Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
127529 Quaestio Rossica 2311-911X Ural Federal University
5033 Glass (New York, N.Y.) 1064-900X Urban Glass
26408 Urban history review. Revue d'histoire urbaine 0703-0428 Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine
495596 The Urban Transcripts Journal 2514-5339 Urban Transcripts
2492 URISA Journal 1045-8077 Urban and Regional Information Systems Association
41108 Studies in the linguistic sciences 0049-2388 Urbana, Ill. : Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois
8374 Scandinavian Studies and Notes 1544-2063 Urbana, Ill. : Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study
179226 User Experience and Urban Creativity 2184-8149
88405 revue Urbanités 2268-9613 Urbanités
40805 Urethanes Technology 0265-637X Urethanes Technology
40468 News Urner Barry Publications
7687 Parameters 0031-1723 Us Army War College
38875 Endangered Species Bulletin 1091-7314 Us Department of the Interior -- Fish and Wildlife
9034 Us News and World Report 0041-5537 Us News and World Report Inc
3912 China Business Review 0163-7169 Us-china Business Council
286464 Journal of User Experience 1931-3357 Usability Professionals' Association
9141 The Utah Bar Journal 0091-9691 Utah State Bar
622 DECIMONÓNICA 1554-6535 Utah State University
163682 Congressus Numerantium 0384-9864 Utilitas Mathematica Publishing
45442 Utilitas Mathematica 0315-3681 Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Inc
9146 Utne Reader 8750-0256 Utne Reader
56790 Algorithms Review - newsletter of the ESPRIT II Basic Research Action Project no. 3075 (ALCOM) 0927-5606 Utrecht University
2504 Veterinary Sciences Tomorrow 1569-0830 Utrecht University
153373 International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 2666-6529 Utrecht University Department for History & Art History ; Brill
1166 International Journal of Integrated Care 1568-4156 Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals
2496 Utrecht Law Review 1871-515X Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals (Uopen Journals)
133115 Dokuchaev Soil Bulletin 0136-1694 V V Dokuchaev Soil Institute
911273 iMex. México Interdisciplinario / Interdisciplinary Mexico V. Borsò c/o Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
151127 Bosporos Studies / Боспорские Исследования V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
7891 Post-Soviet Geography 1060-5851 V.H. Winston & Sons, Inc
8642 Soviet geography 0038-5417 V.H. Winston & Sons, Inc
3412 Bibliotekar' (Moscow, Soviet Union) 0006-1808 V/O Mezhdunarodnaia Kniga
8639 Sovetskaia Bibliografiia 0301-0252 V/O Mezhdunarodnaia Kniga
8640 Sovetskoe Bibliotekovedenie 0134-6695 V/O Mezhdunarodnaia Kniga
98095 Revue de Management et de Stratégie - RMS 2555-7076 VA Press
51668 Regards sur l'IE : le magazine de l'intelligence économique 1766-8778 VA Éditions
126908 Advanced Materials Letters 0976-3961 VBRI Press
3419 Der Bibliothekar 0006-1964 VEB Bibliographisches Institut
9442 Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen 0044-4081 VEB Bibliographisches Institut
27324 International journal of ventilation 1473-3315 VEETECH
165120 Vem Pan-Armenian Journal 1829-1864 VEM Handes
117004 Journal of Mathematical Applications 1859-4492 VIETNAM MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY
119195 OMNI : revue numismatique 2104-8363 VIIRIA
1849 Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection 1451-3994 VINA Institute of Nuclear Sciences
2430 Thermal Science 0354-9836 VINČA Institute of Nuclear Sciences
67527 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 2150-8097 VLDB Endowment
38194 Adweek - National Ed VNU Business Publications
38582 Childrens Bookseller VNU Business Publications
2660 Adweek 1549-9553 VNU Business Publications USA
164868 VNU Journal of Foreign Studies 2525-2445 VNU University of Languages and International Studies
9243 Watercolor 1053-3915 VNU, Business Media
111474 Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1336-1376 VSB-Technical University of Ostrava
11969 Composite Interfaces 0927-6440 VSP
12539 Designed Monomers and Polymers 1385-772X VSP BV
113143 Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications 2351-6046 VTEX
117462 European Journal of Life Writing VU University Amsterdam
16546 Shinku / J Vac Soc Jpn; Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 0559-8516 Vacuum Society of Japan
175158 Les Cahiers de la BD. Hors-Série 2778-1275 Vagator productions (Paris)
75764 Revue drômoise 0398-0022 Valence: Société d'archéologie d'histoire et de géographie de la Drôme
55073 Celestinesca 0147-3085 Valencia Spain: Universitat de València
181605 Teoría y derecho - Revista de pensamiento jurídico 2695-6594 Valencia Tirant lo Blanch
121183 International Journal of Production Management and Engineering Valencia Universitat Politècnica de València
94258 Revista d'historia medieval 1131-7612 Valencia: Departament d'Història Medieval Universidad de Valencia
90940 Archivos de la Filmoteca 0214-6606 Valencia: Instituto Valenciano de Cinematografía Ricardo Muñoz Suay-Filmoteca
161824 Journal of Family and Reproductive Health 1735-8949 Vali–e–Asr Reproductive Health Research Center
1051 The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences 0377-9343 Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi and the National College of Chest Physicians
9150 Valparaiso University Law Review 0042-2363 Valparaiso University School of Law
165188 EntreRíos : Revista de Arte y Letras 1699-3047 Valparaíso Ediciones
146627 IEYA - Revista infancia, educación y aprendizaje 0719-6202 Valparaíso: Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Valparaíso
40814 Value Line Investment Survey 0042-2401 Value Line Distribution Center
135250 Lenguaje y Textos 1133-4770 València: Universitat Politècnica de València
164951 Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte 0002-5275 Van Gorcum
40493 Silhouet: Focus Op Angst En Depressie 1572-3291 Van Ingen Schenau
114736 Journal of Levantine Studies 2222-9973 Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
7678 Paper Trade Journal 0031-1197 Vance Publishing Corp
9350 Wood & Wood Products 0043-7662 Vance Publishing Corp
2658 The Advocate (Vancouver, B.C.) 0044-6416 Vancouver Bar Association
3363 BCLA Reporter 0005-2876 Vancouver, British Columbia Library Association
9153 Vanderbilt Law Review 0042-2533 Vanderbilt Law School
121629 Afro-Hispanic Review 0278-8969 Vanderbilt University
2497 Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal 1555-788X Vanderbilt University
40815 Vanderbilt e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies 1547-5735 Vanderbilt University Department of Spanish & Portuguese
9152 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 0090-2594 Vanderbilt University Law School; 1999
1356 Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network 1092-8235 Vanderbilt University for the ALN Web
127 AmeriQuests 1553-4316 Vanderbilt University, Department of French and Italian
8100 Race Relations Law Reporter 0485-8476 Vanderbilt University, School of Law
9151 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 1536-3872 Vanderbilt University, School of Law
125430 Sibrium 0559-9628 Varese : Centro di studi preistorici ed archeologici
522601 Izvestiya. Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics 2367-6361 Varna : University of Economics
70910 Studii de Stiinta si Cultura 1841-1401 Vasile Goldis Western University
116910 Tomsk State University journal of History 2311-2387 Vasiliy Zinoviev
158580 Les Cahiers internationaux du tourisme 2678-7660 Vatel
124649 Osservatorio Bibliografico della Letteratura Italiana Otto-novecentesca 2039-7917 Vecchiarelli Editore
22548 Bratislavske Lekarske Listy 0006-9248 Veda
9156 Vegetarian Journal 0885-7636 Vegetarian Resource Group
521909 De Jure 1314-2593 Veliko Tʺrnovo : Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodij
9112 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 0381-1638 Velut Aevo Arbor
62864 Venezia musica e dintorni Venezia : Euterpe
386 Boletin Asociacio Matematica Vanezolana - English 1315-4125 Venezuelan Mathematical Association
9157 Venture (New York, N.Y.) 0191-3530 Venture Magazine Inc