Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
30319 Journal of Symboloic Logic
809276 Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 1600-5775
928557 Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan 0037-9980
46609 Journal of System Science and System Engineering
73915 Journal of System Simulation
883583 Journal of Systematics and Evolution 1759-6831
149375 Journal of Systems & Integrative Neuroscience
41249 Journal of Systems Architecture - The EUROMICRO Journal Elsevier
79444 Journal of Systems Chemistry
169424 Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
147500 Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
138364 Journal of Systems and Software
95109 Journal of Systems and Software, Special Issue on Social Cyber System (JSS)
80190 Journal of Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
705001 Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Science 1304-6373 Süleyman Demirel University
278325 Journal of Taiwan Archaeology The Archaeological Society of Taiwan
136006 Journal of Tax Administration
180118 Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability 1691-5534
79757 Journal of Teaching Physical Education
967485 Journal of Teaching and Education 2165-6266
483844 Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education 2210-1578 Nina Abdulrazzak
63179 Journal of Technical Electrodynamics , Institut d'Électrodynamique de l'Académie Nationale des Sciences d'Ukraine
296232 Journal of Technological Advancements 2767-3804
87995 Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy
96505 Journal of Technology Management & Innovation
107160 Journal of Telecommunications
68789 Journal of Telecommunications Management
71279 Journal of Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
736100 Journal of Tertiary and Industrial Sciences (JTIS) 2709-3409 HTTTC Kumba, University of Buea
886452 Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice 2051-1787 Taylor and Francis Group
47294 Journal of Textile Research
145556 Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology
899754 Journal of Textile Science and Technology 2379-1543
65496 Journal of Textiles and Engineers
171575 Journal of The Adhesion Society of Japan 0916-4812
653907 Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology international/JAAD Int 2666-3287 [New York] : Elsevier Inc., [2020]
182522 Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 1879-1123
181595 Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry
89048 Journal of The Brazilian Air Transportation Research Society
85181 Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society
245438 Journal of The Electrochemical Society
157838 Journal of The Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrita Vidyapeetha
653297 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 2250-0545
681047 Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application 0915-3616
41492 Journal of The North Benthological Society
780890 Journal of The Royal Society Interface
761411 Journal of The Society of Photographic Science and Technology of Japan 0369-5662 The Society of Photographic Science and Technology of Japan
101126 Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
107840 Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology
175888 Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology 2475-0387
98058 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER) Universidad de Talca - Chile
30079 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
42415 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia
147588 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Vascular Research
77465 Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Letters
82975 Journal of Theoretical and applied electric commerce research
119010 Journal of Theorical Biology
120214 Journal of Theorical and Applied Mechanics
146747 Journal of Theories and Research in Education 1970-2221 Université de Bologne
69301 Journal of Theoritical and Applied Mechanics
89435 Journal of Theoritical and Philosophical Psychology
120409 Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, TPLP
83848 Journal of Thermal Analysis
167519 Journal of Thermal Engineering
101481 Journal of Thermal Enginnering 2148-7847 Yildiz Technical University Press
32324 Journal of Thermal Sciences
127626 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
130434 Journal of Thermodynamics & Catalysis 2157-7544 OMICS Publishing Group
56125 Journal of Thermophysics & Heat Transfers
54709 Journal of Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
176026 Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer
379864 Journal of Thoracic Disease 2077-6624
144205 Journal of Thoretical Biology
151090 Journal of Threat Assessment and Management 2169-4842
538762 Journal of Threat Assessment and Management 2169-4850
142258 Journal of Threatened Taxa 0974-7907
379881 Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 1573-742X
113531 Journal of Time Series Econometrics
106955 Journal of Time Series Econometrics 1941-1928 De Gruyter
381515 Journal of Tissue Engineering 2041-7314
233804 Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 1932-6254
523992 Journal of Tissue Science and Engineering 2157-7552 Hilaris
608578 Journal of Topology 1753-8416
121092 Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality 2324-8807 SciTechnol
109601 Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality
174218 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health
152864 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A Current Issues 1528-7394
163577 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues
904694 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B 1521-6950 Taylor & Francis
687246 Journal of Trade Science 2815-5793 Emerald Publishing Limited
82820 Journal of Trading
972518 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences 2095-7548
127087 Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2225-4110
108471 Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering
145459 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 2328-2142
166762 Journal of Transatlantic Studies 1479-4012
163135 Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2626-8310
887642 Journal of Transition Metal Complexes 2566-0136
142693 Journal of Translation History
139320 Journal of Translation Studies 1027-7978 Chinese University Press
163064 Journal of Translation and Languages
905170 Journal of Translational Medicine 1479-5876
181718 Journal of Translational Neurosciences 2573-5349 imedpub
121498 Journal of Transpersonal Research 1989-6077 ASOCIACIÓN TRANSPERSONAL IBEROAMERICANA
138206 Journal of Transplantation Hindawi
336947 Journal of Transport & Health
176540 Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
105651 Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 0022-5258
169285 Journal of Transport Geography
900681 Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 2473-2907
86966 Journal of Transportation Safety and Security
159234 Journal of Transportation Technologies
166146 Journal of Trauma & Dissociation
143684 Journal of Trauma and acute care surgery
90002 Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
176571 Journal of Travel Research
182137 Journal of Tribology
112184 Journal of Tropical Diseases 2329-891X Omics Publishing Group
80326 Journal of Tropical Forest Science
742369 Journal of Tropical Medicine and Health Opinion
64314 Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
675223 Journal of Tropical Oceanography 1009-5470 Science Press
136341 Journal of Tsinghua University
136651 Journal of Turbulence
453925 Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts / Sayistay Dergisi 1300-1981 T.C. Sayistay Baskanligi Inonu Bulvari (Eskisehir Yolu) No: 45 06520 Balgat/Ankara Turkiye
327562 Journal of Turkish Studies / Türklük Bilgisi Araştırmaları 0743-0019 Günay Kut
73009 Journal of US-China Public Administration
47549 Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence
171757 Journal of Ultrasound 1876-7931
167321 Journal of Umm Al-Qura University For Applied Science
87224 Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources
170819 Journal of Universal Computer Science
179112 Journal of Universal Computer Science, (J.USC)
171796 Journal of University of Babylon for Pure and Applied Sciences
490761 Journal of University of Duhok 2521-4861 University of Duhok
90422 Journal of Unsolved Questions
171080 Journal of Urban Affairs
181416 Journal of Urban Archaeology 2736-2426 Brepols Publishers
892130 Journal of Urban Design and Mental Health
540321 Journal of Urban Economics
336955 Journal of Urban Health
350346 Journal of Urban Mobility 2667-0917
675099 Journal of Urban Research and Development 2822-2806 Eastern Mediterranean University
173298 Journal of Urban and Territorial Planning A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin 2698-6159 “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin
163311 Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series Physics
81583 Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems
85009 Journal of VLSI and Computer Systems Computer Science Press
138933 Journal of Vascular Research
175988 Journal of Vascular Surgery Elsevier
171255 Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 1535-7732
166274 Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University 2413-2349
182834 Journal of Vertebrate Biology 0139-7893 Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
141373 Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
100181 Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B
589594 Journal of Veterinary Research 2450-8608
65327 Journal of Vibration Engineering
342306 Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 2523-3920
174998 Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics 2475-4811
162374 Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
173476 Journal of Vietnam Agricultural Science and Technology 0866-8116 Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences
194223 Journal of Viral Hepatitis
494422 Journal of Virology 1098-5514
112719 Journal of Virology and Retrovirology
100404 Journal of Virologyogy
752890 Journal of Virus Eradication 2055-6659
773488 Journal of Vision
151869 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 1047-3203
121549 Journal of Visual Language and Computing
143170 Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
138426 Journal of Visualization
62477 Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation
178653 Journal of Visualized Experiments
144636 Journal of Vocational Behavior 0001-8791
144104 Journal of Vocational Behavior
178534 Journal of Water Management Modeling 2292-6062
173515 Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
873152 Journal of Water and Environmental Nanotechnology 2476-7204 Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society
419974 Journal of Water and Soil Science
182456 Journal of Web Semantics (JWS)
94524 Journal of Welding of Japan Welding Society (Invited Paper)
347651 Journal of West African History 2327-1868
110872 Journal of West African Languages 0022-5401 West African Linguistic Society
173391 Journal of Western Medieval History
107591 Journal of Wildlife Diseases
23507 Journal of Wildlife Management Wiley
303664 Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity
149857 Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics
136845 Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
176375 Journal of Wine Economics
144587 Journal of Wine Economics 1931-4361
76103 Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications
178269 Journal of Women & Aging 1540-7322 Routledge
130377 Journal of Women's Health Care 2167-0420 OMICS Publishing Group
141848 Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care
134371 Journal of Wood Science
133242 Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1576-5962 Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
117781 Journal of World Economic Research
369230 Journal of World Education 1672-3937 Minister of Education of China
60042 Journal of World Investment and Trade
152523 Journal of World Popular Music