Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
97240 Journal of the international colour association 2227-1309 International Colour Association, AIC
92 Agricultural Engineering International : The CIGR e-journal 1682-1130 International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
997 History of meteorology 1555-5763 International Commission on History of Meteorology (ICHM)
128328 Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 0007-5167 International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
83389 International Compumag society Newsletters 1026-0854 International Compumag Society (ICS)
179834 Array - Journal of the International Computer Music Association International Computer Music Association
61396 International Journal for Infonomics 1742-4712 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society)
672 E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 1704-8532 International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication
1550 Journal of southern academic and special librarianship 1525-321X International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication
2040 Radical Pedagogy 1524-6345 International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication, ICAAP
2428 Theory and Science 1527-5558 International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication, ICAAP
885537 Palafittes News International Coordinaton Group (ICG)
4181 Convergence -Toronto 0010-8146 International Council for Adult Education
759 Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction 1400-6529 International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB)
1789 Music and Anthropology 1825-621X International Council for Traditional Music
5300 Id -New York then Cincinnati- Design Publications then F&w Publications Inc 0894-5373 International Design
106159 Caspian journal of applied mathematics, ecology and economics 2309-4494 International Ecoenergy Academy
116794 International Journal of Economic Perspectives 1307-1637 International Economic Society
5590 International Economy 0898-4336 International Economy Publications, Inc
103540 Journal of Educational Data Mining 2157-2100 International Educational Data Mining Society
40117 Oil Market Report International Energy Agency
144227 Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling 2663-3027 International Environmental Modelling and Software Society
4831 Fid Review 1389-8450 International Federation for Information and Documentation
5598 International Forum on Information and Documentation 0304-9701 International Federation for Information and Documentation
5528 Inspel 0019-0217 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, Division of Special Libraries
39465 International Sportmed Journal 1528-3356 International Federation of Sports Medicine
39368 International Fiction Review 0315-4149 International Fiction Association
19480 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 1096-7508 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association
104474 International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 1991-8631 International Formulae Group (IFG)
718 Journal of Educational Technology and Society 1176-3647 International Forum of Educational Technology and Society
5407 IFAR Journal 1098-1195 International Foundation for Art Research, Inc
176296 AAWM Music and Nature 2771-4497 International Foundation for the Theory and Analysis of World Musics
3387 Benefits and Compensation Digest 1550-4190 International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
4609 Employee benefits journal 0361-4050 International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
4943 Franchising World 1524-4814 International Franchise Association
42639 Journal of Glaciology 0022-1430 International Glaciological Society
131931 International Gramsci journal 1836-6554 International Gramsci Society (Australia)
59907 Journal of Eye Movement Research 1995-8692 International Group for Eye Movement Research - University of Bern, Switzerland
1128 International Heart Journal 1349-2365 International Heart Journal Association
5678 The International Quarterly (Chicago, Ill.) 8755-2310 International House, New York, Chicago, Berkeley
106858 The International Hydrographic Review 0020-6946 International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) (Principauté de Monaco) [1947-....]
105123 Information 1343-4500 International Information Institute
353467 International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics 1755-7437 International Information and Engineering Technology Association
128222 International Journal of Heat and Technology 0392-8764 International Information and Engineering Technology Association
137203 Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management
32688 IIAS Newsletters 0929-8738 International Institute for Asian Studies
164763 Participatory Learning and Action International Institute for Environment and Development
40643 Strategic Comments International Institute for Strategic Studies
728825 Atlanti : review for modern archival theory and practice = rivista di teoria e pratica archivistica moderna = revija za sodobno arhivsko teorijo in prakso 2282-9709 International Institute for archival science
18829 Science of Sintering 0350-820X International Institute for the Science of Sintering