Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
131627 International journal of academic research in business and social science s 2222-6990 Société de recherche universitaire en gestion des ressources humaines
71491 International journal of advanced information technology (IJAIT)
127595 International journal of advanced research in computer science 0976-8261
743239 International journal of advances in soft computing and its applications 2074-8523
78366 International journal of antennas and Propagation (MIMO Over-The-Air Research, Development, and Testing special issue)
583461 International journal of applied management and economics 2509-0720 IJAME
110868 International journal of assistive robotics and mechatronics 1975-0153
277975 International journal of banking, finance and insurance technologies 2816-8070 Research Lake International
151466 International journal of biochemistry & cell biology 1878-5875
140641 International journal of biomedical engineering and technology
105968 International journal of biomedical science: IJBS
44367 International journal of biometeorology Springer
143621 International journal of business process integration and management 1741-8771
174455 International journal of business, economics & management 2632-9476
182028 International journal of cancer = Journal international du cancer
155637 International journal of colorectal disease 1432-1262
159490 International journal of communication networks and distributed systems (IJCNDS) 1754-3924
104787 International journal of computational science 1992-6669
86950 International journal of creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics
145424 International journal of current science research (IJCSR) 2454-5422 Tuticorin : Dr BGR Publications
144709 International journal of customer relationship management 1461-4561
49264 International journal of dynamical systems and differential equations
99340 International journal of electronics 0020-721
114464 International journal of engineering and industries (IJEI) 2093-5765
110930 International journal of engineering science invention 2319-6726
154849 International journal of epidemiology 1464-3685
162817 International journal of financial engineering
142780 International journal of food microbiology
104280 International journal of functional informatics and personalised medicine 1756-2104
68005 International journal of grid and distributed computing
110304 International journal of grid computing and multi agent systems (IJGCMAS) 0975-8135
470781 International journal of gynecological cancer . official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society 1525-1438
174451 International journal of health & medical sciences 2632-9433
135480 International journal of health geographics
45153 International journal of heat exchangers
609736 International journal of hydrology science and technology 2042-7808 INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTD
145570 International journal of hygiene and environmental health
62654 International journal of impact mechanics
541214 International journal of industrial and production engineering
723466 International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 1878-3511
84023 International journal of inorganic chemistry
138888 International journal of interactive mobile technologies 1865-7923
138114 International journal of knowledge and learning
541212 International journal of latest technology, management & applied science
661072 International journal of legal medicine 1437-1596
100562 International journal of material product and technology
34598 International journal of materials, product and technology
114340 International journal of mathematical and computational methods (IJMCM) 2367-895X
150371 International journal of medical informatics
101826 International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM 1618-0607
112847 International journal of medicinal mushrooms 1940-4344
62089 International journal of mobile and blended learning
291992 International journal of museum studies
85012 International journal of new computer architectures and their applications (IJNCAA)
71237 International journal of next-generation computing (IJNGC)
100350 International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders
133577 International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity
98608 International journal of occupational and environmental health : official journal of the International Commission on Occupational Health
84513 International journal of pavement engineering (The)
154764 International journal of pharmaceutics 1873-3476
134241 International journal of pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
127547 International journal of physical sciences
101539 International journal of psychology
170795 International journal of psychology & behavior analysis 2455-3867
148330 International journal of railway research 2423-3838 Center of Excellence in Railway Transportation, Iran University of Science and Technology
75759 International journal of research and reviews in next generation networks (IJRRNGN)
175021 International journal of rural criminology
514017 International journal of science, engineering and technology (Jaipur) 2348-4098
177357 International journal of scientific and technical research in engineering 2581-9941 IJSTRE
104788 International journal of signal processing (IJSP) 2070-397X
131862 International journal of software and hardware research in engineering 2347-4890
845162 International journal of stroke . official journal of the International Stroke Society 1747-4949
103663 International journal of technology enhanced learning 1753-5255
436985 International journal of theoritical physics
59577 International journal of transport economics = Rivista internazionale di economia dei trasporti
110248 International journal of ubicomp 0976-2213
72812 International journal of ubicomp
110412 International journal of wireless & mobile networks (IJWMN) 0975-4679
107090 International journal on AdHoc networking systems (IJANS) 2249-2682
179316 International journal on advanced materials and technologies
79781 International journal on antenna and propagation
58387 International journal on electronics and communications
152935 International microbiology: official journal of the Spanish Society for Microbiology
137344 International newsletter on rock art
71045 International of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
57224 International of Journal Computers & Applications
50997 International of RF and microwave computer-aided engineering
86874 International of Sustainable Engineering
55377 International of Web and Grid Services
65718 International of learning and change
109545 International preservation news 0890-4960
75566 International radar symposium 2011
174033 International research journal of engineering, IT & scientific research 2454-2261
173828 International research journal of management, IT and social sciences
83680 International review for Automatic Control
78203 International review of Electrical Engineering (IREE)
84965 International review of Mathematics Education
62242 International review of Modelling and Simulation
180124 International review of cell and molecular biology / Int Rev Cell Mol Biol 1937-6448 Amsterdam : Elsevier
28896 International review of cytology
169241 International review of education
55075 International review of modern sociology
35484 International review of neurobiology
109459 International scientific-technical magazine: Measuring and computing devices in technological processes 2219-9365 Khmelnitsky national university, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
109444 International scientific-technical magazine: Measuring and computing devices in technological processes 2219-9365 Khmelnitsky national university, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
124389 International scientific-technical magazine: Measuring and computing devices in technological processes 2219-9365 Khmelnitsky national university, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
109451 International scientific-technical magazine: Measuring and computing devices in technological processes 2219-9365 Khmelnitsky national university, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
61376 International sociological association
57739 International symposiom on biomedical imaging : from nano to macro procedings
44159 International symposium : Bilingual knowledge and translation - A challenge for the cultural identity of Europe ; Paris 30-31 mars 2006
31157 International-Journal-of-Electronics
103212 Internationale Archäologie
47968 Internationale Journal of Simulation Modeling
878373 Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift Communio
119575 Internationale Neerlandistiek 1876-9071 Amsterdam University Press
54922 Internationale Politik
146845 Internationale Politik 1430-175X
25435 Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft : International Politics and Society
666479 Internationale Schulbuchforschung
93167 Internationale Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Ethik der Naturwissenschaften (NTM)
316676 Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik 2698-492X
59507 Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie
158435 Internationale de l'Imaginaire
25931 Internationale de l'imaginaire Babel/ Actes Sud
180443 Internationale wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung 0046-8428
41190 Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress
149871 Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur 0340-4528
620752 Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur,
28584 Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik
95474 Internationales Magazin für Sicherheit
843185 Internationalist Review of Irish Culture
97184 Internationalization studies (Hanoi)
46028 Internationl Journal of Earth Sciences
354708 Internatıonal Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 1307-1149 Nobel
95543 Internet Actu
98999 Internet Computing
50155 Internet J. Chem
45433 Internet Journal of African Association of Political Sciences
166444 Internet Journal of Criminology 2045-6743
634963 Internet Journal of Viticulture and Enology
118184 Internet Latent Corpus Journal 1647-7308
113006 Internet Mathematics
575146 Internet Policy Review
203450 Internet Pragmatics 2542-3851
736446 Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
111815 Internet Science
163279 Internet Technology Letters
33288 Internet and Digital Economics
526852 Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems 2667-3452
129994 Internet technology letters 2476-1508
511061 Internet: Interactions et Interfaces
125631 Internet: interactions et interfaces - M@rsouin L'Harmattan - Paris
182490 Internetworking Indonesia Journal 1942-9703
46966 Interntional Journal of Antennas and Propagation
31420 Interntional-Journal-of-Computer-Aided-VLSI-Design
75710 Interntl. J. Math
145768 Interoperable communication networks journal
106413 Interopérabilité et partage de connaissances
151920 Interpares
111190 Interplay: A journal of Languages, Linguisitics, and Literature. Revue académique de langue, Linguistique et littérature du foreign language and literature department of Tunghai University
173286 Interpres
180466 Interpretatio 2369-4637 IRCPS
505404 Interpretatio Prudentium 2183-8194 Iuris
171729 Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization 2324-8858
66399 Interpretierte Eisenzeiten: Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie, Tagungsbericht der 3. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie
131520 Interpreting and translation studies
33681 Interprétation de discours
134702 Interprétation des textes juridiques Édition Al Najoie, Beyrouth
36589 Interpréter en contexte
32053 Interpréter en contexte sous la direction de F. Corblin et C. Gardent
181674 Interpréter, Sur-interpréter. Enquêtes. Sociologie, histoire, anthropologie EHESS
154245 Intersections : le magazine Schneider de l'enseignement technologique et professionnel
166210 Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 2416-089X Centre for Social Sciences Budapest
678979 Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific
848565 Interseções: Revista de Estudos Interdisciplinares 1517-6088
172670 Intersignes
174309 Interspaces
57512 Interspeech 2009
103745 Intersticios. Revista sociológica de pensamiento crítico
176696 Intersticios: Revista Sociológica de Pensamiento Crítico 1887-3898 Universidad Complutense de Madrid
134628 Intertext Institutul de Cercetări Filologice şi Interculturale, Chişinău, Moldova
115616 Intertexto
470472 Intertexts 1092-0625 Texas Tech University
181184 Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation
904064 Intervenante lors de la table ronde "Faire Méditerranée ailleurs" dans le cadre de la 2e rencontre du réseau GLOBALMED 2023 : "La Méditerranée et le monde", organisée par l'Université d'Aix-Marseille et la MMSH les 22 et 23 juin 2023
904069 Intervenante lors de la table ronde "Vivre dans l'Empire ottoman". Maghreb-Orient des Livres 2018 (Mairie de Paris - 2 au 4 février 2018)
635753 Intervención
112337 Intervención - Revista Internacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología 2448-5934
124308 Intervención - Revista Internacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología
117649 Intervention
162065 Intervention 1923-256X Intervention
29699 Intervention CCREFP, Comité de coordination régional de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle, Conseil régional, 9 mars 2004
176453 Intervention Journal of Economics / Intervention: Zeitschrift fur Okonomie 1613-0960
44022 Intervention au sein de la journée d'étude organisée par le LARES-Université de Rennes 2, sous la directon de Smaïl Hadj-Ali : les rapports société-technique du point de vue des sciences de l'homme et de la société, mai 2004
919520 Intervention dans le cadre d’un programme de formation de chefs d’établissements de l’enseignement catholique, 28 janvier 2009
919515 Intervention pour la journée nationale des responsables diocésains de musique liturgique organisée par le service musique liturgique du SNPLS, Paris, 6 novembre 2010
612877 Intervention, Journal for Mental Health and Psychological support Affected Areas
128387 Interventional Neurology 1664-9737
136694 Interventions économiques