Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
6948 Marine Biology 0025-3162 Springer Verlag
382797 Marine Biology
16867 Marine Biology Research 1745-1000 Taylor & Francis
176412 Marine Biology Research
16868 Marine Biotechnology 1436-2228 Springer Verlag
144183 Marine Biotechnology
16869 Marine Chemistry 0304-4203 Elsevier
153153 Marine Chemistry 0304-4203
39900 Marine Corps Gazette Marine Corps Association Inc
16870 Marine Ecology 0173-9565 Wiley
115560 Marine Ecology (PSZN)
98891 Marine Ecology - An Evolutionary Perspective
107343 Marine Ecology Progress Series 0171-8630 Inter Research
6949 Marine Engineering and Shipping Review 0096-9435 Philadelphia: Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co
6950 Marine Engineering/Log 0732-5460 Marine Engineering/Log, Subscription Dept
46578 Marine Environmental
21740 Marine Environmental Research 0141-1136 Elsevier science
6951 Marine Fisheries Review 0090-1830 Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
70069 Marine Genomics 1874-7787 Elsevier
16871 Marine Geodesy 0149-0419 Taylor & Francis
149989 Marine Geodesy
16872 Marine Geology 0025-3227 Elsevier
149960 Marine Geology
613536 Marine Geology 0025-3227
16873 Marine Geophysical Research 0025-3235 Springer Verlag
170738 Marine Georesources & …
6952 Marine Georesources and Geotechnology 1064-119X Taylor & Francis
169929 Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
6953 Marine Geotechnology 0360-8867 Taylor & Francis
166572 Marine Life Science & Technology 2096-6490 Springer
16874 Marine Mammal Science 0824-0469 Wiley
16875 Marine Micropaleontology 0377-8398 Elsevier
16876 Marine Models -Oxford 1369-9350 Elsevier
1711 Marine Ornithology 1018-3337 Seabird Group
70279 Marine Petrology Geology
16877 Marine Policy 0308-597X Elsevier
16878 Marine Pollution Bulletin 0025-326X Elsevier
164419 Marine Pollution Bulletin
89361 Marine Power & propulsion, a supplement to the Naval Architect
20761 Marine Resource Economics 0738-1360 The University of Chicago Press Journals
147186 Marine Robotics and Applications
136228 Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 2147-9666 Adem Yavuz SÖNMEZ
16879 Marine Structures 0951-8339 Elsevier
6955 Marine Technology 0025-3316 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
6956 Marine Technology Society Journal 0025-3324 Marine Technology Society
1712 Marine Turtle Newsletter 0839-7708
16865 Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 1023-6244 Taylor & Francis
11006 Marine and Freshwater Research 1323-1650 CSIRO Publishing
100810 Marine and Freshwater Research / Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
16866 Marine and Petroleum Geology 0264-8172 Elsevier
182212 Marine and Petroleum Geology
124752 Marine and coastal fisheries American Fisheries Society
67348 Marine drugs 1660-3397 MDPI
182482 Marine et Océans
105754 Marine et science 2119-016X
30999 Marine life
6954 Marine log 0897-0491 Simmons-boardman Publishing Corporation
1713 Mariologisches Jahrbuch 1862-7013 Internationaler Mariologischer Arbeitskreis
83201 Maritima
16880 Maritime Economics and Logistics 1479-2931 Palgrave Macmillan
16882 Maritime Policy and Management 0308-8839 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
151167 Maritime Safety and Security Journal 2464-9724 Istituto di studi giuridici internazionali
409824 Maritime Studies 2212-9790 Centre for Maritime Research (MARE)
139523 Maritime Studies
138549 Maritime Studies 1872-7859 Centre for Maritime Research
139293 Maritime Technology Research 2651-205X Dr. Cherdvong Saengsupavanich
167282 Maritime Technology and Research 2651-205X
122743 Marius 0332-7868 Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law
874929 Mark Twain Annual
112652 Mark Twain Journal 0025-3499
674359 MarkenR 2366-1984 Wolters Kluver
144395 Market Management : revue internationale des sciences commerciales 1490-4756 Eska (Paris, France) [1998-2003]
316058 Market and Competition Law Review
105842 Market microstructure and liquidity 2382-6266 World scientific publishing company
127953 Marketing
6958 Marketing & Media Decisions 0195-4296 Decisions Publications, Inc
511065 Marketing : nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles perspectives
82449 Marketing Bulletin
6959 Marketing Communications 0164-4343 Media Horizons, Inc
526112 Marketing Education Review 1052-8008
77578 Marketing Grandes Ecoles
6960 Marketing Health Services 1094-1304 American Marketing Association
144440 Marketing Industrial 1806-2539
99092 Marketing Intelligence & Planning
16883 Marketing Intelligence and Planning 0263-4503 Emerald
16884 Marketing Letters 0923-0645 Springer Verlag
107772 Marketing Letters
62562 Marketing Letters,
6961 Marketing Magazine 0025-3642 MacLean Hunter Ltd
6962 Marketing Management 1061-3846 American Marketing Association Publications Group
6963 Marketing News 0025-3790 American Marketing Association
6964 Marketing Research 1040-8460 American Marketing Association
19538 Marketing Review 1469-347X Westburn Publishers
144657 Marketing Review St. Gallen 1865-6544
6965 Marketing Science 0732-2399 INFORMS
115751 Marketing Signs Marketing Signs Research Institute, Indiana University
16885 Marketing Theory 1470-5931 SAGE Publications
144406 Marketing Theory 1470-5931
176594 Marketing Theory
97108 Marketing ZFP ISTE Ltd and John Wiley&SONS
144779 Marketing ZFP Journal of Research and Management 0344-1369
97408 Marketing ZFP Journal of Research and Management
128254 Marketing and Branding Research 2476-3160 AIMI Journals
185709 Marketing and Management of Innovations 2218-4511
511056 Marketing de l'Art et de la Culture
509225 Marketing de l'Art et de la Culture
511082 Marketing des activités culturelles
44105 Marketing et Communication
66137 Marketing et Communication / Market management 1779-3572 Eska (Paris, France) [2005-2009]
717138 Marketing professionnel
33742 Marketing sensoriel du point de vente
6966 Marketing week 0141-9285 Centaur Media Plc
26755 Marketing- und Management-Transfer
170780 Markets, Globalization and Development Review 2473-4055
135095 Markov Process. Related Fields
49380 Markov Processes And Related Fields 1024-2953 Polymat Publishing Company
16886 Markup Languages Theory and Practice 1099-6621 MIT Press
34286 Markus MEUMANN, Jörg ROGGE (Hg.), Die besetzte res publica. Zum Verhältnis von ziviler Obrigkeit und militärischer Herrschaft in besetzten Gebieten vom Spätmittelalter bis zum 18. Jahrhundert, Colloque de Halle, 19-21 septembre 2001
928500 Marly, art et Patrimoine
181411 Marly, art et patrimoine 1955-6462
1714 Marmara Medical Journal 1019-1941 Marmara University
119175 Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 1309-0801 Marmara University Faculty of Pharmacy
184026 Marmara University Journal of Turkology 2529-0045 Institute of Turkic Studies, Marmara University,
39901 Marmora, An International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones 1824-6214 Fabrizio Serra editore
138561 Marnes, documents d’architecture 2115-4961 La Villette
55387 Marq. Arqueología y museos
179655 Marque page 1270-2536
131845 Marque page
26469 Marques d'authenticité et sigillographie. Recueil d'articles publiés en hommage à René Laurent édité par Claude de Moreau de Gerbehaye et André Vanrie. Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique Archives générales du Royaume
6967 Marquette Law Review 0025-3987 Marquette University
6968 Marquette Sports Law Journal 1057-6029 Marquette University Law School
6969 Marquette Sports Law Review 1533-6484 National Sports Law Institute of Marquette University Law School
6970 Marriage and Family Review 0149-4929 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6971 Marriage and family living 0885-7059 JSTOR
905248 Marriage, Families and Spirituality (INTAMS Review)
181684 Marriage, families and spirituality
330482 Marronnages: Les Questions Raciales Au Crible Des Sciences Sociales Université libre de Bruxelles
170881 Marruveli
738507 Mars Papers Archive The Mars Society, Lakewood, Colorado, USA
58901 Marseille
125977 Marseille : la revue culturelle de la ville de Marseille 0995-8703 Mairie de Marseille
48470 Marseille au Moyen Age, entre Provence et Méditerranée : les horizons d'une ville portuaire. Catalogue de l'exposition des archives municipales de Marseille, novembre 2008-printemps 2009
870762 Marseille médical
30981 Marseille, entre ville et ports : les destins de la rue de la République La Découverte. Collection Recherche
55107 Marseille, revue culturelle
835804 Marseille, revue culturelle de la ville
29514 Marseille, revue municipale Ville de Marseille
172683 Marseille. Revue municipale
85627 Marshall Studies Bulletin
6972 Marsyas 0076-4701 Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
87235 Marsyas: Revue de pédagogie musicale et chorégraphique
58564 Marteau Pilon
6973 Martha Stewart Living 1057-5251 Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
677983 Martial Arts Studies 2057-5696 Cardiff University Press
117307 Martial Arts Studies
36661 Martine Cohen (dir.), Associations laïques et confessionnelles Identités et Valeurs
113949 Martinia Société Française d'Odonatologie (SFO)
90667 Martor, Revue d'Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan roumain
90666 Martor. Revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain
139531 Martín. Revista de artes y letras de la Universidad San Martín de Porres 2223-4896 Lima: Universidad de San Martín de Porres
647244 Marvell Studies 2399-7435
39902 Marvels and Tales 1521-4281 Wayne State University Press
48381 Marx Ahora - Revista internacional de filosofia Editorial Nuevo Milenio
703242 Marx and Philosophy Review of Books
111756 Marx e o Marxismo - Revista da Universidade Federal Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro) 9788522811502 Universidade Federal Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro)
57375 Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch
674732 Marxism & Sciences 2822-2849
146652 Marxism and Reality 1004-5961 CCTB Beijing
70116 Marxismo actual (La Paz)
57322 Marxismo oggi
6974 Maryland Bar Journal 0025-4177 Maryland State Bar Association, Inc
6975 Maryland English Journal 0542-8343 Maryland Council of Teachers of English
6977 Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade 0884-9331 University of Maryland School of Law
6978 Maryland Law Review 0025-4282 University of Maryland
21734 Maryland Medicine 1538-2656 Maryland State Medical Society
6976 Maryland journal of contemporary legal issues 1066-9809 University of Maryland School of Law
6979 Maryland state medical journal 0025-4363 Baltimore, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland
72633 María en los caminos de santidad cristiana. Ephemerides mariologicae
117083 MasDeco
56998 Masaum Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
96576 Mascots2014
137704 Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies 2169-4435 NC State University
109204 Mashriq and Mahjar: Journal of Middle East Migration Studies North Carolina State University
926271 Masiwa Éditions Ceolacanthe
165054 Maska 1318-0509 ZKOS
754959 Maska. Performing Arts Journal
6980 Masonry Construction 1055-4408 Hanley-Wood, LLC
75180 Masonry International, British Masonry Society
6981 Mass Comm Review 0193-7707 San Jose State University
6982 Mass Communication and Society 1520-5436 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
113106 Mass Spectrometry & Purification Techniques 2469-9861 Omics Publishing Group
16888 Mass Spectrometry Reviews 0277-7037 Wiley
766482 Mass Torts Journal
6983 Mass Transit 0364-3484 Cygnus Pub. Inc
179546 Mass Violence & Resistance 
99228 Mass. Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
6984 Massachusetts Law Quarterly 0025-4835 Massachusetts Bar Association
6986 Massachusetts Legal History 1092-5880 Supreme Judicial Court Historical Society
6987 Massachusetts Library Association Bulletin 0275-8784
6985 Massachusetts law review 0163-1411 Massachusetts Bar Association