Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
106490 International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence
111413 International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences 2348-8069
84517 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
167569 International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovation, Management & Social Sciences 2739-6797
624391 International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovation, Management & Social Sciences (IJARIMSS) 2958-6453
120877 International Journal of Advanced Studies and Research in Africa
312052 International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research 2250-3536
94562 International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT)
111433 International Journal of Advances in Computer Science & Its Applications
87514 International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology
117531 International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology 2231-1963
841730 International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) 2395-5252
81654 International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology
89735 International Journal of Advances in Machining and Forming Operations
257918 International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics 2278-3369
148980 International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering
132288 International Journal of Advances in Power Systems (IJAPS) 2335-1772 IJAPT
162744 International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology
133896 International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering 2454-8006 IJASRE
85668 International Journal of Advenced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
110731 International Journal of Advertising
144429 International Journal of Advertising 0265-0487
136844 International Journal of Aeroacoustics
54126 International Journal of Aeroacoustics Special Edition “Jet Aeroacoustics”
114268 International Journal of Aerodynamics
72696 International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
80379 International Journal of Aerospace Sciences
91176 International Journal of Affective Engineering
785094 International Journal of African Historical Studies 2326-3016
90694 International Journal of Agent Oriented Software Engineering
86035 International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems
73911 International Journal of Agile Manufacturing
282656 International Journal of Aging and Health
36834 International Journal of Aging and Human Development
118202 International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 1462-4605
178908 International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology
529467 International Journal of Agricultural Technology 2630-0192 Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia
109703 International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS)
985308 International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 2618-5946
864399 International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development 2618-0723
180125 International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation 2516-1962
172611 International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research
583614 International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 0975-3710 Bio Info Publication
79426 International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
114344 International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
62694 International Journal of Algebra
905678 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods 2455-6211
146662 International Journal of Ambient Energy
164432 International Journal of Ambient Energy 0143-0750
49031 International Journal of American Linguistics,
98952 International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing
98953 International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing - Kluver Academic Publishers
143008 International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing – Springer
134259 International Journal of Analytical Chemistry 1687-8760
109557 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 1687-5877 Hindawi
110198 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation
66856 International Journal of Antennas and Propagations
150618 International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 1872-7913
151984 International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
35024 International Journal of Appl. Electromagnetics and Mechanics
132220 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management 2319-4847
137943 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
178910 International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
108767 International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology 0976-4550
100085 International Journal of Applied Bionics and Biomechanics
117013 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology
75598 International Journal of Applied Ceramics Technology
101391 International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation
41388 International Journal of Applied Economics
50486 International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics
53866 International Journal of Applied Electromagnetic and Mechanics
292495 International Journal of Applied Engineering & Technology 2633-4828
53676 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
176686 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)
178890 International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences
135758 International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology 2322-3537
79149 International Journal of Applied Information Systems
70593 International Journal of Applied Management Science
969285 International Journal of Applied Mechanics 1758-826X
170134 International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Special Issue on: Metaheuristics and Their Applications to Industrial Engineering, 2(1):29-44 IGI Global
342035 International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science 1752-2862
109700 International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition
920988 International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology 2364-5040
104609 International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing 0975-8089
124434 International Journal of Applied Science and Mathematics 2394-2894 Timeline Publication Pvt. Ltd
137440 International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 1751-0589
172442 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
172434 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR)
668620 International Journal of Aquatic Biology 2322-5270
145399 International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education
170740 International Journal of Architectural Heritage
166319 International Journal of Art Management
84457 International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies
477268 International Journal of Art, Culture, Design, and Technology 2155-4196 Jeffrey M. Morris (Texas A&M University, USA) and Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Information Resources Management Association, USA)
63019 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
110235 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 1994-5450
168921 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications
142315 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications 0976-2191
148333 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics 2320-5121 IJAIM
152532 International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences
890471 International Journal of Arts Management
72207 International Journal of Arts and Sciences
126512 International Journal of Arts and Technology 1754-8853
161233 International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science
181820 International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies 2664-8660 International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies
489172 International Journal of Asian Christianity 2542-4238
732966 International Journal of Asian Education 2723-746X
106131 International Journal of Atomic and Nuclear Physics VIBGYOR Online Publishers
144471 International Journal of Auditing 1090-6738
92719 International Journal of Automated Identification Technology (IJAIT)
105350 International Journal of Automation Austria
132105 International Journal of Automation Technology 1881-7629
134016 International Journal of Automation and Computing
51086 International Journal of Automation and Control
87512 International Journal of Automation and Control Engineering
135058 International Journal of Automation and Logistics 2049-6745
48344 International Journal of Automobile Technology and Management
365244 International Journal of Automotive Composites 2051-8218
113970 International Journal of Automotive Engineering 2185-0984 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
48345 International Journal of Automotive Industry and Management
78964 International Journal of Automotive Technology
143238 International Journal of Autonomic Computing
169851 International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS)
81667 International Journal of BIOautomation 1314-2321 Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering
133567 International Journal of Bacteriology 2356-6957 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
176384 International Journal of Bank Marketing
144714 International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 1755-3830
215339 International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2319-2003
902307 International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Computing 2394-367X Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
96065 International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
43790 International Journal of Basque Language and Linguistics. In Honor of Larry Trask Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
83938 International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology
131337 International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy
336946 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
127006 International Journal of Behavioral Research & Psychology
178902 International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance
120012 International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 1755-3539 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
71113 International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research
148720 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
146966 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC)
107414 International Journal of Big Data 2326-442X
144322 International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 0976-3988
583333 International Journal of Bioassays  2278-778X International Journal of Bioassays
138760 International Journal of Biochemistry & Physiology 2577-4360 Medwin Publishers
892262 International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review 2231-086X
165181 International Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2331-9925
171004 International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2152-4114
70301 International Journal of Bioclimatology Biometeorology
152895 International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 2141-243X
164241 International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering 1998-4510 NAUN
160228 International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 2218-7979
609635 International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences 2277-4998
158956 International Journal of Biomass and Renewables 2289-1692 UTP Press, Level 3, Information Resource Centre (IRC Chancellor Complex), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak
162868 International Journal of Biomathematics
138457 International Journal of Biomathematics (IJB)
118739 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering 1673-4181
113163 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Science 2472-1298 Science Publishing Group
161318 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET)
116502 International Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 2330-7560 Science Publishing Group
67370 International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
112891 International Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 2376-7227 Science Publishing Group
124613 International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
151834 International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering 2161-1610
166949 International Journal of Biometeorology 1432-1254
149392 International Journal of Bioprinting 2424-8002
101508 International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics 2010-3638
132040 International Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics
138491 International Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics (IJBSBE)
564440 International Journal of Biostatistics 1557-4679
60597 International Journal of Body Composition Research
164257 International Journal of Botany Studies 2455-541X GUPTA PUBLICATIONS
113783 International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture
904912 International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation 2398-4708
176456 International Journal of Bullying Prevention 2523-3653
124607 International Journal of Business 1083-4346
160392 International Journal of Business & Economic Strategy 1737-9237
134474 International Journal of Business & Economic Strategy Editor Croatia
80990 International Journal of Business & Economics
161927 International Journal of Business Anthropology
90449 International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management Inderscience
52786 International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking
109505 International Journal of Business Excellence 1756-0047 Prof. Angappa Gunasekaran
109665 International Journal of Business Information Systems
74197 International Journal of Business Information Systems
564822 International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
66839 International Journal of Business Intelligence Research
175032 International Journal of Business Intelligence Research 1947-3591
176361 International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modeling
70852 International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling
575129 International Journal of Business Research
863880 International Journal of Business Strategy 1553-9563
522086 International Journal of Business and Economics Research 2328-7543
178308 International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 1753-6219
51041 International Journal of Business and Finance Research
179837 International Journal of Business and Globalization 1753-3635 inderscience
95446 International Journal of Business and Management
75256 International Journal of Business and Social Science
84775 International Journal of Business and Systems Research
180525 International Journal of Business and Technology Management 2682-7646
161769 International Journal of Business and Technology Studies and Research