Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
160627 Biomacromolecules 1526-4602
160632 Soft Computing and Electrical Engineering 2664-9543
160634 Mat.Today Proc
160637 Entrepreneurship Research Journal 2157-5665
160638 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 0165-6147
160639 Living Reviews in Relativity 2367-3613
160640 Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 1878-0180
160643 Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna-Paediatrics and Family Medicine 1734-1531
160644 Range Magazine 1093-3670
160645 Proceeding of the 23rd SICAP International Symposium Bologne (Italie): Medimond
160647 Actes du 9ème colloque Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Enseignement “Nouvelles pédagogies, Sciences et technologies du numérique” Berlin - Heidelberg : Springer Computer Science Proceedings
160650 Mitochondrion
160655 Polymer Chemistry
160658 Cancer and Metabolism
160659 Optika Atmosfery i Okeana Institute of Atmospheric Optics
160661 International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1178-2005
160668 Ariège News du 26/11/2010
160669 Journal du CNRS
160673 ISSAC'17-Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
160676 Hokuga 0385-7255
160677 International Journal of Sport Communication 1936-3907 Human Kinetics Publishers Inc
160683 ISSUE Journal of art & design HEAD – Geneva HEAD – Genève - HEAD – Genève (Haute école d’art et de design)
160687 International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 1460-7352
160688 Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 1554-9658
160690 Diyâr 2625-9842
160692 Conspiracy Watch
160693 Economica 1468-0335
160695 carte archéologique de la gaule 93 Académie des Inscriptions et des belles lettres, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
160699 Structural engineering international
160705 Mathematical Finance 1467-9965
160706 La Couronne littérature d'André Suarès
160707 Le Voyage d'Europe à travers les siècles
160708 Weltliteratur i literatura comparada, perspectiva des d’Europa
160709 Revue de la Bibliothèque Nationale Universitaire
160710 Paul Claudel résolument contemporain
160711 Place de la Sorbonne
160712 Pessoa Plural. A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies
160714 Ekphrasis. Images, Cinema, Theory, Media 2559-205X
160720 Rhizomata 2196-5102
160724 Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 1547-0652 Taylor and Francis
160725 Continent 2159-9920
160730 Les vins d'Alsace
160732 L’Est Agricole et Viticole / Le Paysan du Haut-Rhin
160740 NUSA: Linguistic studies of languages in and around Indonesia 2187-7297 Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa
160741 ATZextra
160742 Free Radical Research Communications 8755-0199
160744 Nutrition & Pédiatrie
160747 studi di sociologia 0039-291X
160748 Polis. Ricerche e studi su società e politica in Italia 1120-9488
160749 Sociologies in dialogue 2447-2670
160750 Docomomo international Ana Tostoes
160754 5th International Conference on Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Computer Science
160756 Revista Archai 2179-4960
160757 International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences
160760 Luvah Les Presses du réel
160765 Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 0165-7305 Brill
160766 Musica Flasa Musica Falsa, Paris
160767 JGH Open 2397-9070
160768 ITBM - RBM
160781 Agriculture and Natural Resources 2468-1458
160784 Reports in Organic Chemistry 2230-5246 Dovepress
160786 Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal 0283-2631
160787 Revista Alternativa. Revista de Estudios Rurales
160788 Vècu
160789 Bulletin du CEMCA
160790 Earth Sciences History. Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
160791 Savants / Savoirs
160792 Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 1873-4502
160793 Sources(s), "Savants / Savoirs
160795 Nuclear Medicine and Biology 1872-9614
160796 European Scientific Journal 1857-7431
160797 L’Ordinaire du Mexicaniste
160798 Boletín del CEMCA
160799 Antropología e Historia de Guatemala, Época 2
160801 Vínculos
160802 Revista del Museo Nacional
160805 Katunob
160806 Boletín del Museo de Oro
160808 Archaeoastronomy
160809 L'Oise Agricole 0030-1523
160810 International Journal of Orthopaedics Research 2690-9189
160812 Revista Intercambio
160823 Anthropology & Education Quarterly
160824 Revista Espaço Ameríndio
160825 Antropologando. Revista Venezolana de Antropologia Crítica
160826 Arquivos do Museu Nacional
160827 Cadernos de Campo
160832 LAPASEC 9783868217896 Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
160833 The European Spectator 2265-5271 Presses Universitaires de la Médittérannée
160836 Cellular Microbiology 1462-5822
160837 Bulletin de l'Association des Amis de Giono
160839 The Journal of comparative neurology 1096-9861
160840 Journal of Sleep Disorders and Medical Care 2577-882X
160843 Le penser pompier
160844 COVIDAM : la Covid-19 dans les Amériques
160854 24th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium 22nd International Workshop on ADC and DAC Modelling and Testing IMEKO TC-4 2020
160856 Goethe-Jahrbuch Wallstein
160857 Quaderni Norensi 2280-983X Padova University Press
160864 Doctissimus