Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
279014 Evangile et Liberté
703855 Evangélisation et paroisse
500342 Evaxiana 2431-1421 Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest
30607 Evelyne Micollier, (ed.) Sexual Cultures in East Asia: The Social Construction of Sexuality and Sexual Risk in a Time of AIDS
836673 Evening show
38999 Event Management 1525-9951 Cognizant Communication Corporation
4743 EventDV 1554-2009 Online
4744 Evergreen Review 0014-3758
493927 Eversmannia Publishing house "Grif and K
85180 Evid Based Med
13162 Evidence Based Eye Care 1525-8599 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
13164 Evidence Based Healthcare 1462-9410 Elsevier;Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
13165 Evidence Based Healthcare and Public Health 1744-2249 Elsevier
864 Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 1715-720X University of Alberta, Learning Services
13167 Evidence Based Medicine 1356-5524 BMJ Publishing Group
39000 Evidence Based Midwifery 1479-4489 Royal College of Midwives
13170 Evidence Based Oncology 1363-4054 Elsevier;Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
606189 Evidence Combined. Western and Eastern Sources in Dialogue
13158 Evidence and Policy 1744-2648 Policy Press
22251 Evidence report/technology assessment (Summary) 1530-440X
13160 Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal 1557-6272 Wiley
865 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X Hindawi Publishing Corporation
13161 Evidence-Based Dentistry 1462-0049 Nature Publishing Group
108987 Evidence-Based Endodontics
13163 Evidence-Based Gastroenterology 1527-8557 Wolters Kluwer - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
13166 Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine 1176-2330 Adis
22252 Evidence-Based Mental Health 1362-0347 BMJ Publishing Group
13168 Evidence-Based Nursing 1367-6539 BMJ Publishing Group
13171 Evidence-Based Ophthalmology 1555-9203 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
39001 Evidence-Based Practice 1095-4120 Family Physicians Inquires Network
39002 Evidence-Based Preventive Medicine 1176-2349 Open Mind Journals Ltd
39003 Evidence-Based Surgery 1176-2357 Open Mind Journals Ltd
13159 Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine 1361-2611 Elsevier
571740 Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship 2049-3983 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
13169 Evidence-based Obstetrics and Gynecology 1361-259X Elsevier
39004 Evidentia 1697-638X Fundacion Index
681321 Eviterna
69020 EvoDevo 2041-9139 BioMed Central
110186 EvoDevo
150086 EvoDyn@ISWC
119323 Evol App
141350 Evol Appl
44502 Evol Ecol Res
178629 Evolution 1558-5646 Wiley
105231 Evolution 0014-3847
143123 Evolution
73458 Evolution & Development 1525-142X Wiley Periodicals
66737 Evolution & Development of the Brachiopod Shell
116849 Evolution (International Journal of Organic Evolution) 1558-5646 MOHAMED A. NOOR, Editor-in-Chief
4745 Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution 0014-3820 Wiley
102396 Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution
156796 Evolution Agricole 0755-1134
148721 Evolution Equations & Control Theory
137400 Evolution Equations & Control Theory 2163-2472 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
121451 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 2163-2480 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
90224 Evolution Equations and Control Theory
148627 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 2163-2480 AIMS
109316 Evolution Equations and Control Theory (EECT)
130778 Evolution Letters 2056-3744 Wiley Open Access
129877 Evolution Letters
243518 Evolution Psychiatrique 0014-3855
127271 Evolution and Big History
43701 Evolution and Cognition
13172 Evolution and Development 1520-541X Wiley
13173 Evolution and Human Behavior 1090-5138 Elsevier
117121 Evolution and Human Behavior
100494 Evolution international journal of organic evolution
39005 Evolution of Communication 1387-5337 John Benjamins Publishing
48820 Evolution of shrews
108402 Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 2050-6201 Oxford : Oxford University Press
177290 Evolution: Education and Outreach 1936-6426 BioMed Central
13174 Evolutionary Anthropology 1060-1538 Wiley
486641 Evolutionary Anthropology 1520-6505
104392 Evolutionary Applications 1752-4563 Blackwell
337326 Evolutionary Applications 1752-4571
421026 Evolutionary Applications
163195 Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences 2330-2925
54628 Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 Libertas Academica (New Zealand)
102050 Evolutionary Biology 0071-3260 Springer
63909 Evolutionary Biology
164308 Evolutionary Biology—A Transdisciplinary Approach
13175 Evolutionary Computation 1063-6560 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
174627 Evolutionary Computation
13176 Evolutionary Ecology 0269-7653 Springer Verlag
23033 Evolutionary Ecology Research 1522-0613 Evolutionary Ecology, Ltd
150534 Evolutionary Human Sciences 2513-843X Cambridge University Press
110582 Evolutionary Intelligence 1864-5909 Springer
72794 Evolutionary Intelligence
648072 Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society 2752-938X Oxford Academic
129328 Evolutionary Psychological Science 2198-9885 Cham: Springer Internat. Publ
866 Evolutionary Psychology: an International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior 1474-7049 Ian Pitchford, Ed.& Pub
146899 Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 2472-9884 Academic Studies Press
157917 Evolutionary Systematics
142090 Evolutionary Theory 0093-4755 University of Chicago
135711 Evolutionary Trends in Plants
54225 Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review
77948 Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 1349-4961 Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics ; Springer
41900 Evolutionnary Bioinformatic Online
177605 Evolutions (Saint Denis) 1950-9480 Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé
177604 Evolutions (collection) 1151-633X x