Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
8477 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 0363-0129 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
6489 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 0001-4966 Acoustical Society of America
16957 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 0888-3270 Elsevier
10547 Annual Reviews in Control 1872-9088 Elsevier
6537 Journal of The Franklin Institute 0016-0032 Elsevier
38789 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 1078-0947 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
5365 IEEE Transactions on Communications 0090-6778 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
13710 Green Chemistry 1463-9262 Royal Society of Chemistry
102101 Nanoscale 2040-3364 Royal Society of Chemistry
553181 Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 1935-7877 American Society for Microbiology
15789 Journal of Membrane Biology 0022-2631 Springer Verlag
895740 The Global Studies Journal 1835-4432
895745 Studies of Changing Societies 2225-2215
5271 Human Ecology 0300-7839 Springer Verlag
13594 Genesis - The Journal of Genetics and Development 1526-954X Wiley-Blackwell
13958 Human Molecular Genetics 0964-6906 Oxford University Press (OUP)
177037 Bone Research 2095-6231 Springer Nature
779500 Collagen and Leather 2097-1419 Srpinger
897675 Bulletin de la société historique de Parthenay et du pays de Gâtine 1777-8115 Société Historique de Parthenay et du Pays de Gâtine [2004-....]
12689 Dyes and Pigments 0143-7208 Elsevier
4926 Forest Ecology and Management 0378-1127 Elsevier
174452 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 1941-1022 American Psychological Association
102666 Nanomaterials 2079-4991 MDPI
27429 Physica Medica European Journal of Medical Physics 1120-1797 Elsevier
119447 Cahiers du CBRST / Cahiers du CBRSI 1840-703X Centre Béninois de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique / Centre Béninois de Recherche Scientifique et de l'Innovation (Bénin) [2012-....]
166623 Levinas Studies 1554-7000 Duquesne University Press [2005-....]
118488 Andrology 2047-2927 Wiley
101567 Présence francophone. Revue internationale de langue et de littérature 0048-5195 Centre d'étude des littératures d'expression française (Québec, Canada) [1970-....]
15068 Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 0305-7453 Oxford University Press (OUP)
900188 Journal of Agricultural Engineering 1974-7071 Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering
137268 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science 2384-9568 Associazione Italiane Colore
166168 AIMS Geosciences 2471-2132 AIMS Press
353370 MDM Policy & Practice 2381-4683 Sage
54151 Journal of Signal Processing Systems 1939-8018 Springer
101491 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 2092-6782 Elsevier
101492 Une saison en Guyane 1966-6446 Atelier Aymara
101495 Optical Materials Express 2159-3930 OSA pub
101506 Revue d'Allemagne et des Pays de langue allemande 0035-0974 Société d'études allemandes
101507 Limn 1528-6193
101514 Latin-American Journal of Computing 1390-9266 National Polytechnic School
101516 Society for Mathematical Biology Newsletter Society of Mathematical Biology
101531 Symbiosis 0334-5114 Springer Verlag
101532 Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 1937-321X American Psychological Association
101534 Revista de Direito Sanitário [Revue de droit de la santé] 2675-8903 Universidae de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Direito Sanitário [Brésil]
101536 Echappées, Revue annuelle d'art et de design ESA Pyrénées éditions - Ecole supérieure d'art des Pyrénées
101542 Revista angolana de sociologia 2312-5195 Sociedade angolana de sociologia, Luanda/Ediçoes Pelago, Mangualde, Portugal
101545 Science of advanced materials 1947-2935 American Scientific Publishers
101546 Bulletin fiscal de Francis Lefebvre 0242-5912 Francis Lefebvre [1981-2020, n° 1]
101547 Climate Risk Management 2212-0963 Elsevier
101548 Forum Archaeologiae 1605-4636 E. Trinkl & H. Noedl
101552 Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 2288-4300 Elsevier
101555 Annuaire de droit de l'Union européenne 2273-5097 Éditions Panthéon-Assas [2013-2020] - LGDJ Montchrestien [2020-....]
101563 Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 1582-7445 Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava
101564 Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series - Themes in Translation Studies 2295-5739 Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen, Departement Vertalers en Tolken
101565 Oncoscience Impact Journals
101575 ChemCatChem 1867-3899 Wiley
101577 Dictionnaire permanent Construction et urbanisme [Encyclopédie juridique Éditions législatives] 0012-2467 Editions législatives [1962-...]
101590 Bulletin de la Société d’Études de l’Avallonnais 2540-4474 Société d'études d'Avallon
101596 Les chantiers de la création 2430-4247 Aix-en-Provence : Université d'Aix-Marseille
101600 Transportation Geotechnics 2214-3912 Elsevier
101606 JIM Journal of international Mobility, Moving for education, training and research 2296-5165 Peter Lang
101608 WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies 1746-4463 WIT Press
101612 Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences AIMS - American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
101618 Health, Culture and Society 2161-6590 University of Pittsburgh, University Library System
101622 Journal of the European Optical Society : Rapid publications 1990-2573 European Optical Society
101626 Recto/Verso 1954-3174 ITEM (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes)
101627 Digital Humanities Quarterly 1938-4122 Alliance of Digital Humanities
101629 Études héraultaises 1621-4609 Études sur l'Hérault
101635 Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies 2288-6834 North Asian History Foundation
101639 Approches inductives : Travail intellectuel et construction des connaissances Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
101647 E-dossiers de l'audiovisuel INA
101648 Perspectives in Science 2213-0209 Elsevier
101654 Communications in Mathematics 1804-1388 University of Ostrava
101656 Bulletin d'Études Indiennes 0761-3156 Association Française pour les Études Indiennes
101660 Esquisse(s) 1760-4486 Editions du Félin
101666 Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 2196-6877 Ed. Neumann, Hans
98724 Journal of Comparative Physiology 0302-9824 Berlin ; New York : Springer
98775 Arbeitsphysiologie 0365-0863 Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg : Springer
101900 Bollettino di Studi Latini 0006-6583 Loffredo Editore
101912 Polish Journal of Environmental studies 1230-1485 HARD Pub. Co
101914 Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine 2324-9269 Wiley
101918 International journal of Microwave and Optical Technology 1553-0396 IJMOT
101929 Dynamiques Environnementales - Journal international des géosciences et de l’environnement 1968-469X Presses universitaires de Bordeaux [1983-2020] ; CEDETE (Université d'Orléans) (2021-...)
101933 ACTA Scientiarum Polonorum: Architectura 1644-0633 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko
101938 International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1750-984X Taylor & Francis
101939 Artis (Lisboa) 2182-8571 Lisboa: I.H.A.F.L
101947 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2088-8708 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES)
101948 MATEC Web of Conferences 2261-236X EDP sciences
101949 BioMed Research International 2314-6133 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
101964 Le Tour Critique 2268-4522 Université Paris Nanterre
101966 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 1540-7489 Elsevier
101968 Jus Politicum : Revue de droit politique 2101-8790 Dalloz [2009-....]
101971 Afkar/Idées 1697-0411 Estudios de Politica Exterior/Instituto Europeo del Mediterraneo
101974 Evaluer. Journal international de recherche en education et formation 1374-1217 ADMEE-Europe
101975 Liquid Crystals Reviews 2168-0396 Taylor & Francis
101976 IEEE geoscience and remote sensing magazine IEEE
101985 Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries 1841-0715 European Association for Health Information and Libraries
101989 Journal of experimental neuroscience 1179-0695 Libertas Academica
101993 Journal of Investment and Management 2328-7713 Science Publishing Group
101994 Algebraic Geometry 2214-2584 Foundation Compositio Mathematica