Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
138903 Materials Theory 2509-8012 Anter El-Azab
16905 Materials Today 1369-7021 Elsevier
166588 Materials Today
138461 Materials Today : Proceedings
166215 Materials Today Advances 2590-0498 Elsevier
140288 Materials Today Bio 2590-0064 Elsevier
653004 Materials Today Catalysis 2949-754X
116121 Materials Today Chemistry 2468-5194 Elsevier
105745 Materials Today Communications 2352-4928 Elsevier
913716 Materials Today Communications
573539 Materials Today Electronics 2772-9494 Elsevier
133784 Materials Today Nano 2588-8420 Elsevier
123106 Materials Today Physics 2542-5293 Elsevier
147273 Materials Today Sustainability 2589-2347 Elsevier
101272 Materials Today: Proceedings 2214-7853 Elsevier
16906 Materials Transactions 1345-9678 Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai
105130 Materials Transactions
105215 Materials and Corrosion
16892 Materials and Corrosion / Werkstoffe und Korrosion 0947-5117 Wiley-VCH Verlag
491294 Materials and Design
130589 Materials and Devices 2495-3911 Collaborating Academics – International Press
30285 Materials and Manufacturing Processes 1042-6914 Taylor & Francis
803081 Materials and Manufacturing Processes 1532-2475
54513 Materials and Metallurgical Transactions
155102 Materials and Methods 2329-5139
51620 Materials and Sensations
99487 Materials and Technologies
1719 Materials and Technology 1580-2949 Institute of Metals and Technology with associated publishers
278436 Materials and Technology
16520 Materials and structures 1359-5997 Springer Verlag
37848 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 Taylor and Francis
142571 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409
140805 Materials at High Temperatures
868412 Materials express 2158-5849
316952 Materials for Quantum Technology 2633-4356
117097 Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2194-1459 Springer
95102 Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy
46817 Materials forum
100789 Materials in engineering
96365 Materials of Electronics Technics
937588 Materials pedagògics Institut Theatre de Barcelone
6996 Materials performance 0094-1492 National Association of Corrosion Engineers
54874 Materials processing for properties and performance
132403 Materials today energy 2468-6069 Elsevier Ltd
59948 Materials, Processes, Integration and Reliability in Advanced Interconnects for Micro- and Nanoelectronics
59949 Materials, Processes, Integration and Reliability in Advanced Interconnects for Micro- and Nanoelectronics 990
79665 Materialwiss. Werkstofftech
79666 Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik
123383 Materialy Ceramiczne
123390 Materialy Ceramiczne/Ceramic Materials
172589 Materialy po Arheologii, Istorii i Etnografii Tavrii
26897 Materiam superabat opus. Hommage à Alain Erlande-Brandenburg, édité par A. Bos, X. Dectot, J-M. Leniaud, P. Plagnieux Ecole nationale des Chartes et Réunion des musées nationaux
171964 Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego. Rzeszów,
99481 Maternal & Child Nutrition
170190 Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology
16911 Maternal and Child Health Journal 1092-7875 Springer Verlag
16910 Maternal and Child Nutrition 1740-8695 Wiley
51528 Maternal and Neonatal Health Program, JHPIEGO
45809 Math & Sci. hum
61193 Math Ann
95712 Math-Ecole
53287 Math. Ann
32586 Math. Comp
32927 Math. Comp. 74
61954 Math. Logic Quarterly
89295 Math. Mod. Nat. Phen
46631 Math. Nachr
61960 Math. Nachrichten
31838 Math. Notae
63827 Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc
54605 Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc
90399 Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc
147141 Math. Program
55208 Math. Res. Lett
81539 Math. Research Letters
90326 Math. Scand
31837 Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ
32993 Math. Syst. Theory
61015 Math. Zeitschr
581146 Math.Ann
37076 Math.Model.Num.Anal
118667 Math.Phys.Anal.Geom
203059 Math.Programming
168840 Math.Res.Lett
54376 MathPAD Paderborn University
104312 MathemaTICE
120332 MathematicS In Action Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI)
108190 Mathematica Aeterna 1314-3344 HILARIS LTD
498581 Mathematica Applicanda 1730-2668
123115 Mathematica Balkanica
70706 Mathematica Bohemica 0862-7959 Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences
145652 Mathematica Japonica
39906 Mathematica Journal 1047-5974 Miller Freeman Inc
61214 Mathematica Pannonica
174327 Mathematica Pannonica : new series 0865-2090 AKJournals
23569 Mathematica Scandinavica
42029 Mathematica Slovaca 1337-2211 Matematický ústav SAV
39905 Mathematica in Education and Research 1096-3324 Mathematica in Education and Research
82871 Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory 1544-5879
823761 Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography 2220-2617 Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
16914 Mathematical Biosciences 0025-5564 Elsevier
144632 Mathematical Biosciences 0025-5564
144029 Mathematical Biosciences
106360 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 1547-1063 AIMS Press
16915 Mathematical Cognition 1354-6791 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
139557 Mathematical Communications 1331-0623 Department of Mathematics, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek in cooperation with the Osijek Mathematical Society
66852 Mathematical Control and Related Fields 2156-8472 AIMS
166052 Mathematical Cryptology Florida Online Journals
116205 Mathematical Economics Letters
16916 Mathematical Engineering in Industry 0169-121X Brill Academic Publishers
16917 Mathematical Finance 0960-1627 Wiley
178553 Mathematical Finance
160705 Mathematical Finance 1467-9965
106553 Mathematical Finance Letters Science & Knowledge Publishing Corporation Limited
33746 Mathematical Finance. Bachelier Congress 2001
172428 Mathematical Forum 0972-9852 Dibrugarh : Department of Mathematics of Dibrugarh University
112146 Mathematical Game Theory and Applications 2074-9872 Institute of Applied Mathematical Research Karelian Research Centre of RAS
17273 Mathematical Gazette 0025-5572 The Mathematical Association
16918 Mathematical Geology 0882-8121 Springer Verlag
104222 Mathematical Geosciences 1874-8961 Springer Verlag
24479 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications
79547 Mathematical Inequalities and Apllications
167307 Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences 2278-9561
1722 Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 0030-1566 Okayama University
17140 Mathematical Logic Quarterly 0942-5616 Wiley
46274 Mathematical Logic Quaterly
16919 Mathematical Medicine and Biology 1477-8599 Oxford University Press (OUP)
170648 Mathematical Methods and Physico-Mechanical Fields 0130-9420 Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics
164084 Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance 1971-6419 Department of Economics of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice
16920 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 0170-4214 Wiley
16921 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1432-2994 Springer Verlag
108172 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 1066-5307 Springer
70863 Mathematical Model Natural Phenomenon
163078 Mathematical Modeling and Computing 2312-9794
95037 Mathematical Modeling in Civil Engineering
16922 Mathematical Modelling 0270-0255 Elsevier
107104 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 1392-6292 Taylor&Francis and VGTU
126616 Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computing 0973-6093
174361 Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 2369-0739
41419 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 0973-5348 EDP Sciences
100185 Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 7
118564 Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
16924 Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 0218-2025 World Scientific Publishing
22976 Mathematical Models of Operations Research
109159 Mathematical Morphology - Theory and Applications 2353-3390 De Gruyter
176120 Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications Inria
16942 Mathematical News / Mathematische Nachrichten 0025-584X Wiley-VCH Verlag
92684 Mathematical Notes
59086 Mathematical Notes (transl. of Mat. Zametki)
71130 Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry
1723 Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal 1086-6655 Universitat de Barcelona
16926 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1385-0172 Springer Verlag
24372 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry Springer
16927 Mathematical Population Studies 0889-8480 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
1724 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1024-123X Hindawi Publishing Corporation
110880 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
16928 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 0305-0041 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
125051 Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 1393-7197 Royal Irish Academy
91027 Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
16929 Mathematical Programming 0025-5610 Springer Verlag
168375 Mathematical Programming 1436-4646
116141 Mathematical Programming
117742 Mathematical Programming Computation 1867-2949 Springer
140516 Mathematical Programming Computation
20973 Mathematical Programming, Series A Springer
63734 Mathematical Reports 1582-3067 Romanian Academy of Sciences
205175 Mathematical Reports 2285-3898
23934 Mathematical Research Letters 1073-2780 International Press
77928 Mathematical Review Letters
144726 Mathematical Reviews 0025-5629
111924 Mathematical Reviews 0025-5629 American Mathematical Society
869039 Mathematical Sciences (Suurikagaku) 0386-2240 Science Co. (Japan)
16930 Mathematical Social Sciences 0165-4896 Elsevier
144832 Mathematical Social Sciences 0165-4896
114574 Mathematical Social Sciences
47193 Mathematical Social Siences
132195 Mathematical Statistics and Learning 2520-2316 EMS Publishing House
16931 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 0960-1295 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
47100 Mathematical System Theory
16932 Mathematical Systems Theory 0025-5661 Springer-Verlag
16933 Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation 0891-6837 JSTOR
171795 Mathematical Theory and Modeling 2225-0522
7000 Mathematical Thinking and Learning 1098-6065 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
174247 Mathematical and Computational Applications
16912 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 0895-7177 Elsevier
16913 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 1387-3954 Taylor & Francis
62905 Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation WAVES
98405 Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability Statistics for Industry and Technology
126144 Mathematical and computational applications 1300-686X MDPI
51158 Mathematical and computer Modeling
53609 Mathematical and physical theory of turbulence
53104 Mathematical annalen
139089 Mathematical modeling of natural phenomena
64120 Mathematical modelling in Civil Engineering
64121 Mathematical modelling in Civil Engineering
46021 Mathematical modelling, 5ème Vienna Symposium
807144 Mathematical social science, 0165-4896 1879-3118 Elsevier
104263 Mathematics 2227-7390 MDPI
685769 Mathematics 2227-7390 MDPI
832375 Mathematics MDPI