Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
177971 Egyháztörténeti Szemle 1585-7476
171175 Egypt Independent
171138 Egypt Today
27934 Egypt in the Byzantine World, éd. par R. S. Bagnall, Cambridge University Press
158706 Egyptian Archaelogy
179281 Egyptian Informatics Journal 1110-8665
614163 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 1110-6131
477932 Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 2090-4932 Sohag University, Egypt
849994 Egyptian Journal of Botany 2357-0350
181354 Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2090-536X
35425 Egyptian Journal of Immunology
133095 Egyptian Journal of Language Engineering
140028 Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics 1110-8630 Ain Shams University
611624 Egyptian Journal of Nutrition 2090-2514 Egyptian Nutrition Society
73378 Egyptian archaeology : Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society
30405 Egyptian museum collections around the world. Studies for the centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo
33591 Egyptology at the dawn of the Twenty-first Century : proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000
77577 Ehlite
47543 Ehtology
66783 Eicosanoids
33099 Eid, M. et Parkinson, D. (éds.), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics IX. Papers from the Ninth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. Georgetown University, 10-12 mars 1995, Washington
155174 Eidolon, Frontières et seuils
157807 Eidôlon N° 55, "Littérature et médecine", p. 401-413
157806 Eidôlon N° 56, "Joseph Rouffanche et la poésie post-surréaliste", p. 125-135
157805 Eidôlon N° 57, "La fin des temps", p. 373-383
155180 Eidôlon, La Fin des temps
155177 Eidôlon, Les Origines
155182 Eidôlon, Littérature et médecine n°1
155181 Eidôlon, Littérature et médecine n°2
158053 Eidölon
74329 Eighteenth-Century French Aesthetics (Standford)
136470 Eikon - Journal on Semiotics and Visual Culture 2183-6426
111376 Eikonocity. Storia e Iconografia delle Città e dei Siti Europei : History and Iconography of European Cities and Sites Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sull’Iconografia della Città Europea dell’Università Fridericiana
374530 Eikón / Imago 2254-8718 Universidad Complutense de Madrid
25975 Einband Forschung
63131 Einfochips Dashboard
660786 Eirene : Estudios de paz y conflicto 2594-2883 Dr. Paris Alejandro Cabello
148682 Eirene : studia graeca et latina 0046-1628 Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
919809 Eis
168213 Ejirieps
150804 Ekológia (Bratislava)
770814 Ekonomia
580526 Ekonomiaz
49320 Ekonomika Preduzeca (Belgrade)
128648 Ekonomika Regiona (Economy of Region) 2072-6414 Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Ural Federal University
46178 Ekonomiko-geografitcheski vestnik Rostovskogo Gosuniversiteta (Bulletin d'économie et de géographie de l'Université d'Etat de Rostov)
72902 Ekonomičeskaja politika
49318 Ekonomska Misao (Belgrade)
163634 Ekonomske teme
160714 Ekphrasis. Images, Cinema, Theory, Media 2559-205X