Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
2463 Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 1300-0985 Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
2464 Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 1300-0632 Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
2465 Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences 1300-0160 Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
2468 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1300-0098 Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
2469 Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 1300-0144 Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
2471 Turkish Journal of Physics 1300-0101 Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
2473 Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 1300-0128 Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
2474 Turkish Journal of Zoology 1300-0179 Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
492707 Sociosphere 2078-7081 Scientific and publishing center "Sociosphere
110689 Agricultural Sciences 2156-8553 Scientific research
121598 Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications 2161-4105 Scientific research
110290 Journal of Water Resource and Protection 1945-3094 Scientific research
126499 Open journal of internal medicine 2162-5972 Scientific research
136139 Eureka: Social and Humanities 2504-5563 Scientific route
168602 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "MACHINES. TECHNOLOGIES. MATERIALS 1314-507X Scientific technical Union of Mechanical Engineering
137145 Aquatic Research 2618-6365 ScientificWebJournals
178401 Oebalus 1970-6421 Scienze e Lettere Roma
689211 Oebalus Studi sulla Campania nell'Antichità 1770-6421 Scienze e Lettere Roma
116337 American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2328-7365 Sciepub
785305 International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence 2653-6226 Scilight Press
832481 Pharmacology & Pharmacy 2157-9423 Scirp
108560 Journal of Immunological Techniques & Infectious Diseases 2325-9752 Scitechnol
40674 Supply Chain Practice 1466-0091 Sckc Cranfield University
36255 L'Économie politique 1293-6146 Scop-Alternatives économiques
109408 Les Dossiers d'Alternatives économiques 2426-8313 Scop-SA Alternatives économiques
112320 Les Lettres et les Arts - Cahiers suisses de critique littéraire et artistique Scopalto
38783 Disability Now 0958-4676 Scope
574189 Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery 2146-8133 ScopeMed
574899 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health 2684-3269 ScopeMed
158725 Notiziario delle Attività di Tutela 2280-4641 Scorpione editore
101950 Appositions: Studies in Renaissance / Early Modern Literature and Culture 1946-1992 Scott Howard
4277 Crop Research 0264-3049 Scottish Academic Press
122093 The Innes Review 0020-157X Scottish Catholic Historical Association
8509 SLA News 0048-9786 Scottish Library Association
22772 Aids Reader -New York 1053-0894 Scp Communications
40452 Scholarly Communications 1364-5064 Scr Publishing Ltd
9242 Water Engineering and Management 0273-2238 Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc
32891 Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Scribner's Sons
120647 L'Éléphant : la revue de culture générale : histoire, sciences, philosophie, société, international, littérature 2265-7371 Scrineo
179408 Boreas : Münstersche Beiträge zur Archäologie 0344-810X Scriptorium
109880 Journal of Renewable Materials 2164-6325 Scrivener publishing
106162 Arte cristiana. Rivista Internationale di storia dell'arte e di arti liturgiche 0004-3400 Scuola Beato Angelico
22220 Forum Trends in Experimental and Clinical Medicine 1121-8142 Scuola Internazionale di Oncologia e Medicina
23317 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze 0391-173X Scuola Normale Superiore
72811 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di lettere e Filosofia 0392-095X Scuola Normale Superiore
127191 Opera Nomina Historiae Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
730049 Notiziario Scuola grande arciconfraternita di San Rocco in Venezia
32724 Education&Management Scérén-CRDP de l'Académie de Créteil
39953 Milieuweb Sdu Uitgeverij
40856 Weekblad voor Privaatrecht Notariaat en Registratie (WPNR) 0165-8476 Sdu Uitgeverij
44529 Hygiènes 1249-0075 Se Press
8442 Sea Frontiers 0897-2249 Sea Frontiers
1711 Marine Ornithology 1018-3337 Seabird Group
21238 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 0125-1562 Seameo Regional Tropical Medicine & Public Health
22539 Bulletin et Memoires- Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique 0377-8231 Seance Publique
8445 Seattle University Law Review 1078-1927 Seattle University School of Law
1712 Marine Turtle Newsletter 0839-7708
102434 Seaweed Research and Utilisation 0971-7560 Seaweed Research and Utilisation Assocation, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu
500 Chloris chilensis 0717-4623 Sebastián Teillier, Santiago, Chile
562834 journal physics theories and applications 2549-7316 Sebelas Maret University
111328 Brain imaging and behavior (Brain Imaging Behav) 1931-7557 Secaucus, NJ : Springer
117344 Estrat : revista d'arqueologia, prehistòria i història antiga 1130-3441 Secció d'Arqueologia del Centre d'Estudis Comarcals
157222 Estudios 1659-3316 Sección de Historia de la Cultura. Escuela de Estudios Generales, Universidad de Costa Rica.
174691 Akuserstvo, Ginekologia i Reprodukcia 2313-7347 Sechenov university
43517 Journal of Symbolic Data Analysis Seconda Università degli studi di Napoli
5435 Independent School Bulletin 0019-3755 Secondary Education Board
163381 Boletim Geográfico do Rio Grande do Sul 2446-7251 Secretaria de Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão
2296 Salud en Tabasco 1405-2091 Secretaria de Salud del Estado de Tabasco
76306 Pacific AIDS Alert Bulletin 1018-2152 Secretariat of the Pacific community
38928 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 0013-9513 Secretariatus, Universiteitsbibliotheek
132737 Minerva : Revista de Filología clásica 0213-9634 Secretario de Publicaciones, Universidad de Valladolid
206772 Mirada Ferroviaria Secretaría de Cultura del gobierno de México a través del Centro Nacional para la Preservación del Patrimonio Cultural Ferrocarrilero
135172 Compte rendu International Numismatic Council 1562-6377 Secrétariat INC
8268 Revue générale de droit 0035-3086 Section de droit civil de la Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa (Canada) ; Éditions Wilson & Lafleur (Montréal, Canada) [1970-....]
306909 i-SEE : Lettre d’information de la Section d’Etudes Européennes Section d’études européennes de l’AFSP
105948 The Historical Review 1790-3572 Section of Neohellenic Research of the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation
129519 L'écho des cabanes (Marennes) 1247-9187 Section régionale Conchylicole Poitou-Charente
171313 Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia 0039-3339 Sections romane, italienne et anglaise de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Zagreb
39985 Mondo Sanitario Secup SRL
40133 Organizzazione Sanitaria 0394-283X Secup SRL
138972 Boletin de la Sociedad Española de Espeleología y Ciencias del Karst 1696-1897 SedecK
39023 Farmacoeconomia e Percorsi Terapeutici Seed SRL
132687 Schultheater Seelze: Friedrich Verlag
123254 Poésie : revue bimestrielle de la poésie 0768-1445 Seghers
606358 Cahiers du Collectif Change Seghers/Laffont
605456 Change Seghers/Laffont
54291 Sahara : preistoria e storia del Sahara prehistory and history of the Sahara préhistoire et histoire du Sahara 1120-5679 Segrate : Pyramids
127273 Gurokaru kenkyu (グローカル研究 ) = Journal of glocal studies 2188-6091 Seijo daigaku gurokaru kenkyu senta (Tokyo)
189374 Parlamento studijos : mokslo darbai 1648-9896 Seimo leidykla "Valstybės žinios
569593 SEISENSE Business Review 2617-5770 Seisense Publishing
147047 Revue Suisse de Travail Social - Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sociale Arbeit 1661-9870 Seismo Verlag
3630 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 0037-1106 Seismological Society of America
42653 Seismological Research Letters 0895-0695 Seismological Society of America
172736 The Seismic Record 2694-4006 Seismological Society of America
3076 Arbido 1420-102X Sekretariat SVD/ASD
152056 Cuadernos de Psiquiatría y Psicoterapia del Niño y del Adolescente 1575-5967 Selene Editorial
40451 Scandinavian Shipowners Selvig Publishing A/S
1334 Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1583-0039 Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Research of Religions and Ideologies
5717 Iranica Antiqua 0021-0870 Seminarie voor de Archeologie van het Nabijen Oosten
134570 Filanderas: revista interdisciplinar de estudios feministas 2530-6022 Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de la Mujer (SIEM) de la Universidad de Zaragoza