Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
172754 Hypothèses 1998. Travaux de l'école doctorale d'histoire de l'Université de Paris I
66286 Hypothèses 2000
172984 Hypothèses 2001
33143 Hypothèses 2001. Travaux de l'école doctorale d'histoire Publications de la Sorbonne
173082 Hypothèses 2004. Revue de l'école doctorale d'histoire de l'Université Paris 1
28054 Hypothèses 2004. Travaux de l'école doctorale d'histoire
29988 Hypothèses 2004. Travaux de l'école doctorale d'histoire, Paris I
173098 Hypothèses 2006
157660 Hypothèses 2006-Travaux de l'école doctorale d'histoire
173132 Hypothèses 2006. Travaux de l'Ecole doctorale d'Histoire de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
41206 Hypothèses 2006. Travaux de l'Ecole doctorale d'histoire de l'Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
41202 Hypothèses 2006. Travaux de l'Ecole doctorale d'histoire de l'Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
173155 Hypothèses 2008
173158 Hypothèses 2008 Travaux de l'Ecole doctorale d'histoire
173154 Hypothèses 2008 Travaux de l'école doctorale d'histoire de l'Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
173193 Hypothèses 2009. Travaux de l'école doctorale d'Histoire
163068 Hypothèses 2012, travaux de l’école doctorale d’histoire de l’Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne Publications de la Sorbonne
115035 Hypoxia 2324-1128 DovePress
181388 Hysteria! Revista
142875 Hystrix, the italian Journal of Mammalogy
499623 Hyôgo buraku kaihô
146199 Hábitat y Sociedad
914310 Händel-Jahrbuch
87391 Héliopolis
839434 Hématologie JLE
167333 Hémecht. Revue d’Histoire luxembourgeoise transnationale, locale, interdisciplinaire
113732 Hémecht. Revue d’histoire luxembourgeoise / Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte 0018-0270 Éditions Saint-Paul
681104 Hémisphère son
273298 Hépato-Gastro
114882 Hérodote, Revue de géographie et de géopolitique
130576 Hé Hé
172299 Hérésis
280397 Hétérographe
65423 Hôpitaux magazine
32353 Hôs ephat', dixerit quispiam, comme disait l'autre ... Mécanismes de la citation et de la mention dans les langues de l'Antiquité
125959 Hôshigaku kenkyûkai kaihô (Bulletin de la Société des recherches sur l’histoire du droit) 1345-7195 東京 : 法史学研究会
702580 Hōgaku kenkyū - Journal of law, politics and sociology 0389-0538 Association for the Study of Law and Politics, Faculty of Law, Keio University
401811 Hόρος 1105-2163 Greek Epigraphic Society
106767 I E E E Transactions on Reliability
24962 I Fogli di ORISS
338499 I J Islam Mid East Fin and Mgt
83529 I Jun 基于生态理念的城市规划研究 (jīyú shēngtài lǐniàn de chéngshì guīhuà yánjiū, Recherche sur le développement urbain durable)
31443 I Longobardi di Spoleto e di Benevento (Atti del XVI Congresso Internazionale di studi sull'alto medioevo)
106766 I N F O R M S Journal on Computing
114834 I Quaderni di Careggi 2281-3195 Uniscape
109620 I Tatti Studies
133653 I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance 0393-5949
34562 I caratteri dell'ellenismo nelle urne etrusche (Université de sienne)
34633 I cicli figurati fittili di età republicana (Congrès international, Chianciano - Sienne)
34594 I culti stranieri in Etruria (Congrès International Fondazione Faina, Orvieto)
33607 I graffiti di Marzabotto
178059 I percorsi dello sviluppo
118837 I problemi della pedagogia Marzorati
36459 I saperi della città, a cura di Enrico Iachello
94580 I suoni, le onde... (Rivista della Fondazione Isabella Scelsi)
123809 I'MTech. L'actualité scientifique et technologique de l'IMT
843145 I-LanD 2532-764X Paolo Loff redo Editore srl
861930 I-LanD Journal : Identity, Language and Diversity 2532-764X Paolo Loffredo iniziative editoriali
92664 I-Revues - Edition Electronique de l'INIST - Information, innovation et interdisciplinarité
181061 I-TEC (Innovation, Technologies, Education et Communication)
108550 I. Labraunda
47355 I.C.C. Bulletin
98942 I.E.E. PROCEEDINGS, part G
58090 I.E.E.E
27375 I.J. Crash
127922 I.R.S.I.D
172379 I.VW Management-Information – St. Galler Trendmonitor für Risiko- und Finanzmärkte Universität Sankt Gallen
166917 I2 Innovación e Investigación en Arquitectura y Territorio
801135 I2D – Information, données & documents
71753 I2M
56924 I2M (Lavoisier, Paris)
895715 IAARC 2413-5844 Automation in Construction
114730 IABSE Symposium Report 2221-3783 International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
149664 IACLALS Journal 2395-1206 IACLALS Delhi
186181 IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
143106 IACR eprint archive
98002 IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology
170449 IADIS 2015
90323 IADIS International Journal on www/Internet
78607 IADIS Mobile Learning
90586 IADIS e-Society 2010 Conference
755394 IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA) 2089-4856
166297 IAFEI Quarterly
122395 IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies
122792 IAFOR Journal of Education
91538 IAHS Red Book
180625 IAMSLIC Newsletter 0193-9254 International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC)
125439 IANUS - Diritto e Finanza - Rivista di studi giuridici 1974-9805 Università di Siena
57356 IAPR
165573 IAPR ICPR
127105 IAPS
79492 IARIA Conference
88240 IARIA International Journal on Intelligent systems
79662 IARIA Journals
106495 IARTEM e-journal 1837-2104 IARTEM
89904 IASA Journal
80819 IASC '08 : Joint 4th World Conference of the IASC and 6th of the Asian Regional Section of the IASC on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
122912 IASL Online 1612-0442
63315 IASLonline
150811 IASPM Journal 2079-3871 International Association for the Study of Popular Music
223458 IATASS Research
34388 IATL 16
78440 IATSS Research
107969 IATSS Research - Journal of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences 0386-1112 International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences
29700 IATUR, ISTAT. Italian National Statistical Institute. Time Use: What's New in Methodology and Application Fields?, 27-29 October 2004, Rome, Italy
181693 IAU Focus Meeting
81836 IAU Joint Discussion 7: Space-Time Reference Systems for Future Research at IAU General Assembly-Beijing. Online at
90423 IAU Symposium, Volume 297- 2014
76564 IAU-Idf
114396 IAW News
75158 IAWA J
30380 IAWA Journal
795395 IBAR Pr Alan Rice
142154 IBFD Derivatives & Financial Instruments
36665 IBGE. Elaboration et utilisation d'indicateurs de mobilité durable, Séminaire IBGE, 17 janv. 2004, Bruxelles (Belgique)
116387 IBIS-International Journal of Interoperability in Buisiness Information Systems 1862-6378
804361 IBRO Neuroscience Reports 2667-2421
150084 IC
81200 IC 2012
116710 IC Revista científica de Información y Comunicación 1696-2508 Departamento de Periodismo I de la Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla
76718 ICAC '12 : The 9th ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing
81680 ICACT '12 : The 14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology
105588 ICAE, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering
136703 ICAMOP journal Ibn Tofail University
74741 ICASSP
77417 ICASSP '12 : IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
96274 ICASSP 2014 : IEEE International Conferences on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
170458 ICASSP 2015
956354 ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2379-190X IEEE
72779 ICASSP'12
77431 ICB '12 : The 5th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics
97266 ICBBR Working Paper
75820 ICC '10 : IEEE International Conference on Communications
78756 ICC '12 : IEEE International Conference on Communications
96593 ICC 2014 : IEEE International Conference on Communication
94901 ICC 2014 : IEEE International Conference on Communications
137013 ICC Bull
122533 ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin
789902 ICC Journal ISSN 2747-9862
104266 ICCA Journal
173512 ICCAD2021
80138 ICCCN 2012: 21th International Conference on Computer Communication Networks
76630 ICCCN 2012: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks
81050 ICCI*CC 2012: IEEE 11th International Conference Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing
75702 ICCIT '12 : The Second International Conference on Communications and Information Technology
85277 ICCIT '13 : The Third International Conference on Communications and Information Technology
83357 ICCS 2013
82283 ICCSPA '13 : The First International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications
89848 ICCV 2013 Workshops
80672 ICDCS '08 : The 28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
702406 ICE XII. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists, 3rd-8th November 2019 Cairo, Egypt IFAO
76628 ICECT '12 : 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology
742954 ICES Annual Science Conference : session 1. Monitoring Requirements Observation Technologies and Methods (e.g. Acoustics) for Pelagic Organisms at Local and Basin Scales for Input into Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Assessments ICES
742956 ICES Annual Science Conference : session 1. Monitoring Requirements, Observation Technologies and Methods (e.g. Acoustics) for Pelagic Organismes at Local and Basin Scales for Input into Ecosystems Based Fisheries Management Assessments ICES
163678 ICES CM Documents -ICES: Copenhagen 1015-4744
63436 ICES Cooperative Research Report
613288 ICES Cooperative Research Report 1017-6195
614033 ICES Iden-tification Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shellfish 0109-2510
59776 ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil
820090 ICES Scientif Reports 2618-1371 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
164172 ICES Scientific Reports 2618-1371 ICES
796378 ICES Scientifics Reports 2618-1371
614038 ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences 0903-2606
615260 ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences 2707-6997
63270 ICES marine Science Symposium
158164 ICEVI European Newsletter 2666-1527 International Council for Education and Rehabilitation of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI)
119838 ICFA Beam Dyn.Newslett
46637 ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics
72125 ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance
175779 ICFAI Journal of Monetary Economics 0972-9291
105396 ICFAI journal of cyber law 0972-6934
59906 ICFHR
82392 ICFI '09 : 10th International Conference on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems
887766 ICFNDS '23: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems 4007-0903 ICFNDS '23
80817 ICGIP 2011: International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing
75879 ICGS3 '11 : 7th International Conference in Global Security, Safety and Sustainability
60305 ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing, GVIP
179712 ICH Courier 2092-7959 ICHCAP
94364 ICHI 2013 : proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics
31468 ICHL 2003, The XVIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Copenhague (1er août 2003)
63816 ICHMT
35525 ICHoLS IX, Sao Paulo, 21-30 août 2002
35601 ICHoLS X
85756 ICIAS '12 : The 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems
96226 ICICIS 2013 : 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems
78768 ICIN '11 : 15th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks : From Bits to Data, from Pipes to Clouds
78764 ICIN '12 : 16th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks
96875 ICIP 2013 : IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
79095 ICIS '09 : International Conference on Interaction Sciences
78842 ICISS '12 : 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security
52341 ICISS'08: International Conference on Information Systems Security
73714 ICISTM
125739 ICIT 2017 Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Information Technology Pages
56196 ICLQ
473453 ICLR International Conference on Learning Representations