Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
169540 International Journal of Technology Management
144446 International Journal of Technology Management 0267-5730
55843 International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM)
64930 International Journal of Technology Modelling and Management
114571 International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education 2047-0533 Infonomics Society
951307 International Journal of Technology and Scientific Research
59752 International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education
290429 International Journal of Technology, Innovation and Management (IJTIM) 2789-777X GAF-TIM
152240 International Journal of Technology, Management and Sustainable Development
143858 International Journal of Theoretical Physics
29419 International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory and Non-Linear Optics
95423 International Journal of Theoretical and Computational Fluid dynamics
603786 International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
41203 International Journal of Thermal Science
110688 International Journal of Thermal Technologies 2277-4114 Dr. N.Alexander
140956 International Journal of Thermophysics
48770 International Journal of Tomography & Statistic
46706 International Journal of Tomography & Statistics, Special Issue on Control Applications of Optimisation : applications of optimal control, robust control and stabilization, applications in industry
108013 International Journal of Tomography and Simulation 2319-3336 CESER Publications
28322 International Journal of Tomography and Statistics
46701 International Journal of Tomography and Statistics, Special issue on Control Applications of Optimisation – applications of optimal control, robust control and stabilisation, applications in industry
45845 International Journal of Total Quality Management & Excellence
59718 International Journal of Total Quality Management and Excellence
90762 International Journal of Tourism Sciences
144487 International Journal of Tourism Sciences 1598-0634
163454 International Journal of Toxicology
67627 International Journal of Trade, Economics, and Finance (IJTEF)
126174 International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems 1745-0071
302283 International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics 2575-6974
180402 International Journal of Transpersonal Studies
139259 International Journal of Transport Development and Integration
177230 International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering
123768 International Journal of Transportation 2287-7940 Science & Engineering Research Support soCiety
789090 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and development
132435 International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research
168124 International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications 2048-8378
765453 International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications
147710 International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines
151956 International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power
485910 International Journal of Uncertainly, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 0218-4885 World Scientific (Open Access)
198593 International Journal of Uncertainty Quantification 2152-5080 Begell House
31149 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based
172436 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based (IJUFKS)
148148 International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities (IJUPSC)
123245 International Journal of Urban Sciences 1226-5934 Taylor & Francis Online
107003 International Journal of Urology
63257 International Journal of VLSI Design
54537 International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems (IJVAS)
84596 International Journal of Vehicle Design (IJVD)
132778 International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems 0975-3060 Maftree
134423 International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
160414 International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine Taylor & Francis Online
71773 International Journal of Vine and Wine Sciences
174429 International Journal of Virtual Reality
178097 International Journal of Water Governance
91527 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Management
111462 International Journal of Web Applications 0974-7710 International Journal of Web Applications
96397 International Journal of Web Applications
116291 International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
115344 International Journal of Web Information Systems
70395 International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS)
126153 International Journal of Web Intelligence
875568 International Journal of Web Science 1757-8795
117691 International Journal of Web Services Practices 1738-6535
88097 International Journal of West Asian Studies
62329 International Journal of Wildland Fire
64361 International Journal of Wine Business Research
103594 International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies
682414 International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies 2155-6261
112290 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC)
84587 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Inderscience
111470 International Journal of Women's Dermatology
178455 International Journal of Women's Dermatology 2352-6475
112451 International Journal of Women's Health dove press
578769 International Journal of Women’s Health
177471 International Journal of Workplace Health Management 1753-8351
33912 International Journal of Wrashworthiness
145398 International Journal of Wrestling Science
110327 International Journal of Zoology 1687-8477 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
139338 International Journal of Zoology Studies 2455-7269 International Journal of Zoology Studies (IJZS)
84322 International Journal of and Regional Development
96606 International Journal of applied and fundamental research. Publishing House "Academy of Natural Sciences" (Penza, Russia)/ Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. Издательский Дом "Академия Естествознания" (Пенза)
132448 International Journal of circuit theory and applications
88752 International Journal of computer & Technology (IJCT)
47712 International Journal of computer and their applications
30076 International Journal of computers-aided Engineering Software
107485 International Journal of e-Collaboration 1548-3673 IGI Publishing
146960 International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning 2010-3654
101210 International Journal of e-Politics 1947-9131 IGI Global
84586 International Journal of eHealth and Medical Communications
128689 International Journal of finance 1041-2743
82908 International Journal of future Generation Communication and Networking
58830 International Journal of nanoelctronics and materials
61392 International Journal of pharmaceuticsarmaceutics
930586 International Journal of sub-Saharan African Research (IJSSAR) 3043-4467
72443 International Journal of the Asian Philosophical Association
137929 International Journal of the Bioflux Society
62658 International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management - IJCIM
94014 International Journal of the Economics of Buisness
48045 International Journal of the Economics of Business
143076 International Journal of the Economics of Business
73834 International Journal of the EuMA (European Microwave Association)
66591 International Journal of the Physical Sciences
78987 International Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan (JRSJ)
133008 International Journal of the Sociology of Agriculture and Food
65149 International Journal of vehicule design
47711 International Journal of web information systems Emerald
81215 International Journal of Žižek Studies
170746 International Journal of …
570483 International Journal of. Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 2150-7988 IJCISIM
62132 International Journal on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
171097 International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 2460-6952 INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development
88548 International Journal on Advanced in telecommunications
94561 International Journal on Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS)
78747 International Journal on Advances in Network and Services
115519 International Journal on Advances in Software (IJAS)
105834 International Journal on Advances in Telecommunication
86159 International Journal on Advences in Networks Services
488967 International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering 2945-0489
116155 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
171625 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 0218-2130
77472 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)
52142 International Journal on Bioinformatics Engineering (IJBE)
88324 International Journal on Communications Antenna & Propagation
530770 International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation
136187 International Journal on Computational Science & Applications 2200-0011
98043 International Journal on Computational Sciences & Applications 2200-0011 AIRCC
56222 International Journal on Computer Network and Internet Research
411365 International Journal on Computer Network and Internet Research (CNIR)
71569 International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems. Special Issue "Users and Information Systems
112254 International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security
63163 International Journal on Design Automation for Embedded Systems
44266 International Journal on Document Analysis and & Recognition
129215 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
66000 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)
42744 International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL) Association for the Advancement in Computing in Education (AACE)
129929 International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education 2549-4996 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
88583 International Journal on Energy Conversion
169863 International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON)
92795 International Journal on Engineering Applications
93387 International Journal on Engineering Applications (IREA)
41090 International Journal on Engineering-Based Fire Codes
60246 International Journal on Fundations of Computer Science
60517 International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing
116192 International Journal on Human Machine Interaction
234080 International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 1844-458X The Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca
100087 International Journal on Image and Graphics
64818 International Journal on Industrial Risks Engineering
60845 International Journal on Information & Communication Technologies (IJICT)
180114 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 1955-2505
72897 International Journal on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems 2219-1887 International journal on Internet and distributed computing systems
95853 International Journal on Learning and Media
71095 International Journal on Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering (IJMTIE)
978486 International Journal on Natural Language Computing 2319-4111
90512 International Journal on Networking and Computing unknown
178536 International Journal on Numerical and Analytical Methods in Engineering (IRENA) 2281-7026
68204 International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
74914 International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI)
45931 International Journal on Product Development
109386 International Journal on Requirement Engineering
52222 International Journal on Science and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering
57005 International Journal on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control (IJ-STA)
115386 International Journal on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control
887774 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
887781 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)
88562 International Journal on Spirituality and Organizational Leadership
568907 International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE) 2690-7909 International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE)
44347 International Journal on System Research and Information Science Inconnu
139164 International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics 2621-2188 Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
634055 International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems Of Engineering 2077-3528
74307 International Journal on Theoritical Computer Science
52060 International Journal on Violence and School
64559 International Journal on Violence and Schools
68190 International Journal on Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
91094 International Journal on Web Intelligence and Agent Systems
114418 International Journal on Web Service Computing (IJWSC)
79643 International Journal on Wireless Personnal Communications
88467 International Journal, Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis
111146 International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis 0020-7020 SAGE Publications
63464 International JournalofRockMechanics&MiningSciences
47411 International Journal  Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
141399 International Juvenile Justice Observatory
98172 International Labor Brief 1599-8355
157826 International Labor Review 0020-7780 International Labour Office
162497 International Labor Rights Case Law 2405-688X
120275 International Labour Office
115787 International Labour Review
69853 International Language Resources and Evaluation Journal, special issue on Multimodal Corpora For Modelling Human Multimodal Behavior
159371 International Law Journal of London
182025 International Legal Studies V
120475 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy 2299-3843 SciPress Ltd
146173 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy
98704 International MS journal / MS Forum
61625 International Management
176325 International Marketing Review
144334 International Marmot Network
60926 International Math. Research Notices
67509 International Mathematical Forum
801447 International Mathematical Forum. Journal for Theory and Applications 1312-7594
103150 International Mathematical Journal 1311-6797 Emil Minchev