Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
14891 ITNOW 1746-5702 Oxford University Press (OUP)
39506 ITOGI East View Information Services Inc
97281 ITTO Tropical Forest Update
165622 ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies 2616-8375 ITU
176839 ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries ITU
39507 ITWeb Brainstorm 1680-1555 ITWeb
14837 IUBMB Life 1521-6543 Wiley
39508 IUCr Newsletter 1067-0696 International Union of Crystallography
132079 IUCrData 2414-3146 International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) (Chester, England) [2016-....]
156353 IUFRO News 0256-5145
84916 IUP Journal of Knowledge Management
168941 IVES Technical Reviews vine and wine 2680-4905 International Viticulture and Enology Society
58845 IX-Magazine 0980-1529 Publications GRD
43736 IYYUN - The Jerusalem Journal of Philosophy S. H. Bergman Center for Philosophical Studies
120832 IZA Discussion Papers 2365-9793
103230 IZA Journal of Labor Economics 2193-8997 SpringerOpen
78522 IZA Journal of Migration 2193-9039 SpringerOpen
22104 Iapac Monthly 1545-1089 Iapac
22102 Iarc Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans 1017-1606 Iarc; 1999
107318 Iawa Journal 0254-3915
777717 Iberia Colchis 1512-4207 GEORGIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM - Journal of Otar Lordkipanidze Centre of Archaeology
123783 Iberian journal of the History of Economic Thought 2386-5768 Asociación Ibérica de Historia del Pensamiento Económico (AIHPE)
115064 Iberic@l 2260-2534 CRIMIC
47250 Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv 0340-3068 Vervuert
91481 Iberoamericana Quinqueecclesiensis 1785-7716 Pécs: PTE Lat.-Am. Közp
149217 Iberoamericana. América Latina. España. Portugal 1577-3388 Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut-Berlín--Iberoamericana/Vervuert Madrid-Frankfurt am Main
110926 Iberoromania : Revista dedicada a las lenguas y literaturas iberorrománicas de Europa y América 0019-0993 Max Niemeyer Verlag
708141 Ibini - Archéologie des Antilles Association Ibini
5296 Ibis 0019-1019 Wiley
137634 Ibla 0018-862X Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes
1020 Ibm Journal of Research and Development 0018-8646 Ibm Corporation
1021 Ibm Systems Journal 0018-8670 International Buisness Machines Corporation
13995 Ibsen Studies 1502-1866 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
1019 Ibérica 1139-7241 AELFE (Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos)
5297 Icarus 0019-1035 Elsevier
147464 Ice and Snow 2076-6734 Russian Academy of Sciences
5298 Iceland Review 0019-1094 Iceland Review
118291 Ichan tecolotl 1405-1931 CIESAS (Mexico)
13997 Ichnos 1042-0940 Taylor & Francis
13998 Ichthyological Research 1341-8998 Springer Verlag
177008 Ichthyology and Herpetology 2766-1512 American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
156585 Ichtyophysiologica Acta 0245-8608
156441 Ici et Là 1247-9896
109275 Icono 14: Comunicación y tecnologías emergentes 1697-8293 Icono 14
122003 Iconocrazia 2240-760X Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro
92969 Iconographica 1720-1764 SISMEL
10509 Icrp Publication 0074-2740 Elsevier
5300 Id -New York then Cincinnati- Design Publications then F&w Publications Inc 0894-5373 International Design
5301 Idaho Law Review 0019-1205 Idaho Law Review
5302 Idaho Librarian 0019-1213 Idaho Library Association