Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
136073 RENSIT: Radioelectronics. Nanosystems. Information technologies 2218-3000 Department of Radio Electronics, Nanophysics and Information Technologies Problems of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
136084 Current Optics and Photonics 2508-7266 Optical Society of Korea
136085 AORTA 2325-4637 Thieme
136091 Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology 2093-8551 The Korean Electrochemical Society
136115 Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier : Le Maitron 1764-8246 Paris: Éd. de l'Atelier,
136125 Journal of Ocean Technology 1718-3200 Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
136127 The IMP Journal 2059-1403 emerald insight
136137 Journal of Media Business Studies 1652-2354 Media Management and Transformation Centre
136138 Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing 2050-0076 Henry Stewart Publications
136139 Eureka: Social and Humanities 2504-5563 Scientific route
136567 European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 2599-5855 CEPOL
136575 International Journal of Sports Science 2169-8759 Scientific & Academic Publishing
136582 Encounters in Theory and History of Education 1494-4936 Faculty of Education, Queen's University
136583 Clef de voûte (Rodez) 1959-1543 Rodez: Les Amis de la cathédrale de Rodez
136593 Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 2363-8419 Springer
136612 ID efficience territoriale ID efficience territoriale
136620 Bulletin du Groupe Vendéen d'Études Préhistoriques 2431-9376 Groupe Vendéen d'Études Préhistoriques
136625 Matière Première 1951-1647 Syllepse
136630 Electoral politics
136633 Chemistry of advanced Materials 2415-6213 ISSR
136634 SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS 1729-0376 South African Medical Association, Health and Medical Pub. Group
136635 Cahiers d'études nodiéristes 2264-8496 Classiques Garnier
136637 Palgrave Communications Nature
136638 Cahier critique de poésie 1628-3929 Centre international de poésie Marseille cipM
136639 Friches 0294-0914 Cahiers de poésie verte
136640 Cap-aux-Diamants 0829-7983 Québec: Société historique de Québec
136653 Thema 2552-2272 Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire
136659 Open Agriculture De Gruyter
136682 Advances in Life Course Research 1569-4909 Elsevier
136689 Revista de ciencias sociales 0797-5538 Montevideo: UDELAR
136693 Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier 1146-7282 Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier
136695 Bee World 0005-772X
136718 Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 1973-798X IOS Press
136726 Īpeirōtika Chronika 1105-5227 Iōanninois : Iera Mītropolīs Iōanninōn
136145 Revue Chameaux 1920-2040 Université de Laval, Québec
136154 Newsletter di Archeologia CISA 2036-6353 Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi di Archeologia
136156 Transactions on Environment and Electrical Engineering 2450-5730 Łososiowice: EEEIC International Publishing
136157 Afrique(s) en Mouvement Université Internationale de Rabat (UIR)
136175 PLASTIR 2105-2794 [Longpont-sur-Orge]: PSA research Group
136202 Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature 0137-4699 UMCS Wydawnictwo
136223 HARMONIA - Coccinelles du monde 2102-6769 Association des COccinellistes de France (ACOF)
136225 Emotions: History, Culture, Society 2208-522X Brill
136226 Studia Romanica, Societas Japonica Studiorum Romanicorum 1883-1176 Societas Japonica Studiorum Romanicorum
136229 Cahiers Octave Mirbeau 1254-6879 Société Octave Mirbeau
136231 International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management 2048-2361 Inderscience Online
136240 Aims Environmental Science 2372-0344 AIMS Press
136241 Materials Testing 0025-5300
136242 Sustainable Materials and Technologies 2214-9937 Elsevier
136279 E-publica 2183-184X Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas / Centro de Investigação de Direito Público
136287 Neuropsychiatry 1758-2016 Neuropsychiatry (London)
136289 BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine 2055-7647 BMJ Publishing Group
136295 Journal of Cellular Immunotherapy 2352-1775 Shanghai Hengrun Biomedical Technology Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V
136300 Pain Reports 2471-2531 Wolters Kluwer
136311 Journal of Personal Injury Law 1472-9490 Sweet & Maxwell
136313 Trafic : revue de cinéma 1167-2846 Gallimard / Ed. POL
136314 Libyan Studies 0263-7189 Cambridge University Press
135284 Journal of Topology and Analysis 1793-5253 World Scientific
135299 Semaines 1953-5201 Arles: Analogues
135302 Case Reports in Dermatology 1662-6567 S. Karger
135307 Bulletin de la Société de Théophile Gautier 0221-7945 Société Théophile Gautier
135317 Japon pluriel Philippe Picquier
135323 Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária 0103-846X
135360 Journal of Selling 2329-7751 College of Business, Northern Illinois University
135366 Research Synthesis Methods
135383 Nuire 2553-4831 K'A
135400 Koedoe : African protected area conservation and science 0075-6458 AOSIS publishing
135408 Heritage 2571-9408 MDPI
135424 Journal of Cell Science & Therapy 2157-7013 OMICS Publishing Group
135465 RAUSP Management Journal 2531-0488 Universidade de São Paulo ; Emerald Publishing
135498 Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility 2245-1439 River Publishers
135499 Estudios de Historia Novohispana 1870-9060 revistas UNAM
135508 Il Mar Nero : annali di archeologia e storia = annales d'archéologie et d'histoire = Jahrbuch für Archäologie und Geschichte = journal of archaeology and history = anales de arqueología e historia 1125-3878 Roma : Edizioni Quasar ; Paris : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
135510 Románico 1885-8651 Madrid: Amigos del Románico
135513 Capitole - Infos 2023-2586 Toulouse: Mairie
136386 No Tan Nuevos Mundos 2530-6839 Zaragoza: CELA
136429 Revolución y cultura 0864-1315 La Habana: Revolución y cultura
136445 Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology 2251-659X Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI)
136454 International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering 2047-6841 World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
136469 Les Cahiers Stéphane Mallarmé 1661-0288 P. Lang
136471 Revue Maghrébine de Marketing 1737-958X
136473 Eighty 0294-1880 EIGHTY MAGAZINE S.A.R.L
136480 Complément urbanisme aménagement 2114-0766 Le Moniteur
136482 Revista de Literatura Medieval 1130-3611 Universidad de Alcalá
136485 International Journal of Business Insights & Transformation 0974-5874 IJBIT
136494 L'avant scène théâtre 0045-1169 Les Editions L'avant scène théâtre
136502 Dante e l'Arte 2385-7269 Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
136511 Science Robotics American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
136515 The Hokkaido Law Review 0385-5953 Hokkaidō Daigaku Hōgakubu
136535 Les Échos du Craham 2552-3139 Craham
136541 Albion Université Stendhal, Grenoble
136552 Les Cahiers de la Villa Bissinger 2260-2224 Centre d'études de la vigne et du vin en Champagne
136556 Trajectoires - Travaux des jeunes chercheurs du CIERA 1961-9057 CIERA
133944 Contact : le journal de l'Université (Bordeaux III) Université Bordeaux III
133958 International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research 0975-7066 Sagar: Avijeet Jain
133959 IJARTech ( International Journal of Applied Research and Technology) 1737-7463 ISET Tunisie
133960 Canadian journal of film studies = Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques 0847-5911 Film Studies Association of Canada
133967 Experimental and Clinical Transplantation 1304-0855
133970 Azafea: Revista de Filosofía 0213-3563 Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
133974 Physical Sciences and Technology 2409-6121 KazNU journals