Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
182379 Human. Sport. Medecine 2500-0195 SOUTH URAL STATE UNIV, SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEPT
103701 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 1575-5460 SP Birkhäuser Verlag Basel
162810 Investigar em Educação 1645-7587 SPCE - Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação Porto
139326 Kinésithérapie Scientifique 0023-1576 SPEK - Société de presse et d'édition de la kinésithérapie
140839 Revue belge de sécurité sociale 0035-0834 SPF Sécurité sociale [Service public fédéral Sécurité sociale] (Bruxelles, Belgique) [1959-....]
155309 Cahiers d'Epistémê SPH
688247 Advanced photonics 2577-5421 SPIE
388999 Journal of Optical Microsystems SPIE
7614 Optical Engineering 0091-3286 SPIE
177053 Proc. SPIE 11612, Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXVIII SPIE
98026 Proc. SPIE 8969, Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials XI SPIE
103235 Proceedings SPIE 9364, Oxide-based Materials and Devices VI SPIE
364073 SPIE Proceedings SPIE
502153 X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers: Beam Diagnostics, Beamline Instrumentation, and Applications II SPIE
111468 Journal of Medical Imaging 2329-4310 SPIE Digital Library
6056 Journal of Electronic Imaging 1017-9909 SPIE and IS&T
28242 Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 0277-786X SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering
178767 Cahiers de Spirit / Spirit Working Papers 2105-1097 SPIRIT
118463 Revue de l'Institut Napoléon 0395-921X SPM
26278 Sites et monuments 0489-0280 SPPEF - Société pour la protection des paysage et de l'Esthétique de la France
124419 African Journal of Teacher Education (AJOTE) 1916-7822 SPREAD Corporation (Sustainable Programs for Reducing Educational and Avocational Disadvantages)
163937 Environmental Sciences Europe 2190-4707 SPRINGER
105846 Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 1864-404X SPRINGER
130881 International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 2320-3765 SPS Publications
142417 Reforesta 2466-4367 SPS REFORESTA
117471 International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development 2187-3666 SPSD Press
153322 Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 1133-309X SPUS
112807 Les Echos du Logement SPW - Wallonie
180853 SPring-8: Scientific Research Report 2187-6886 SPring-8/SACLA
159682 Archéologie et Bourgogne – Franche-Comté 2254-2583 SRA Bourgogne – Franche-Comté
51032 Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 1454-8658 SRAIT
893227 SRAWUNG (Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities) 2827-8151 SRAWUNG (Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities)
814704 Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics 2250-1177 SRG Hospital & Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India
71576 Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng SSA
71571 J. Crystal Growth SSA
76642 Accueillir 0223-5420 SSAE
107413 SSIIM Papers Series 9788887697872 SSIIM Unesco Chair
666125 International Journal of Library and Information Studies 2231-4911 SSR Subscription Agency
779146 The Journal of Energy and Development SSRN
9200 VM & SD 1072-9666 ST Publications Inc
107089 International Journal of Services Computing 2330-4472 STCC
142941 Teatr 0131-6885 STD
108113 American international journal of research in science, technology, engineering & mathematics 2328-3491 STEM International Scientific Online Media and Publishing House
869 Family Medicine 0742-3225 STFM
161816 Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics 2455-1961 STM Journals
137306 Research & Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures 2394-1979 STM Journals
99286 ST Journal of Research 1828-2105 STMICROELECTRONICS
28844 Le Furet - revue de la petite enfance et de l'intégration 1163-4383 STRASBOURG : Union Régionale des Centres Sociaux
65858 Tecnoscienza. Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies 2038-3460 STS Italia
163611 Studia UBB Ambientum 2065-9490 STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS
54033 Studia Europaea 1224-8746 STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS , Babeş-Bolyai University
139755 Prācī Prajñā(प्राची प्रज्ञा) - A Refereed E-Journal in Sanskrit, Dr. Sugyan Kumar Mahanty, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, 2348-8417 SUGYAN KUMAR MAHANTY
167057 Education Permanente - La revue spécialisée de Suisse pour la formation continue SVEB
106822 Kultura Popularna 1644-8340 SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny
117270 Resine. Quaderni liguri di cultura 2239-5334 Sabatelli;Associazione culturale Resine
141867 Toute la Vallée : la vie en Ubaye Sabença de la Valéia
168423 IOSG Newsletter Sabine Orlowski, Matthieu Le Corre & Aurélie Labbé
40586 South African Journal of Chemistry 0379-4350 Sabinet
82129 Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History 2220-4563 Sabinet African Journals
39124 George Herbert Journal 0161-7435 Sacred Heart University
6597 Journal of Traffic Safety Education 0164-1344 Safety Communications International
4339 Db 0011-7145 Sagamore Pub. Co. Inc
39694 Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 0735-1968 Sagamore Publishing
133958 International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research 0975-7066 Sagar: Avijeet Jain
108378 ASN neuro 1759-0914 Sage
146041 Advance Sage
124388 American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy 1945-8924 Sage
557846 Coastal Studies & Society 2634-9817 Sage
133480 Contact 2515-2564 Sage
128286 European Journal of Communication, March 2012 vol. 27 no. 1 82-87 Sage
923341 IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 2277-9752 Sage
426439 International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 Sage
128693 Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials 2280-8000 Sage
164091 Journal of Clinical Urology 2051-4158 Sage
99718 Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 1461-3484 Sage
353370 MDM Policy & Practice 2381-4683 Sage
147866 Media, Culture and Communication Sage
163355 Music & Science 2059-2043 Sage
107152 Organization 1461-7323 Sage
167226 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine 2041-3033 Sage
819700 Research Ethics 1747-0161 Sage
131422 Social Media + Society 2056-3051 Sage
173811 Social Studies of Sciences 0306-3127 Sage
136284 Studies in people’s history 2348-4489 Sage
117157 Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease 2040-6223 Sage
147696 Therapeutic Advances in Urology 1756-2872 Sage
75167 Time & Society Sage
173470 Toxicology Research and Application 2397-8473 Sage
21168 Tumori 0300-8916 Sage
155944 Violence: An international journal 2633-0024 Sage
115236 Advances in Mechanical Engineering 1687-8140 Sage Journals
176103 Journal of Creating Value 2394-9643 Sage Journals
755455 Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Sage Journals
182405 Australian Journal of Career Development 1038-4162 Sage Journals;Australian Council for Educational Research
112509 Journal of workplace rights 1938-4998 Sage Open
150853 The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 1548-5129 Sage Publication
10953 Alternative Health Practitioner 1076-1675 Sage Publications
10936 Auto/Biography 0967-5507 Sage Publications
12161 Criminal Justice 1466-8025 Sage Publications