Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
127887 UCOarte 2255-1905 Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Córdoba
139059 Boletín do Museo Provincial de Lugo 0212-8438 Servicio de Publicacións da Excma. Diputación Provincial
38771 Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine Servier France
8461 Seton Hall law review 0586-5964 Seton Hall Law Review
8462 Seton Hall Legislative Journal 0361-8951 Seton Hall University
8459 Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal 1049-4987 Seton Hall University School of Law
8460 Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law 1059-4310 Seton Hall University School of Law
162379 Poétique 0032-2024 Seuil
36941 Poétique : revue de théorie et d'analyse littéraire 1245-1274 Seuil
8463 Seventeen 0037-301X Seventeen Subscription Dept
131132 International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 2231-2803 Seventh Sense Research Group
119506 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 2231-5381 Seventh Sense Research Group
98085 Valeurs vertes 1635-9909 Seves
151068 Anduli : revista andaluza de ciencias sociales 1696-0270 Sevilla : Departamento de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
140179 Mediodía. Revista hispánica de rescate 2659-2738 Sevilla Editorial Renacimiento cop
8483 Siecus Report 0091-3995 Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S
40480 Seybold Report 1533-9211 Seybold Publications
356676 SFECAG, Actes du congrès de Clermont-Ferrand, 26-29 mai 2022 1297-8213 Sfecag
165735 Kaogu yu wenwu 考古与文物 = Archaeology and cultural relics 1000-7830 Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology
763243 International Journal of Forest, Soil and Erosion 2251-6387 Shabestar, Iran
1273 Iranian Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases 1735-5109 Shaheed Beheshti Medical University
2493 Urology Journal 1735-1308 Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
157759 Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications 2345-5861 Shahid Beheshti University
983439 Critical Language and Literary Studies 2008-7330 Shahid Beheshti University
913019 International Journal of New Political Economy 2676-7201 Shahid Beheshti University
148184 Iranian Heritage Studies 2588-6344 Shahid Beheshti University
377931 Legal Research Quarterly 1024-0772 Shahid Beheshti University
922900 Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences 2228-6721 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Laser Application in Medical Sciences Research Center,
171600 Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 2383-4536 Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
765721 Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics 2345-3303 Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (Iran)
586321 Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (JCARME) 2228-7922 Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
153237 Journal of Nutrition and Food Security 2476-7417 Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical sciences
557572 International journal of reproductive biomedicine 2476-4108 Shahid Sdoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran
104512 Electronic Journal of Statistics 1935-7524 Shaker Heights, OH : Institute of Mathematical Statistics
140009 Reviewing Shakespeare Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
1465 Journal of Language and Learning 1740-4983 Shakespeare Centre Limted Press
1466 Journal of Language and Linguistics 1475-8989 Shakespeare Centre Limted Press
1467 Journal of Language and Literature 1478-9116 Shakespeare Centre Limted Press
26032 Dongyue luncong (Dong Yue Tribune) Shandong Shehui kexue chubanshe
167056 Chen Sihe 陈思和& Wang Der-wei 王德威 (dir.), Wenxue.2017 qiudong juan 文学. 2017 秋冬卷 Shanghai : Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, pp.14-25
293801 东方法学 / Oriental Law 1674-4039 Shanghai Century Publishing Co., Ltd. [2008-....]
136295 Journal of Cellular Immunotherapy 2352-1775 Shanghai Hengrun Biomedical Technology Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V
129952 Nuclear techniques 0253-3219 Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics
138600 Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry 0253-2786 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
180880 Journal of Modern Life Writing Studies Shanghai Jiao Tong University
102528 Chinese Journal of Operations Research 1001-6120 Shanghai Science and Technology University
164049 Arts Management 2096-6423 Shanghai Theatre Academy
777515 Public Art Journal Shanghai University
122996 Journal of Sport and Health Science 2095-2546 Shanghai University of Sport and Elsevier
26594 Tangdai de fojiao yu shehui: siyuan caifu yu shisu gongyang guoji yantaohui wenji Shanghai, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishing Company
157719 Shangrila Derivas y Ficciones Aparte 2172-0363 Shangri-La Ediciones
1124 International Education Journal 1443-1475 Shannon Research Press
145185 Cell Stress Shared Science Publishers OG
103752 Microbial Cell 2311-2638 Shared Science Publishers OG
140068 Microbial Cell Shared Science Publishers OG
66846 Scientia Iranica 1026-3098 Sharif University of Technology
955673 Technium Business and Management 2821-4366 Sheeja Nair
955676 Technium EconomiA 3008-6809 Sheeja Nair
955672 Technium Sustainability 2810-2991 Sheeja Nair
973109 New Era Agriculture Magazine 2583-5173 Sheetal Yadav; Village- Husepur, Post- Rajepur, Tehsil-Bangarmau, District- Unnao (UP) -241501
165187 Critical Stages 0953-0533 Sheffield Academic Press
38831 Ecotheology -Sheffield 1363-7320 Sheffield Academic Press
38467 British Journal of Community Justice Sheffield Hallam University
611 CW3: Corvey Women Writers on the Web 1744-9618 Sheffield Hallam University
838660 Journal of Marlowe Studies 2516-421X Sheffield Hallam University
113586 Journal of Islamic Archaeology 2051-9710 Sheffield: Equinox Publishing
5985 Journal of Corporate Disclosure and Confidentiality 1052-3405 Shepard's-McGraw Hill Inc
62491 Les cahiers Anne Hébert 2292-8235 Sherbrooke (Québec): Centre Anne-Hébert
8189 Research and practice for persons with severe disabilities 1540-7969 Sheridan Press
116510 Science Education 1098-237X Sherry Southerland and John Settlage
435855 Nihon Furansugo Furansu bungakukai 0919-4770 Shichigatsudô
135313 Gendaishi techô 1342-5544 Shichôsha
135315 Shigaku 1342-5595 Shigakusha
149075 Wenwu chunqiu (Stories of Relics) 1003-6555 Shijiazhuang Shi : Wen wu chun qiu za zhi she
81247 Shima : The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures 1834-6057 Shima Publishing
179402 Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 2582-9793 Shimur Publications
6193 Journal of Information Communication and Library Science 1024-1302 Shin Hsin University
65512 Iranian Journal of Immunology 1735-1383 Shiraz Institute for Cancer Research
493388 Journal of Health Sciences & Surveillance System 2345-3893 Shiraz University Of Medical Sciences
978599 artificial intelligence and applications 2811-0854 Shivakumara Palaiahnakote
184011 Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 2394-2630 Shriganganagar: Leon publications
91707 Siksacakr : Journal of Cambodia Reasearch 1811-9166 Siama Rapa: Majjhamaṇḍala khmaera siksā / Center for Khmer Studies (CKS)
165805 Геология и геофизика / Russian Geology and Geophysics 1068-7971 Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science
2044 Raptors Conservation 1814-8654 Siberian Environmental Center (Novosibirsk) and Center of Field Studies (N.Novgorod)
539924 Biotechnology of New Materials - Environment - Quality of Life Siberian Federal University
801559 Wenhua Yichan Yanjiu 2096-689X Sichuan University Press
21251 Journal- Sichuan University Medical Science Edition 1672-173X Sichun University
88098 Transversal Sidaction
533724 Art&Deal 2582-0710 Siddhartha Tagore
147748 Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis 2351-8227 Sidi Mohamed Benabdallah University [Ifrane] Al Akhawyn University
125006 I quaderni del ramo d'oro 2035-7524 Siena: Università degli Studi di Siena
846189 EFCE - European Federation of chemical engineering Event Sierke Verlag
8484 Sierra 0161-7362 Sierra Club Books
134950 SDRP Journal of Nanotechnology & Material Science 2574-1888 Sift Desk
40353 Reflections on Nursing Leadership Sigma Theta Tau International
69280 Sigma. Revue de recherche en Psychopathologie 1958-1963 Sigma-ARP
122741 Aquila legionis 1578-1518 Signifer Libros
152517 Phasa Charuek Silapakon
107027 Central European Papers 2336-369X Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic)
42655 Silicates Industriels 0037-5225 Silicates Industriels