studies Organization (PSO)
168305 European Policy Analysis
180801 European Policy Brief
32429 European Policy for Intellectual Property. Colloque organisée par l'IMRI et l'Université de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle
63769 European Political Economy Review
13121 European Political Science 1680-4333 Palgrave Macmillan
141108 European Political Science Review 1755-7739 Cambridge University Press
95571 European Politics and Policy Series (EUROPP)
139766 European Politics and Society 2374-5118 Taylor & Francis
170233 European Politics and Society Newsletter
13122 European Polymer Journal 0014-3057 Elsevier
13123 European Potato Journal 0367-1216 Springer-Verlag
104858 European Poultry Science 1612-9199
44873 European Power Electronics Journal
168374 European Power Electronics and Drives
45177 European Power Electronics and Drives Journal
95388 European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review (EPPPL)
914433 European Property Law Journal 2190-8273 De Gruyter
13124 European Psychiatry 0924-9338 Cambridge University press
635144 European Psychiatry
13125 European Psychologist 1016-9040 Hogrefe
24826 European Psychologist
114912 European Psychologist
36407 European Psychology
4738 European Public Law 1354-3725 Kluwer Law International
122674 European Public Mosaic Public Administration School of Catalonia
38991 European RTD Insight British Council Information Centre
13126 European Radiology 0938-7994 Springer Verlag
162469 European Radiology 1432-1084
185279 European Radiology
121889 European Radiology Experimental Springer