Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
43737 LANGUAGE SCIENCE, special issue devoted to MIND & Language Elsevier
126629 Leukemia Research Reports 2213-0489 Elsevier
107620 Materials Sciences and Engineering: C 0928-4931 Elsevier
522363 MethodX 2215-0161 Elsevier
896996 Médecine et droit 1246-7391 Elsevier
254630 Neuroscience Informatics 2772-5286 Elsevier
88591 PROCEDIA Elsevier
594690 Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 0378-4371 Elsevier
148239 Physical Communications Elsevier
57690 Proc. of PLACES'09 Elsevier
107458 Progress in Optics 0079-6638 Elsevier
133661 Pulmonology 2531-0437 Elsevier
76658 RIAI Elsevier
762678 Recent Advances in Phytochemistry Elsevier
513799 Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety 0951-8320 Elsevier
741414 Research Policy Elsevier
167043 Resource-Efficient Technologies 2405-6537 Elsevier
58060 Revue Libanaise de Gestion et d'Economie Elsevier
291090 Smart Multifunctional Nano-inks: Fundamentals and Emerging Applications ISBN 978-0-323-91145-0 Elsevier
646510 Sports Economics Review 2773-1618 Elsevier
166685 Sustainable Operations and Computers 2666-4127 Elsevier
105654 Symposium (International) on Combustion 0082-0784 Elsevier
171495 The Internet and Higher Education Elsevier
142235 The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Elsevier
164526 USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Physics Elsevier
161941 Visual Informatics 2468-502X Elsevier
163523 Water Security 2468-3124 Elsevier
83301 Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web Elsevier
139798 eNeurologicalSci 2405-6502 Elsevier
74323 international journal on Visual Communication and Image representation (JVCI) Elsevier
180335 lingua An International Review of General Linguistics 0024-3841 Elsevier
181993 phytomedicine Plus 2667-0313 Elsevier
752965 Journal of Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) 0004-3702 Elsevier - Online ISSN: 1872-7921
315838 Green Synthesis and Catalysis (GSC) 2666-5549 Elsevier - Open access :
324102 Gait&Posture 0966-6362 Elsevier B.V
82911 Handb Clin Neurol Elsevier B.V
112982 Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2468-2179 Elsevier B.V. : Vietnam National University, Hanoi
101805 Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering 9780124095472 Elsevier Inc
163422 Discourse, Context & Media 2211-6958 Elsevier Ltd
280116 Medical Engineering and Physics 1350-4533 Elsevier Ltd
582206 In Analysis Elsevier MAsson
227077 La revue Santé scolaire et universitaire de l’école à l’université Elsevier Masson
171104 Motricité Cérébrale, Réadaptation, Neurologie du Développement 0245-5919 Elsevier Masson
455218 EMC - Traité de médecine AKOS 1634-6939 Elsevier Masson SAS
171008 EMC-Maladies infectieuses 1166-8598 Elsevier Masson SAS
166653 Endocrine Abstracts 1470-3947 Elsevier Science
592491 Plant Membrane Transport : the current position Elsevier Science
166652 The american journal of medecine 1555-7162 Elsevier Science
592533 Vide-Science, Technique et Applications 1266-0167 Elsevier Science B.V
153236 Çédille, revista de estudios franceses 1699-4949 Elsevier Scopus
30168 Adv Genet Elsevier bookseries
503628 EMC Traité de Psychiatrie Elsevier, Masson
165921 EMC Pédiatrie Maladies Infectieuses -Le traité EMC Pédiatrie–Maladies infectieuses 2011 1634-6939 Elsevier-Masson SAS
149115 Physica A Elsvier
169525 vocation sage-femme 1634-0760 Elvesier
893337 Revista Phronésis 2770-0410 Elvin A. González Pérez
127022 Journal of Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology Elyns Group
113151 Oma keel 1406-6599 Emakeele Selts
318824 Instrução Técnica Para o Produtor Rural de Pernambuco 1518-3254 Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva
97984 Advances in Management Accounting 1474-7871 Emerald
107515 Advances in Strategic Management 0742-3322 Emerald
163805 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Emerald
361638 International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 1756-669X Emerald
47711 International Journal of web information systems Emerald
166239 Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 2050-7003 Emerald
179375 Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 0885-8624 Emerald
152665 Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 1755-6228 Emerald
102004 Review of Behavioural Finance 1940-5979 Emerald
130143 Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 2046-6099 Emerald
166626 Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 2042-678X Emerald
171039 Fullbright Review of Economics and Policy 2635-0181 Emerald Group Publishing
113009 Research in Political Sociology 0895-9935 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
161683 Asian Journal of Economics and Banking 2615-9821 Emerald Insight
353494 EconomiA 1517-7580 Emerald Publishing
119790 Research in the Sociology of Organizations 0733-558X Emerald Publishing
177952 The Electronic Library 0264-0473 Emerald Publishing
149433 China Finance Review International Emerald Publishing Limited
687246 Journal of Trade Science 2815-5793 Emerald Publishing Limited
173229 Research on Emotion in Organizations 1746-9791 Emerald Publishing Limited
155243 Revista de Gestão 2177-8736 Emerald Publishing Limited
151545 Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 2398-5038 Emerald publishing
177930 Research in Political Economy 0161-7230 Emerald, Bingley (U.K.)
315590 Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences 2276-8467 Emerging Academy Resources
109642 mots C.L.E 9788866801535 Emil
103150 International Mathematical Journal 1311-6797 Emil Minchev
480314 Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwisenschaft 0939-2815 Emilie Aussant, Jean-Luc Chevillard
299845 Tribulus Emirates Natural History Group
112800 2164-1668 Emory College of Arts and Sciences
130628 Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences Emrah Evren Kara
422968 En ligne
111758 Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Entrangère ... LIA 1 Encrages
25545 Encyclopaedia Universalis, deuxième édition Encyclopaedia Universalis
163005 Universalia 2004 0997-4989 Encyclopaedia Universalis
33910 Universalia 2006 Encyclopaedia Universalis
142123 Encylopaedia Universalis Encyclopædia Britannica
160888 Britannica 1085-9721 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc
91858 Historia del presente 1579-8135 Eneida
139649 International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 0975-5462 Engg Journals Publication
131297 International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 0975-5462 Engg Journals Publications
165908 ES Energy & Environment 2578-0654 Engineered Science Publisher