Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
7148 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung 0342-1295 Verlag Philipp von Zabern
7149 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts. Roemische Abteilung 0342-1287 Verlag Philipp von Zabern
109269 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 0342-1279 De Gruyter
483506 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung (RM) 0342-1287
165251 Mitteilungen des Hamburger Arbeitskreises für Regionalgeschichte 1860-4080 Arbeitsstelle für Hamburgische Geschichte im Historischen Seminar, Schwerpunkt Sozial- u. Wirtschaftsgeschichte
78178 Mitteilungen des Instituts für Europäische Kulturgeschichte der Universität Augsburg
156167 Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins 1019-2808
7150 Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 0342-1201 Kunsthistorisches Institut
121523 Mitteilungen des SFB 230 0934-0963
28587 Mitteilungen des SFB 573 Pluralisierung und Autorität in der Frühen Neuzeit
101130 Mitteilungen des Vereins für Geschichte an der Universität-GH Paderborn 1437-6660 Verein für Geschichte an der Universität Paderborn e. V. (VfG)
149383 Mitteilungen des deutschen Germanistenverbandes 0418-9426 Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht
169452 Mitteilungen des historischen Vereins der Pfalz
124565 Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark 0369-1136
142406 Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 0259-4153 Generaldirektion des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs
91601 Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft
17138 Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie 1025-6555 Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
7151 Mitteilungsblatt (Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen) 0042-3629 K.G. Saur Verlag KG
38068 Mitteilungsblatt (Zeitschrift des Bochumer Instituts für soziale Bewegungen)
103515 Mitteilungsblatt des Keramik Freunde der Schweiz‏ 0023-0553 Keramik-freunde der Schweiz
172970 Mittelalter
48632 Mittelalterrliche Orden und Klöster im Vergleich. Methodische Ansätze und Perspektiv
142419 Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 0076-9762 Anton Hiersemann Verlag
172564 Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch
88280 Mittelweg 36
41134 Mittelweg, Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts fûr Sozialforschung
7152 Mix (Emeryville, Calif.) 0164-9957 Prism Business Media
250761 Mixba'al 2007-7874
29169 Mixités
137769 Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 1689-9121
142964 Między Oryginałem a Przekładem
765527 Mkhitar Gosh, Scientific-Methodical Review Social Sciences (Arménie) Université internationale arméno-russe "Mkhitar Gosh
96370 Mlearn 2010 : 9th world conference on mobile and contextual learning
155275 Mljekarstvo 0026-704X
21671 Mmw -Munchen 1438-3276 Unknown
64966 Mnagement international
7154 Mnemosyne 0026-7074 Brill Academic Publishers
141981 Mnemosyne
110962 Mnemosyne o la costruzione del senso 2031-8502 Presses universitaires de Louvain
178750 Rivista di Storia, scienze umane e Cultural Heritage 2784-868X Cosme
80649 MoVeNet '08 : 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Vehicular Networks
116310 Moara Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras Universidade Federal do Pará
75055 MobiHoc
77657 MobiQuitous '11 : 8th International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems
83349 MobiQuitous '12 : 9th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems : Computing, Networking and Services
825698 Mobile Album International les presses du réel
971538 Mobile Computing: A Key To Improved Educational Standards In Nigeria Nigerian Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Research and Development
130460 Mobile Culture Studies - The Journal 2413-9181 University of Graz, Austria
397433 Mobile Culture Studies. The Journal (MCSJ) 2413-9181 Karl Franzens University Graz
66814 Mobile DNA 1759-8753 BioMed Central
77232 Mobile Genetic Elements 2159-2543 Taylor & Francis
110571 Mobile Information Systems 1574-017X Hindawi/IOS Press
124647 Mobile Media & Communication 2050-1587 [Los Angeles]: SAGE Publications
63138 Mobile Networking and Applications (MONET)
17141 Mobile Networks and Applications 1383-469X Springer Verlag
167015 Mobile Networks and Applications
7155 Mobile Radio Technology 0745-7626 Intertec Publishing Co
7156 Mobilia 0026-7228 Mobilia Press ApS
181396 Mobilis in mobile : la revue des cultures populaires Comité d’édition spécial en lien avec l’association PCAoF (Popular Culture Association of France) (France) [2024-....]
17142 Mobilities 1745-0101 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
81168 Mobility '09 : 6th International Conference on Mobile Technology, Application & Systems
116437 Mobility and Vehicle Mechanics 2334-9891
81875 Mobility in History 2296-0503 Berghahn Journals
675926 Mobility in a Globalised World 2022 2191-2424 University of Bamberg Press
578749 Mobilité en Chine. 50 ans d'accélération vu par les Chinois, forum vies mobiles
30570 Mobilités et invention locales du territoire au Sud
30569 Mobilités et inventions locales du territoire au Sud
34926 Mobilités et temporalités
39972 Mobilization 1086-671X Unknown
41273 Mobilization
53372 Mobilization (San Diego, Calif.)
7157 Moccasin Telegraph 0076-9878 Canadian School Library Association
128496 Mockup Magazine Giulia Marini, Matteo Tuveri
235939 Mod. Issues Med. Manag.
32635 Mod. Methods Math., Nashboro Press, Brentwood
49084 Mod. Phys. Lett
122234 Mod.Phys.Lett.A
30842 Modalità e Substandard / éd. par HEINRICH W., HEISS. Atti del convegno internazionale Modalità e Substandard / Abtönung und Substandard. Forli, 26-27 octobre 2000
168253 Modan. La ville, le corps et le genre dans le Japon de l’entre-deux-guerres
177698 Modapalavra e-periódico 1982-615X
177132 Modares Mechanical Engineering 1027-5940
101888 Mode de recherche Institut Français de la Mode
95538 Mode de recherche
56401 Mode de recherche, IFM
472219 Mode, vêtements, accessoires et représentations 2020 textendash 4
39973 Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 1574-1699 IOS Press
7158 Model Railroader 0026-7341 Kalmbach Publishing Co
662828 Model Theory 2832-904X
110058 Model and Data Engineering
136487 Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development 1865-0929 Springer
77500 Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng
37101 Model.Identi.Control
127065 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2363-6203
146353 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2363-6211
36933 Modeling Socioecological Systems
147383 Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems 1818-1015 a
177114 Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems
55551 Modeling and Inversion in Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
107631 Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science 2164-5345 Scientific Research Publishing Inc
115360 Modeling and Simulation, Special publication by Simulation Councils
66620 Modeling and Verifying Parallel Processes
70891 Modeling and simulation in Engineering
119170 Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes
39974 Modeling, Identification and Control 0332-7353 Norsk Forening for Automatisering
66471 Modeling, Measurement and Control
24867 Modelisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique (M2AN)
161634 Modell.Simul.Mater.Sci.Eng
161137 Modelling MDPI
54481 Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics
44126 Modelling Others for Observation A Workshop at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 30, 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland
27268 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng
506171 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng IOP
46759 Modelling Simul. Materials Sciences Engeneering
91990 Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science
84567 Modelling and Optimization in the Machines Building Field 1224-7480 University of Bacău
136251 Modelling and Simulation
70559 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 1687-5591 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
17144 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 0965-0393 IOP Publishing
45652 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Sciences and Engineering
146659 Modelling in Science Education and Learning, 1988-3145
88908 Modelling of reactive systems
169865 Modelling, Measurement and Control
90103 Modelling, Measurement and Control, A General Physics and Electrical Applications 1259-5985 AMSE
109887 Modelling, Measurement, Control Journal, Modelling, Measurement, Control (2B)
124137 Modelling, measurement and control C 1259-5977 AMSE
51436 Models for Computer Aided Tolerancing in Design and Manufacturing
100033 Models for Computer Aided Tolerancing in Design and Manufacturing
68821 Modern & Contemporary France
147049 Modern Africa
134982 Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society 2336-3274 University of Hradec Králové
7160 Modern Applications News 0277-9951 Nelson Publishing, Inc
111491 Modern Applied Science 1913-1844 Canadian Center of Science and Education
854768 Modern Art Asia
7161 Modern Asian Studies 0026-749X Cambridge University Press (CUP)
894171 Modern Asian Studies
33397 Modern Aspects of Immunobiology
973917 Modern British History 2976-7016
7162 Modern Bulk Transporter 0031-6431 Prism Business Media
111246 Modern Chemistry 2329-1818 Science Publishing Group
111596 Modern Chemistry & Applications 2329-6798 OMICS Publishing Group
109055 Modern Chemotherapy 2169-348X Scientific Research Publishing
7164 Modern China 0097-7004 SAGE Publications
140862 Modern Chinese Literature 8755-8963 The Ohio State University's Foreign Language Publications (FLP)
77302 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
328866 Modern Concepts in Material Science 2692-5397 Irish Publisher
158286 Modern Diplomacy
7165 Modern Drama 0026-7694 University of Toronto Press
20467 Modern Drug Discovery
113869 Modern Economy 2152-7245 Scientific Research
165354 Modern Economy
738352 Modern Economy and Management 2790-3214
901739 Modern Education and Development
39975 Modern English Teacher 0308-0587 Macmillan Pub Ltd
135421 Modern Environmental Science and Engineering Journal (MESE) 2333-2581 Academic Star Publishing Company, US
139539 Modern European Researches 2311-8806 Modern European Researches
76088 Modern French Identities 1422-9005 Oxford ; Bern ; Berlin ; Bruxelles ; Frankfurt, M. ; New York, NY ; Wien : Peter Lang
17146 Modern Intellectual History 1479-2443 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
171735 Modern Issues of Socioeconomic Development in the Republic of Armenia
17147 Modern Italy 1353-2944 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
603610 Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods 2251-6204 KARE Publishing
7169 Modern Judaism - A Journal of Jewish Ideas and Experience 0276-1114 Oxford University Press (OUP)
17148 Modern Language Association of America Proceedings 1539-3666 JSTOR
7170 Modern Language Journal 0026-7902 Wiley
7153 Modern Language Notes 0026-7910 Johns Hopkins University Press
7171 Modern Language Notes 0149-6611 Johns Hopkins University Press
171975 Modern Language Notes
7172 Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History 0026-7929 Duke University Press
7173 Modern Language Review 0026-7937 Modern Humanities Research Association
17149 Modern Language Studies 0047-7729 Northeast Modern Language Association
177103 Modern Languages Open 2052-5397
162245 Modern Languages Open University of Liverpool
7174 Modern Law Review 0026-7961 Wiley
7175 Modern Machine Shop 0026-8003 Modern Machine Shop
7176 Modern Materials Handling 0026-8038 Cahners Publishing
968263 Modern Mathematical Methods 3023-5294 Tuncer Acar
56420 Modern Mathematical Models, Methods and Algorithms for Real World Systems (Siddiqi A.H., Duff I.S. & Christensen O. Eds Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi)
7177 Modern Maturity 0026-8046 American Association of Retired Persons
7178 Modern Metals 0026-8127 Media Services
7179 Modern Office Procedures 0026-8208 Modern Office Procedures
7180 Modern Office Technology 0746-3839 Modern Office Technology
7181 Modern Paint and Coatings 0098-7786 Chemical Week Associates
7182 Modern Painters 0953-6698 Fine Art Journals Ltd
21670 Modern Pathology 0893-3952 Nature Publishing Group: Open Access Hybrid Model Option B
7183 Modern Philology 0026-8232 University of Chicago Press
7184 Modern Photography 0032-4582
60603 Modern Phys. Lett
100660 Modern Physics C
17150 Modern Physics Letters A 0217-7323 World Scientific Publishing
181864 Modern Physics Letters A
12431 Modern Physics Letters B 0217-9849 World Scientific Publishing
155237 Modern Phytomorphology 2226-3063
7185 Modern Plastics 0026-8275 McGraw-Hill
7186 Modern Poetry Studies 0026-8305 Modern Poetry Studies
7187 Modern Power Systems 0260-7840 Wilmington Pub Ltd
182164 Modern Psychology Scientific Bulletin 2579-2504 Yerevan State University
176788 Modern Research in Dentistry 2637-7764
17151 Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 Springer Verlag
39976 Modern Steel Construction 0026-8445 The American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc
113143 Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications 2351-6046 VTEX
7188 Modern Theology 0266-7177 Wiley