Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
68913 Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. ICVW 2008
102873 Heidelberger Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des modernen Vorderen Orients 1437-5672 PL Academic Research
117696 Heidelberger althistorischer Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien
567552 Heimen 0017-9841 Universitetsforlaget
70381 Heinrich-Böll-Stifung, Schriften zur Demokratie
105859 Hekleo ar C’hoarioù, l’écho des sports et jeux traditionnels de Bretagne
58519 Hekleo ar c'hoarioù
35802 Heldia
36120 Helicobacter
173292 Helikon
131626 Helikon. Irodalom-és kultúratudományi szemle
159200 Helios
168716 Helius 2357-8297
58079 Hellenic Journal of Geosciences
689863 Hellenic Journal of Psychology
70996 Hellenic Review of European Law
181504 Hellenic journal of nuclear medicine 1790-5427
34439 Hellénisme et Christianisme : [actes de la journée thématique de Villejuif, octobre 2001]
34339 Hellénisme et christianisme
26001 Helmantica (series hebraica)
46936 Helsingiensis
540383 Helsinki Monitor
847811 Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1558-1977
918024 Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy 2589-0646
148730 Hemen : erlijio gogoetarako aldizkaria 1697-8560 Frontera
141675 Hemodial Int
129622 Hemodialysis International
58302 Henoch
178311 Henri Lopes, nouvelles lectures façon façon-là, texte prolongé des communications de la journée d’études « Réinventer la vie, prophétiser le réel : Henri Lopes »
138178 Henri Michaux. Corps et Savoir 1255-1015 ENS Editions
26707 Henry Sweet Society Bulletin
42077 Hepatalogy
137481 Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research
144258 Hepato-Gastro et Oncologie Digestive 2115-3310
282664 Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition
846068 Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition 2304-389X
148815 Hepatol Int 1936-0541
245568 Hepatology
602862 Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 1527-3350
148816 Hepatology International 1936-0541
374025 Her&Mus, Heritage & Museography 2462-6457
374105 Her&Mus. Heritage and Museography 2462-6457 RACO
93170 Herald of Kherson National Technical University 2013
96551 Herald of the Adyghe State University. Series 5: Economy. Adyghe State University (Maykop, Russia) / Вестник Адыгейского Государственного Университета. Серия 5: Экономика. Адыгейский государственный университет (Майкоп)
96565 Herald of the Murmanks State Technical University, Murmanks State Technical University (Murmansk, Russia)/ Вестник Мурманского государственного технического университета, Мурманский государственный технический университет (Мурманск)
93169 Herald of the National Technical University "KhPI
174659 Herald of the Social Sciences 0320-8117 National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
96566 Herald of the Voronezh State University, Voronezh State University (Voronezh, Russia)/ Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Серия: История. Политология. Социология. Воронежский государственный университет (Воронеж)
176943 Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung – Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion 2625-0675
154178 Herba
666378 Herbart-Studien Garamond Verlag
152759 Herdbook international
115477 Heredity 1365-2540
130268 Heredity
77658 Heredity (Edinb)
350116 Heritage & Society 2159-032X
169310 Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 2347-5463 Department of Archaeology University of Kerala
94525 Hermann Cohen - L'idéalisme critique aux prises avec le matérialisme
100533 Hermathena : a Trinity College Dublin review
104446 Hermeneia Journal of Hermeneutics
105582 Hermeneus
37131 Hermeneutics in History M. Eliade, J. Wach & the Science of religions
66566 Hermenia, Revista di studii si cercetari hermeneutice
872211 Hermes
329642 Hermes. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie 0018-0777 Franz Steiner
94805 Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication Studies
905036 Hermès
896766 Hermès 1963-1006
923250 Hermès Science Publications
25310 Hermès, revue de linguistique Udgivet
166765 Hermēneus 1139-7489
171810 Hermēneus. Revista de traducción e interpretación
181086 Hernia 1248-9204
48557 Herpetological Revue
46777 Herpotological Review
47863 Herramienta
63404 Hersetec
107656 Herzogia 0018-0971 Bryological and Lichenological Association for Central Europe
153431 Heródoto: Revista do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre a Antiguidade Clássica e suas Conexões Afro-asiáticas 2448-2609
164646 Hesperia: Anuario de Filología Hispánica
216947 Hesperìa. Studi sulla grecità in occidente 1126-7658 L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER
177929 Hessen-Archäologie 1610-0190 Recker Udo
148447 Hestia. Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft Königshausen & Neumann
170655 Heteroatom Chemistry 1098-1071
174447 Heteroatom Chemistry
99156 Heterocycles
829769 Heterogeneity of Function in Numerical Cognition
167372 Heterotopías
88114 Hethitica
54266 Heurs et malheurs du professionnalisme
129254 Heveltica Chimica Acta
91213 Hexagone Environnement
94459 HiN. Internationale Zeitschrift für Humboldt-Studien
154342 Hidrotechnica
33160 Hierarchy in Natural and social Sciences
129420 Hieros. Bulletin annuel de l'Association belgo-luxembourgeoise d'Histoire des religions
152577 High Altitude Medicine & Biology
878530 High Altitude Medicine & Biology 1557-8682 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc
118461 High Energy Chemistry
180816 High Energy Density Physics
150747 High Frequency 2470-6981
93470 High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2009. HPCS '09. International Conference on
78329 High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 2010 International Conference on
637560 High Performance Magnets and their Applications, Ed. by N. M. Dempsey and P. de Rango, p. 212 (2004)
260274 High Performance Polymers
87994 High Performing Building Journal
786187 High Power Laser Sci.Eng
132834 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 1001-4322 China Academy of Engineering Physics and Nuclear Society
56015 High Pres. Res
180436 High Pressure Research
63492 High Technology Plasma Processes
509445 High Technology Small Firms
61609 High Temp. Mater. Process
142519 High Temperature
636962 High Temperature Corrosion of Materials 2731-8400
261231 High Temperature Material Processes
50746 High Times
270940 High altitude medicine & biology/High Alt Med Biol 1527-0297 Larchmont, NY : Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., c2000
179072 High-Quality Genome Sequence Assembly of R.A73 Enterococcus faecium Isolated from Freshwater sh mucus Exhibiting high Probiotic Potential
30039 High-Temp. Dust Laden Jets Solonenko and Fedorchenko (Eds)
903339 High-Temperature Materials 3006-9971 SCIEPublish
803050 High-speed Railway 2949-8678
143817 HighTemperatures - High Pressures
169272 Higher Education Policy
159589 Higher Education Quarterly 0951-5224
163855 Higher Education in Russia 2072-0459
25511 Higher Education. The international journal of higher education and educational planning Kluwer Academic Publishers
149885 Higher Gradient Materials and Related Generalized Continua
156617 Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industries Scientific Works
130754 Higher Learning Research Communications
98769 Higher Order Symbolic Computation
169395 Higher education in Europe
169400 Higher education quarterly
30406 Highlight in Psik Newsletter
129455 Highlights
82802 Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII
456137 Highlights of Vehicles 2696-8347
182372 Highlights on Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 9
66316 Highway and urban environment
128652 Hijra
435841 Hikaku Bunka 0440-8047 Institute for Comparative Studies of Culture, Tokyo Woman's Christian University
123672 Hikaku Nihongaku kyôiku kenkyû sentâ kenkyû nenpô
455727 Hikaku nihongaku kyôiku kenkyû bumon kenkyû nenpô 比較日本学教育研究部門研究年報 (Rapprt annuel du Centre d'études japonaises comparées) 2435-2357 Centre d'études japonaises comparées de l'université Ochanomizu
165666 Himal Southasian
166683 Himalaya
25465 Himalayan Linguistics
333721 Himalayan and Central Asian studies 0971-9318 New Delhi : Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation
151693 Himalayan research bulletin 1935-2212
93904 Hindawi International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
143115 Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
65639 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
31034 Hindiyya : eine politische und religiöse Krise in Libanon
31373 Hindiyya, mystique et criminelle
103337 Hip International
178678 Hiperboreea 2688-8211 The Pennsylvania State University Press
115783 Hippocampe 1962-2015 ACDRA (association Art contemporain diffusion Rhône-Alpes)
132498 Hippocampe 9791096911097
145355 Hippocampe : arts visuels, philosophie, littérature 1962-2015 Hippocampe éditions
544119 Hippocampe Journal critique Hippocampe Edition
149379 Hippocampus 1098-1063
179326 Hiro'a : Journal d’informations culturelles Polypress
30649 Hiroshima 50 ans. Japon - Amérique ; mémoires au nucléaire, Maya Todeschini coord
909874 Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education 0919-1720 Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education
169358 Hiroshima Law Review 1880-1897 広島大学法学会
104059 Hispamérica
126203 Hispania Antiqua
173191 Hispania. Revista española de Historia
138780 Hispanic Issues 0893-2395 Minneapolis, MN
637522 Hispanista Revista electrónica Suely Reis
523514 Hispanorama, la revista de la Asociación Alemana de Profesores de Español
69863 Hisrory and Languages of the Tigre speaking peoples. Studi Africanistici. Serie Etiopica 7
152258 Hist & A Bulletin de la société historique de Nanteuil-le-Haudouin
891219 Histara - Les comptes rendus
917434 Histmag
99805 Histochem J
68649 Histochemie / Histochemistry Histochimie
175979 Histochemistry and Cell Biology 1432-119X
171236 Histoie. L’Antiquité écarlate, le sang des Anciens 1255-2364
47178 Histoire & Anthropologie
182753 Histoire & Civilisations
69178 Histoire & Liberté. Les Cahiers d'histoire sociale
46821 Histoire & Missions Chrétiennes
159996 Histoire & Mémoire Editions Lucien Souny
85150 Histoire & Patrimoine
176766 Histoire & Sociétés : revue européenne d'histoire sociale 1633-2784
53813 Histoire & Sociétés, Revue européenne d'histoire sociale
26621 Histoire & Sociétés. Revue européenne d'histoire sociale Alternatives économiques
481106 Histoire & Sociétés. Revue européenne d’histoire sociale
58620 Histoire & sociétés : revue européenne d'histoire sociale
891234 Histoire Antique
891229 Histoire Antique & Médiévale
126639 Histoire Antique & Médiévale. Hors-Série 1632-0859 Faton
175795 Histoire Economique Quantitative, Economie et Sociétés, Série AF ISMEA
163901 Histoire Engagée 2562-7716
98115 Histoire Maritime
173143 Histoire Mémoires locales, départementales, régionales
909859 Histoire Urbaine
582578 Histoire antique & médiévale 2111-8825 Faton
172731 Histoire au présent, Sources, Travaux historiques
29720 Histoire d'Afrique. Enjeux de mémoire