Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
90507 Electronic Journal of Digital Enterprise Georgetown University Library
147954 Occasional Paper series (CIRS) 2072-5957 Georgetown University in Qatar
6452 Journal of Southern Legal History 1047-9228 Georgia Legal History Foundation
5012 The Georgia Librarian 0016-8319 Georgia Library Association
5015 Georgia State University Law Review 8755-6847 Georgia State University College of Law
8737 Studies in the Literary Imagination 0039-3819 Georgia State University, Department of English
552 Computer Science and Telecommunications 1512-1232 Georgian Internet Academy
1619 Jurisprudence 1512-181X Georgian Internet Academy
716 Education Sciences and Psychology 1512-1801 Georgian Technical University
5206 Historical geography 1091-6458 Geoscience Publications
135148 Middle East and Africa Geospatial Digest Geospatial World
169209 GEOTECHNIC: Scientific Issue Geotechnical Chamber of Greece
448089 Le Cousin GERmain 1762-0147 Ger : Généalogie et histoire
127671 Cahiers du Geracii Geracii
59300 Post Script - Essays in Film and the Humanities 0277-9897 Gerald Duchovnay - Texas A&M University - Commerce
165955 Hugarian philosophical review 2064-6127 Gergely Ambrus
113853 Archives Texte et Musique (ATeM) 1562-6490 Gerhild Fuchs
64 Adult Education and Development 0342-7633 German Adult Education Association
2423 Theo-Web : Zeitschrift für Religionspädagogik 1863-0502 German Association of Religious Education Scholars
537830 German Historical Institute Bulletin Supplement 1048-9134 German Historical Institute
142902 Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures 1866-3621 German Informatics Society
138037 Journal of Politics in Latin America 1866-802X German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Latin American Studies
945 German Journal of Urban Studies 1861-0145 German Institute of Urban Affairs
7675 Pan (Offenburg, Germany) 0720-423X German Language Publications
946 GMS German Medical Science - an Interdisciplinary Journal 1612-3174 German Medical Science
113352 GMS Hygiene and Infection Control 2196-5226 German Medical Science
2432 Thoracic Surgical Science 1614-9777 German Medical Science, Düsseldorf
885998 German Journal of Veterinary Research 2703-1322 German Multidisciplinary Publishing Center (GMPC)
123409 E&G Quaternary Science Journal 0424-7116 German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA)
105648 Salamandra 0036-3375 German herpetological society (DGHT)
148785 Belas infiéis 2316-6614 Germana Henriques Pereira, Universidade de Brasília, Brasil
175823 socialnet international Germany
174667 Instinct Nomade 2608-6964 Germes de Barbarie
4587 Electronics Now 1067-9294 Gernsback Publications Inc
7874 Poptronics 1526-3681 Gernsback Publications Inc
7876 Popular Electronics (1989) 1042-170X Gernsback Publications Inc
6150 Journal of Gerontology 0022-1422 Gerontological Society of America
119975 Zeitschrift für Anomalistik 1617-4720 Gesellschaft für Anomalistik
64387 Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift 1434-8829 Gesellschaft für Indo-Asiatsche Kunst
176725 Mensch und Computer 2510-2672 Gesellschaft für Informatik, ACM
163810 Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie 1862-6742 Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie
148198 Kunst + Architektur in der Schweiz 9783037975961 Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte
756096 SOG18 – Yearbook of the Society for 18th Century Studies on South Eastern Europe 2707-6091 Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts im südöstlichen Europa
106161 Atalanta (Munich, Germany) 0171-0079 Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen in Deutschland
39133 Gestalt review 1084-8657 Gestalt International Study Centre
27341 Gestions hospitalières : la revue du management hospitalier 0016-9218 Gestions hospitalières
5026 Gettysburg Review 0898-4557 Gettysburg College
302361 Journal for the History of Knowledge 2632-282X Gewina, The Belgian-Dutch Society for the History of Science and Universities
7565 Office Administration and Automation 0745-4325 Geyer-McAllister Publications, Inc
33824 Analyse VOX Gfs.Bern