Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
486 Chapter & Verse 1747-6755 Simon Warner, School of Music, University of Leeds, UK
487 Check List 1809-127X Luís Felipe Toledo
488 Chem-Bio Informatics Journal 1347-6297 Chem-Bio Informatics Society
489 Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 0352-9568 Hrvatsko drutvo kemijskih inenjera i tehnologa
490 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 0009-2363 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
491 Chemical Journal on Internet 1523-1623 Chemical Journal on Internet
492 Chemické listy - [vyd. Československá společnost chemická] 0009-2770 Association of Czech Chemical Societies
796 Ensaio 0104-4036 Fundação CESGRANRIO
797 Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología 0185-1594 Consejo Nacional Para la Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología
798 Entelequia : Revista Interdisciplinar 1885-6985 Grupo Eumednet, University of Malaga
799 Entomologia y Vectores 0328-0381 SciELO
800 Entomotropica 1317-5262 Sociedad Venezolana de Entomología
801 Entropy 1099-4300 MDPI
802 Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 1342-078X Springer Verlag
804 Environmental Health 1476-069X BioMed Central
806 Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization 2052-1499 Ephemera Editorial Collective / Ephemera Editorial Collective Warwick Business School (WBS)
807 Epidemiologic Perspectives and Innovations 1742-5573 BioMed Central
808 Epilepsy Currents 1535-7597 Wiley
809 Episteme NS - Revista del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 0798-4324 Vincenzo Lo Monaco & Nancy Nunez Eds. & Pubs
810 Eras 1445-5218 Monash University
811 Erasmus Law and Economics Review 1824-3886 Erasmus Law and Economics Students Society
812 ERCES : Online Quarterly Review 1811-9123 The European & International Research Group on Crime, Ethics and Social Philosophy (ERCES)
813 Erciyes Medical Journal 1300-199X AVES Yayincilik
814 Erfurt Electronic Studies in English 1430-6905 Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Erfurt
815 eSamizdat 1723-4042 Alessandro Catalano, Simone Guagnelli
816 E-Sharp 1742-4542 University of Glasgow
817 Esoterica: the journal of esoteric studies 1534-1224 Michigan State University, College of Arts & Letters
818 1777-5477 Association Espaces
819 Espacio Abierto 1315-0006 Espacio Abierto Investigadores
820 Espacios 0798-1015 EDITORIAL ESPACIOS
821 Espéculo : Revista de Estudios Literarios 1139-3637 Universidad Complutense de Madrid
822 Espiral 1665-0565 Universidad de Guadalajara
823 Essays in Education 1527-9359 Columbia College
824 Essays in Philosophy 1526-0569 Pacific University
825 Estudios Atacameños 0716-0925 Universidad Católica del Norte
826 Estudios de Economia 0304-2758 Universidad de Chile
827 Estudios de Lingüística del Espanol 1139-8736 Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
828 Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos 0186-7210 El Colegio de México, A.C
829 Estudios Filológicos 0071-1713 Universidad Austral de Chile
830 Estudios Fronterizos 0187-6961 Universidad Autonoma de baja California
831 Estudios Pedagógicos (Valdivia) 0716-050X Universidad Austral de Chile
832 Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporaneas 1405-2210 Universidad de Colima
833 Estudios Sociales 0188-4557 Universidad de Sonora
834 Estudos Afro-Asiáticos 0101-546X SciELO
835 Estudos Avançados 0103-4014 Universidade de São Paulo
836 Estudos de Psicologia -Campinas 0103-166X Pus Campinas
837 Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) 1413-294X Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
838 Estudos Econômicos 0101-4161 Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas da FEA-USP
839 ETD - Educação Temática Digital 1517-2539 Universidade Estadual de Campinas
840 ethic@ 1677-2954 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
841 Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 1611-8014 Inter Research
842 Ethnobotany Research and Applications 1547-3465 Ethnobotany Research and Applications
843 Etica e Politica/Ethics and Politics 1825-5167 Università degli Studi di Trieste
844 Etología 1130-3204 Sociedad Española de Etología
845 ETRI Journal 1225-6463 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
846 Etudes Epistémè : revue de littérature et de civilisation (XVIe - XVIIIe siècles) 1634-0450 Association Études Épistémè
847 Eubios journal of Asian and international bioethics : EJAIB 1173-2571 Asian Bioethics Association (ABA)
848 EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 1687-4714 SpringerOpen
849 EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 1687-4145 SpringerOpen
850 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 1687-3955 SpringerOpen
851 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 1687-1472 SpringerOpen
852 EURE (Santiago) - Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales 0250-7161 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
853 eCells and Materials Journal 1473-2262 AO Research Institute Davos
854 European Diversity and Autonomy Papers - EDAP 1827-8361 European Academy in Bolzano (EURAC)
855 European Integration online Papers 1027-5193 ECSA Austria
856 The European Journal of Comparative Economics 1824-2979 European Association for Comparative Economic Studies and Universita Carlo Cattaneo
857 European Journal of General Medicine 1304-3897 Medical Investigations Society
858 European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 1027-5207 European Distance and E Learning Network
859 The European Journal of Psychiatry 0213-6163 Elsevier
860 The European Journal of Psychiatry (edición en español) 1579-699X Universidad de Zaragoza
861 European Journal of Scientific Research 1450-216X EuroJournals
862 European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 1567-7141 Delft University of Technology
863 Eurosurveillance 1560-7917 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
864 Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 1715-720X University of Alberta, Learning Services
865 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X Hindawi Publishing Corporation
866 Evolutionary Psychology: an International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior 1474-7049 Ian Pitchford, Ed.& Pub
867 Experimental and Molecular Medicine 1226-3613 Nature Publishing Group
868 Experimental Animals 1341-1357 Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
869 Family Medicine 0742-3225 STFM
870 Family Practice Management 1069-5648 American Academy of Family Physicians
871 Fast Capitalism 1930-014X Fast capitalism
872 Fênix : Revista de História e Estudos Culturais 1807-6971 Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
873 Federal Courts Law Review Springer-Verlag
874 Fibreculture Journal 1449-1443 Fibreculture Publications
875 Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe 1230-3666 Institute of Chemical Fibres
876 Filaria journal 1475-2883 BioMed Central
877 Filomat 0354-5180 University of Nis
878 Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 1052-3073 Springer-Verlag
879 Firat Tip Dergisi 1300-9818 Fýrat University Faculty of Medicine
880 First Monday 1396-0466 University of Illinois at Chicago Library
881 First Peoples Child and Family Review 1708-489X First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada
882 Fishery Bulletin 0090-0656 United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service
883 Fitopatologia Brasileira 0100-4158 Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia
884 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1687-1820 SpringerOpen
885 Fizika a -Zagreb 1330-0008 The Croatian Physical Society
886 Fizika B -Zagreb 1330-0016 Croation Physical Society; 1999
887 Fizika Nizkih Temperatur 0132-6414 B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering
888 Fizika Tverdogo Tela 0367-3294 Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute
889 Florida Entomologist 0015-4040 Florida Entomological Society
890 Florida Philosophical Review 1535-3656 University of Central Florida
891 Flusser Studies 1661-5719 Flusser Studies
892 Folia entomologica Mexicana 0430-8603 Sociedad Mexicana de Entomología
893 Folia Neuropathologica 1641-4640 Termedia Publishing House
894 Folia Pharmacologica Japonica 0015-5691 Japanese Pharmacological Society
895 Folklore : Electronic Journal of Folklore 1406-0957 Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian Folklore Institute
896 Folklore Studies 0388-0370 Asian Folklore Studies
897 Food Technology and Biotechnology 1330-9862 University of Zagreb
898 Forced Migration Review 1460-9819 University of Oxford
899 Forest@ 1824-0119 Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF)
900 Foro Pediátrico 1885-2483 Sociedad de Pediatría de Atención Primaria de Extremadura
901 Forum 1749-9771 University of Edinburgh
902 Forum empresarial 1541-8561 University of Puerto Rico
903 Forum Geometricorum: A Journal on Classical Euclidean Geometry Department of Mathematical Sciences Florida Atlantic University
904 Forum Historiae Iuris 1860-5605 FHI
905 Forum: Qualitative Social Research / Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung 1438-5627 Institut für Qualitative Forschung
906 Foucault Studies 1832-5203 Copenhagen Business School
907 Frankfurter Elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde 1862-8478 Universität Frankfurt am Main
908 Frankfurter Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft 1438-857X Universität Bern, Institut für Musikwissenschaft
909 Frontera Norte 0187-7372 El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
910 Frontiers in Zoology 1742-9994 BioMed Central
911 Fundamentos en Humanidades 1515-4467 Universidad Nacional de San Luis
912 Future of Children 1054-8289 Brookings Institution Press
913 Gaceta Laboral 1315-8597 Universidad del Zulia
914 Gaceta medica de Caracas 0367-4762 ATEPROCA
915 Gaceta m¿¿¿¿dica de M¿¿¿¿xico 0016-3813 Academia Nacional de Medicina
916 Gaceta Sanitaria 0213-9111 Elsevier España
917 Game Studies d000-0088 Game Studies
918 Gastric & Breast Cancer 1109-7655 Gastric Breast Cancer Editorial Office, Ioannina, Greece
919 GLIP Review 1833-4512 Australian Psychological Society
920 Gayana (Concepción) 0717-652X Universidad de Concepción
921 Gayana. Botanica 0016-5301 Universidad de Concepción
922 Gazeta de Antropologia 0214-7564 Gazeta de Antropologia
923 Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft 1437-9082 Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft
924 GEFAME 1558-7274 University of Michigan
925 Gender, rovné prílezitosti, vyzkum 1213-0028 Akademie vd eské republiky
926 Genders 0894-9832 University of Texas Press
927 General and Applied Plant Physiology 1312-8183 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
928 Genes and Genetic Systems 1341-7568 Genetics Society of Japan
929 Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 1479-0556 BioMed Central
930 Genetics and Molecular Biology 1415-4757 Sociedade Brasileira de Genética
931 Genetics and molecular research : GMR 1676-5680 Ribeirão Preto foundation for Scientific Research (FUNPEC)
932 Genomics, society, and policy / ESRC Genomics Network 1746-5354 ESRC Genomic Network
933 Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 Chemistry Central
934 Geochronometria 1733-8387 Sciendo
935 Geodetski Vestnik 0351-0271 Association of Surveyors of Slovenia
937 Geofísica Internacional 0016-7169 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
938 Geofizika 0352-3659 University of Zagreb
939 GeoFocus 1578-5157 Grupo de Métodos Cuantitativos, SIG y Teledetección, A.G.E
940 Geologia Croatica 1330-030X Institute of Geology Zagreb
941 Geologica Acta 1695-6133 Universidad de Barcelona
942 GeoTropico 1692-0791 GeoLat Group
943 German as a Foreign Language 1470-9570 GFL
944 German Journal of Psychiatry 1433-1055 Universitätsverlag Göttingen
945 German Journal of Urban Studies 1861-0145 German Institute of Urban Affairs
946 GMS German Medical Science - an Interdisciplinary Journal 1612-3174 German Medical Science
947 German Risk and Insurance Review 1860-5400 University of Cologne
948 Gerokomos 1134-928X Ediciones SPA S.L
949 Gestão and Produção 0104-530X Universidade Federal de São Carlos
950 Gestión y Política Pública 1405-1079 Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
951 Ginecolog¿¿¿¿a y obstetricia de M¿¿¿¿xico 0300-9041 Ginecologia Y Obstetricia de Mexico
952 Global bioethics = Problemi di bioetica / International Institute for the Study of Man 1128-7462 Firenze University Press
953 Global Media Journal 1550-7521 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
954 Global Tourism 1808-558X Global Tourism Consulting and Training
955 Globalization and Health 1744-8603 BioMed Central
956 Glossos 1544-404X Duke University
957 Gold bulletin : a quarterly review of research on gold and its applications in industry 0017-1557 World Gold Council
958 Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies 1176-2152 University of Auckland
959 Graduate Journal of Social Science 1572-3763 Amsterdam University Press
960 Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Surveys in Israel 1565-043X Israel Antiquities Authority
961 Hamburg Review of Social Sciences 1862-3921 Hamburg review of social sciences
962 Harm Reduction Journal 1477-7517 BioMed Central
963 Harvard Divinity Bulletin 0017-8047 Harvard Divinity School
964 Harvard Human Rights Journal 1057-5057 Harvard University, Harvard Law School
965 Head & Face Medicine 1746-160X BioMed Central
966 Health Administrator 0971-5673 Indian Society of Health Administrators
967 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1477-7525 BioMed Central
968 Health Care and Informatics Review Online 1176-4201 Health Informatics New Zealand
969 Health Management 1608-909X The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
970 Health Research Policy and Systems 1478-4505 BioMed Central
971 Health Statistics Quarterly 1465-1645 Palgrave Macmillan
972 Healthcare Review Online 1173-7956 Enigma Publishing Ltd
973 The Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 1011-7970 Hellenic Cardiological Society
974 Ellenike Orthodontike Epitheorese 1108-1279 Laterre Publishing Company
975 Hematology / the Education Program of the American Society of Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program 1520-4391 American Society of Hematology
976 Hepatitis Monthly 1735-143X Kowsar Corporation
977 Hereditas 0018-0661 Mendelian Society of Lund
978 Heritage Journal 0219-8584 The National Heritage Board, Singapore
979 Heritage Language Journal 1550-7076 Center for World Languages of UCLA, UC Consortium for Language Learning and Teaching
980 Hermeneutische Blätter 1660-5403 Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich
981 The Heroic Age : a Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe 1526-1867 Heroic Age
982 Herpes -Cambridge 0969-7667 Cambridge Medical Publications
983 Herpetological Conservation and Biology 1931-7603 Herpetological Conservation and Biology
984 High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine 1424-2729 C E R N - European Laboratory for Particle Physics
985 Higher Education Perspectives 1710-1530 University of Toronto Press
986 HiN: Alexander von Humboldt im Netz / International Review for Humboldtian Studies 1617-5239 Universitätsverlag Potsdam
987 Hipertexto 1553-3018 University of Texas-Pan American
988 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 0018-2079 Hiroshima University
989 História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 0104-5970 Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
990 Historia (Santiago) 0073-2435 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
991 Historia Actual Online 1696-2060 Asociatión de Historia Actual