Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
135223 Orphanet journal of rare diseases
26192 Orpheus. Revue internationale de poésie 1294-5919 Editions Anagramme (Perros-Guirec)
752981 Orpheus. Rivista di unmanità classica e cristiana Centro di Studi sull'antico cristianesimo. Università di Catania
171034 Orphée Apprenti, Les Cahiers du GRIAM
20314 Orsay Infos
703972 Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi 2564-680X
160397 Ortho & Rheum Open Access J
181618 Ortho magazine 1262-4586 Elsevier Masson
100663 Orthod Craniofacial Res
17704 Orthodontic Waves 1344-0241 Elsevier
129043 Orthodontics & craniofacial research
17705 Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research 1601-6335 Wiley
21530 Orthodontie Française 0078-6608 EDP Sciences / SFODF
164033 Orthodoxie sur France 2
33945 Orthodoxie, christianisme, histoire. Orthodoxy, christianity, history
76233 Orthomagazine
126441 Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2325-9671 SAGE Publications
17707 Orthopaedic Nursing 0744-6020 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
130476 Orthopaedic Transactions
87908 Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research 1877-0568 Elsevier
329081 Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research
139520 Orthopedic & Muscular System
17709 Orthopedic Clinics of North America 0030-5898 WB Saunders
136378 Orthopedic Research Online Journal 2576-8875 Crimson Publishers
17710 Orthopedic Trauma Directions 1612-8060 Thieme Publishing
21529 Orthopedics 0147-7447 Slack
147666 Orthopedics
128535 Orthopedics 1938-2367
153384 Orthopedics and Rheumatology 2471-6804
17708 Orthopedics and Traumatology 0941-2530 Springer Verlag
17711 Orthopedie Traumatologie 0940-3264 Springer-Verlag
12520 Orthopäde 0085-4530 Springer Verlag
17706 Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie up2date 1611-7859 Georg Thieme Verlag
148988 Ortodoksia
36669 Ortung und Navigation
21528 Orvosi Hetilap 0030-6002 Akadémiai Kiadó
23448 Oryctos
17712 Oryx 0030-6053 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
135404 Oryx
31979 Os caminhos do sal português - um balanço historio-grafico. Séminaire international des Universités de Porto, Aveio et du Musée maritime de Ilhavo, 27-29 mai 2004
72091 Osă.rios Fontes, métotodos e novas technologias
750781 Osa Mayor Dpt of Hispanic L & L, University of Pittsburgh
152875 Osagaiz : osasun-zientzien aldizkaria 2530-9412 Osasungoa Euskalduntzeko Erakundea
21527 Osaka City Medical Journal 0030-6096 Osaka City Medical Center
29339 Osaka J. Math
1886 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 0030-6126 Osaka University
123422 Osaka Journal of Mathematics
151365 Osaka University Law Review 0472-1381
157911 Oscar Cullmann. Un docteur de l’Église
92442 Oscillations 2259-0730 Association Oscillations
171185 Ose la recherche
7639 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 0030-6185 Osgoode Hall Law School
58606 Osgoode Hall Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series York University
7640 Osiris 0369-7827 University of Chicago Press
69460 Osla
147195 Osler Newsletter McGill
775214 Oslo Law Review
88638 Oslo Studies in Language
488389 Osmanlı Araştırmaları 0255-0636 İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi
148082 Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları 1303-3123 İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi
167872 Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives 2210-9099
928501 Osservatore Romano
124649 Osservatorio Bibliografico della Letteratura Italiana Otto-novecentesca 2039-7917 Vecchiarelli Editore
812381 Osservatorio Outsider Art
131933 Osservatorio del diritto civile e commerciale 2281-2628 Il Mulino
623433 Ossimori, periodico di antropologia e scienze umane
283328 Ossory, Laois and Leinster
73282 Ost-West : Europäische Perspektiven
67997 Osteoarthritis Cartilage
17713 Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 1063-4584 Elsevier
180566 Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open 2665-9131
17714 Osteologie 1019-1291 Schattauer
167481 Osteology 2673-4036 MDPI
1887 Osteopathic Medicine and Primary Care 1750-4732 BioMed Central
35549 Osteoporos Int
171000 Osteoporosis
80283 Osteoporosis Int
17715 Osteoporosis International 0937-941X Springer Verlag
539157 Osteoporosis International 1433-2965
17716 Osteosynthese International 0944-6516 Thieme Publishing Group
17717 Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care 1618-971X Georg Thieme Verlag
49531 Osteuropa
125212 Osteuropa Berlin
47935 Ostinato Rigore : Les Musiciens au temps de Louis XIV
103162 Ostinato rigore 1251-3369 Éditions Jean-Michel Place
118553 Ostium : Internetový časopis pre humanitné vedy 1336-6556 Trnavskej univerzity - Filozofickej fakulty
21526 Ostomy Wound Management 0889-5899 Health Management Publications Ltd
26260 Ostraka - Rivista di antichità 1122-259X Edizioni ETS
150615 Ostrava Journal of English Philology
44512 Ostrich
40136 Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 0030-6525 Taylor & Francis
62790 Otago French Notes 1178-3834 Dunedin N.Z.: Department of Languages and Cultures University of Otago
7641 Otago Law Review 0078-6918 Otago Law Review Trust
48352 Otetchectvennye sapiski
1888 Other Voices : The e-Journal of Cultural Criticism 1094-2254 University of Pennsylvania
831297 Otherness: Essays & Studies Aarhus University
133130 Otherness: Essays and Studies
130920 Otium 2532-0335 University of Perugia Electronic Press
175563 Otium. Archeologia e Cultura del Mondo Antico 2532-0335
72312 Otium: Festschrift für Volker Michael Strocka
57522 Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac
167928 Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
21525 Otolaryngologia Polska 0030-6657 Elsevier
17720 Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 0030-6665 WB Saunders
17721 Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 0194-5998 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
397446 Otolaryngology Open Acces J 2476-2490 Medwin Publishers
17722 Otology and Neurotology 1531-7129 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
179361 Otology and Neurotology 1537-4505
17719 Otorhinolaryngologia Nova 1014-8221 S. Karger AG
137770 Otorhinolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery OAT
786553 Otra Economía : Revista Latinoamericana de Economía Social y Solidaria 1851-4715 Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos de Economía Social y Solidaria (RILESS) [2017-....]
161695 Otrante
63308 Otrante : art et littérature fantastiques 1148-0904 Kimé
182512 Otrante : art et littérature fantastiques
792082 Otrante. Arts et littérature fantastiques Kimé
897945 Otro lunes, revue en ligne
118286 OtroLunes – Revista Hispanoamericana de Cultura 2174-1425 Asociación Cultural OtroLunes
197901 Otros Dialogos 2594-0376 El Colegio de Mexico
55432 Otto/Novecento
371513 Otukpa Faculty Journal ‎of Humanities and Social Sciences Federal University of Otuoke, Otukpa
164315 Ou bien 2678-7741
132931 Oualili : Cahiers de l’École normale supérieure de Meknès 0851-0237 École normale supérieure de Meknès
7643 Oud Holland 0030-672X Brill Academic Publishers
131567 Ouest Editions
629910 Ouest France
71814 Ouest-Franc
71809 Ouest-France : Bretagne, Normandie, Maine, Anjou, Poitou : journal républicain du matin 0999-2138 Ouest-France
30913 Ouest-France [éditions du département de l'Orne]
150333 Ouhemou. Bulletin d’information du Cercle lyonnais d’égyptologie
636455 Our Collaborative Tools
32529 Our Earth's changing Land: an encyclopedia of land-use and land-cover change
123928 Our Europe. Ethnography – Ethnology – Anthropology of Culture 2299-4645 Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk
77766 Ousar Integrar - Revista de Reinserção Social e Prova
685450 Oussour al-Jadida (New Eras) 2600-6324 History of Algeria Laboratory- University Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella
175773 Out of the Crooked Timber
40138 Outdoor Indiana 0030-7068 Outdoor Indiana
7644 Outdoor Life 0030-7076 Time4 Media, Inc
79621 Outis. Revue de philosophie (post-)européenne
99035 Outlines
75272 Outlines. Critical Practice Studies
40139 Outlook On Agriculture 0030-7270 IP Publishing
40140 Outlook on Science Policy 0165-0262 Beech Tree Publishing
40141 Outlooks on Pest Management 1743-1026 Research Information
178720 Outre-Fôret Cercle d'histoire et d'archéologie de l'Alsace du Nord
37542 Outre-Mer
68693 Outre-Mers Revue d'Histoire 1631-0438 Société française d'histoire d'outre-mer
155317 Outre-Terre
111259 Outre-terre. Revue européenne de géopolitique 1636-3671 Ghazipur Publications
72876 Outre-terre/Geostrategy
112883 OutreScène. La revue de La Colline
181032 Outros Tempos 1808-8031 Universidade Estadual do Maranhão - UEMA
1889 Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge 1445-0445 University of Western Australia
58282 Outubro - Revista do Instituto de Estudos Socialistas
159709 Ouverture, revue du Club de la Métrologie
157754 Ouvertures 2291-8116 Centre d'écoute et d'interprétation des nouvelles recherches du croire (Montréal, Canada)
83197 Ouvertures 1286-3122 Association Ouvertures
86467 Ouvir Ou Ver (revue de l' Universidade Federal de Uberlândia)
35896 Ouvrage Philosophie Economique III (dirigé par Alain Leroux et Pierre Livet)
57338 Ouvrage collectif Reverse-Engineering
29552 Ouvrage complet pour l'éducation du serpent
35897 Ouvrage des Gestes in histoire (sous la direction de Anne-Claude Ambroise-Rendu, Fabrice d'Almeida, Nicole Edelman,
82357 Ouvrir la logique au monde
74875 Ouzhou Pinglun (Tongji University Press)
301585 Over Multatuli
71552 Over Taal
116095 Over Taal 0774-2398
80153 Over Werk
48205 Over.werk
7646 Overseas 0474-9456 Institute of International Education
166354 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 2392-6139
156586 Ovis 1130-4863
106686 Ownreality
157063 Oxford Agrarian Studies 0264-5491
70231 Oxford Analytica
7647 Oxford Art Journal 0142-6540 Oxford University Press (OUP)
142185 Oxford Bibliographies
127584 Oxford Bibliographies Online Oxford University Press
174706 Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets
141643 Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental Science. Ed. EIC Ellen Wohl. New York: Oxford University Press
17723 Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 0305-9049 Wiley
152918 Oxford Business Law Blog
167053 Oxford Department of International Development Blog (Political Change, Conflict and the Environment Series)
17724 Oxford Development Studies 1360-0818 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
112502 Oxford Development Studies
7648 Oxford Economic Papers 0030-7653 Oxford University Press (OUP)
31494 Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference
108691 Oxford French Studies
17725 Oxford German Studies 0078-7191 Maney Publishing
68829 Oxford Handbook of Eye Movements
123296 Oxford Handbooks Online, Classical Studies, Social and Economic HistorY Oxford University Press
289273 Oxford Islamic Studies Online
17726 Oxford Journal of Archaeology 0262-5253 Wiley
564832 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion
7649 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 0143-6503 Oxford University Press (OUP)
151227 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
37054 Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications
161811 Oxford Literary Review 0305-1498
140047 Oxford Medical Case Reports 2053-8855 Oxford University Press (OUP)
112874 Oxford Online Bibliographies Oxford University Press
928394 Oxford Open Climate Change Oxford Academic