Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
21868 Journal of Nuclear Medicine 0161-5505 Society of Nuclear Medicine
21869 Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 1547-5654 American Association of Neurological Surgeons
21870 Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences 0390-5616 Edizione Minerva Medica
21871 Journal of Neurosurgery 0022-3085 American Association of Neurological Surgeons
21872 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 0888-0395 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
21873 Journal de Neuroradiologie / Journal of Neuroradiology 0150-9861 Elsevier Masson
21874 Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 0022-3069 Oxford University Press
21875 Journal of neuroimmunology. Supplement 0169-5088
21876 Journal of Neurocytology 0300-4864 Springer Verlag (Germany)
21878 Journal of Nephrology 1121-8428 Italian Society of Nephrology/Springer
21879 Journal- National Black Nurses Association 0885-6028 National Black Nurses Association Inc
21880 Journal of natural toxins 1058-8108
21881 Journal- New Zealand Society of Periodontology 0111-1485 New Zealand Society of Periodontology
21882 The Journal of the New York State Nurses' Association 0028-7644
21883 Journal- New Jersey Dental Association 0093-7347 American Association of Dental Editors
21885 Journal of Molecular Modeling 1610-2940 Springer Verlag (Germany)
21886 Journal- Mississippi State Medical Association 0026-6396 Mississippi State Medical Association
21887 Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 1684-1182 Elsevier
21888 Journal of Microbiology 1225-8873 Springer Verlag (Germany)
21889 Journal- Michigan Dental Association 0026-2102 Michigan Dental Association
21890 Journal of Medical Practice Management 8755-0229 Greenbranch Publishing
21891 Lebanese Medical Journal 0023-9852 Scientific Committee of the Lebanese Order of Physicians
21893 Journal of Medical Genetics 0022-2593 BMJ Publishing Group
21894 Journal of medical and dental sciences 1342-8810
21895 Journal of Medical Biography 0967-7720 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
21896 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 0125-2208
21897 Journal of medicine 0025-7850
21898 Journal- Massachusetts Dental Society 0025-4800 American Association of Dental Editors
21899 Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy 1083-4087 Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
21900 Journal des Maladies Vasculaires 0398-0499 Elsevier Masson
21901 Journal of leukocyte biology. Supplement
21902 Journal of Leukocyte Biology 0741-5400 Society for Leukocyte Biology
21903 The Journal of laryngology and otology. Supplement 0144-2945
21904 Journal- Louisiana State Medical Society 0024-6921 Louisiana State Medical Society
21905 Journal- Kentucky Medical Association 0023-0294 Kentucky Medical Association
21906 Journal of Knee Surgery 1538-8506 Georg Thieme Verlag
21907 Journal- Irish Dental Association 0021-1133 Irish Dental Assoc
21908 Journal of Investigative Medicine 1081-5589 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
21909 Journal of Invasive Cardiology 1042-3931 Health Management Publications, Inc
21910 Journal of internal medicine. Supplement 0955-7873
21911 International Journal of Bioethics 1145-0762 Diffusion Eska
21912 Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care. Supplement : JIAPAC
21913 Journal -- International Academy of Periodontology 1466-2094 The International Academy of Periodontology
21914 Journal of insurance medicine (New York, N.Y.) 0743-6661
21916 Journal- Indiana Dental Association 0019-6568 Indiana Dental Association
21917 Journal- Indian Medical Association 0019-5847 Indian Med Assoc
21918 Journal of Immunological Methods 0022-1759 Elsevier
21919 Journal of Hypertension -Supplement 0952-1178 Current Science Ltd
21920 Journal of human ergology 0300-8134
21921 Journal of HIV Therapy 1462-0308 Mediscript Limited