Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
96026 IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications
64754 IPSJ Transactions on Programming IPSJ
143706 IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology
143242 IRACON
84580 IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT)
113914 IRAL
26638 IRAQ
90077 IRBA : Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées
783192 IRBM News 1959-7568
127655 IRBM News
77611 IRCAM
149019 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 2235-3151
595207 IRD
154739 IRD le Mag
86998 IRECAP
42599 IREE International Review of Electrical Engineering
42600 IREE, International Review of Electrical Engineering
80117 IREP
171197 IRIS Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques
87686 IRIS
108846 IRIS l’Institut de recherche immigration et société
932690 IRIS - Analyse
932524 IRIS - L’édito de Pascal Boniface
60756 IRIS / Cahiers du Gerf
59591 IRIS DMS Newsletter Fall
67322 IRIS n° 11, "Bible et Imaginaire
152754 IRIS observatoire
161699 IRIS – Les Cahiers du Gerf
79424 IRIS, Centre de recherche sur l'imaginaire, Université Grenoble 3
932503 IRIS-Analyses
46428 IROS
45710 IRPC Recent avances and Research Updates
100687 IRRE
171195 IRS héritage
181550 IRSEM - Research Papers IRSEM
178532 IRSEM Strategic Brief
88602 IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging
96627 ISA Transaction
179498 ISA eSymposium for Sociology
152464 ISABB Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences 1937-3236 Academic Journals
82391 ISARCS '10 :1rst International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems
47722 ISB News Report
82758 ISB-Magazine ISB
88079 ISBA Bulletin
90468 ISBI 2013 : IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro
144442 ISBJ, International Small Business Journal 0266-2426
707192 ISBL
84203 ISBN 973-8335-84-1
170500 ISBN 978-3-319-09164-8
151155 ISBuzzNews ISBuzz Pty Ltd
76199 ISCC '12 : The Seventeenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications
77458 ISCIS '12 : 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences
83443 ISCO '12 : 2nd international symposium on combinatorial optimization
44832 ISDR Informs Asia & Pacific
61970 ISEC '10: Proceedings of the 3rd India software engineering conference
434747 ISEE Conference Abstracts 1078-0475
106656 ISESCO Journal of Science and Technology ISESCO-COMSTECH
60051 ISESCO Science and Technology Vision
64892 ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology
810985 ISFJ
80593 ISG '10 : International Society for Gerontechnology 7th World Conference
152252 ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 0971-5010
437556 ISHPES Studies Academia Verlag Sankt Augustin
113440 ISI
82991 ISIG Journal
123347 ISIJ Int (Iron Steel Inst Jpn)
176423 ISIM Review 1871-4374
75797 ISM '11 : The IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia
80237 ISM 2012: IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia
98028 ISM 2013: IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia
822190 ISME Communications 2730-6151
37155 ISMIS 03
37163 ISMIS 03 LNCS
171387 ISO Focus
545997 ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe, Proceedings of a Ringberg Workshop Held at Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, 8-12 November 1999, Edited by D. Lemke, M. Stickel, and K. Wilke, Lecture Notes in Physics
154149 ISO bulletin
150583 ISOI Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
163898 ISPI ISPI Italian Institute for International Political Studies
95523 ISPI Analysis
596221 ISPI Dossier
113874 ISPI Studies
158809 ISPI's Publications
90197 ISPLC 2012 : 16th International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications
122814 ISPOR Latin America 2330-9342 ISPOR Latin America Development Editorial Office
121294 ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
179962 ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry
179924 ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry
856004 ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2667-3932
177292 ISPRS annals of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences 2194-9050 Copernicus Publ
94933 ISPSO 2013 : annual meeting of the International Society for the Psychoanalytical Study of Organizations
129870 ISR-Forschungsberichte 4637-812X
431243 ISRF Bulletin
810908 ISRG Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (ISRGJAHSS) 2583-7672
37006 ISRM News journal
80949 ISRN Combinatorics
82130 ISRN Computational Mathematics
108534 ISRN Condensed Matter Physics
83185 ISRN Dermatol
88387 ISRN Economics
94409 ISRN Electrochemistry
88780 ISRN Endocrinol
90210 ISRN Environmental Chemistry
83132 ISRN Machine Vision
72434 ISRN Materials Science
74884 ISRN Mechanical Engineering
85957 ISRN Metallurgy
178769 ISRN Nanotechnology 2090-6064
91433 ISRN Neurol
81676 ISRN Obesity
107138 ISRN Oncol
73869 ISRN Optics
117848 ISRN Probability and Statistics 2090-4711 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
103708 ISRN Spectroscopy
145517 ISRN Thermodynamics International Scholarly Research Network,
126625 ISRN Toxicology 2090-6188 Hindawi
87144 ISRN Vascular Medicine
91839 ISRN Virology
80382 ISRN-Oceanography (Hindawi Publishing corporation)
28604 ISS Research Series, 15
28602 ISS Research Series, 15,
134217 ISS Today Institute for Security Studies
179597 ISS research series
127172 ISSAC '18: 2018 ACM International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
160673 ISSAC'17-Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
122871 ISSBD bulletin 2040-5243 Karina Weichold
54816 ISSCS 2009
105827 ISSE, Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
157895 ISSI Visiting Scholars Working Paper Series
80220 ISSN: 2251-1911
82472 ISSNIP '13 : 4th IEEE Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference
78677 ISSPA '12 : The 11th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications
75482 ISSPA 2012: 11th IEEE International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications
163134 ISSUE - Journal of art & design HEAD – Genève
163151 ISSUE Journal of art & design HEAD – Genève
166019 ISSUE Journal of art & design HEAD – Genève
160683 ISSUE Journal of art & design HEAD – Geneva HEAD – Genève - HEAD – Genève (Haute école d’art et de design)
408939 ISSUE. Journal of art & design HEAD – Genève HEAD – Genève
147312 ISSUES : cahiers de recherches de la revue Economie et politique 0222-7762 Paris : Issues, 1978-2001
35391 IST (Instituto Superior Técnico), CESUR (Lisbon Technical University). Thredbo9, 9th conference on competition and ownership in land transport, 5-9 september 2005, Lisbonne
121013 ISTE Editions
147863 ISTE Openscience
159597 ISTE Openscience ISTE Ltd
179918 ISTOR, Revista de Historia International
154750 ISTORIYA 2079-8784 Ltd “Integration: Education and Science”, Moscow
81262 ISTP '11 : International Workshop on Information Security, Theory and Practice
170592 ISWC'17
77420 ISWCS '12 : The Ninth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems
80690 ISWPC '08 : 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing
58710 IT Expert Journal
130588 IT Industrie & Technologies 1633-7107
173654 ITALIAN QUARTERLY 0021-2954
66562 ITALICS e-Journal
160768 ITBM - RBM
116241 ITBM : Innovation et technologie en biologie et médecine 0243-7228
73884 ITBM-RBM, recherche et ingénierie biomédicale
57197 ITE Letters on Batteries, New Technologies & Medicine
42724 ITE Letters on Batteries, New Technologies and Medicine
115300 ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications 2186-7364 The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
304109 ITEGAM- Journal of Engineering and Technology for Industrial Applications (ITEGAM-JETIA) 2447-0228
79126 ITEM Interference Technology, the international journal of electromagnetic compatibility
168731 ITF Coaching and sport science review 2225-4757 International Tennis Federation
606467 ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 0019-0829
68445 ITL Review of applied linguistics
248338 ITM Web of Conferences 2271-2097
166043 ITS European Congress
80896 ITST 2012: 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications
150271 ITU Telecom World Forum: Young Voices, New Visions International Telecommunication Union Publications
82531 ITW '12 : IEEE Information Theory Workshop
176931 ITbulletin, Atos
75861 ITiCSE '12 : 17th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
149113 ITlib 1335-793X Centrum VTI SR, Bratislava
306903 IUCN AEL Journal of Environmental Law 1929-6088
492766 IUCN AEL Journal of Environmental Law
868184 IUCrData
967999 IUCrJ 2052-2525
43963 IUFM Midi-Pyrénées Journées de l'innovation - Colloque international, 23, 24, 25, Janvier 2002 – Foix – France
959256 IUGS E-Bulletin International Union of Geological Sciences
54971 IUIES Journal of European Studies
563180 IUL Research | Open Journal of IUL University 2723-9586 IUL University
145146 IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE
150450 IUS Labor
35027 IUSSP = UIESP. XXVe Congrès International de la Population, 18-23 Juillet 2005, Tours, France = XXV International Population Conference, July 18-23 2005, Tours
114864 IUSSP's online news magazine
936445 IUSVEducation 2283-642X IUSVE
131252 IUT de Bayonne
65724 IUTAM Bookseries - Symposium on Discretization Methods for Evolving Discontinuities
54131 IUTAM Bookseries, Springer
29775 IV Congreso Europeo Ceisal de Latinoamericanistas "Desafíos sociales en América Latina en el siglo XXI", Bratislava, 4-7 juillet 2004
34919 IVM. Symposiun International. Urban Mobilities, The research issues in China and abroad, 9-11 oct. 2004, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
900835 IVOA Standard specification
82667 IVS 2012 General Meeting Proceedings
35603 IVe colloque interuniversitaire de Philosophie Médiévale du Québec, organisé par C. Panaccio