Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
119136 Habitation : revue trimestrielle de la section romande de l'Association Suisse pour l'Habitat 0017-6419 SOCOMHAS
424274 Habiter Lapcos, MSHS Sud-Est
36155 Habiter et vivre dans les campagnes de faible densité
31133 Habiter la ville
32018 Habiter la ville : attention chantier.GRELLIER I., ROHNER-HEGE P
31497 Habiter le patrimoine. Enjeux, approche, vécu
33007 Habiter une autre patrie : des incolae de la République aux peuples fédérés du Bas Empire
165073 Habiter. Cahiers transdisciplinaires IMBERNON
133149 Hablar de poesia
96762 Hablar de poesía
596529 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2651-477X
733414 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2651-477X
180085 Hacettepe University Journal of Education 1300-5340
165309 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 1305-5992 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
107275 Hacienda pública española 0210-1173 Ministerio de Hacienda, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales
143167 Hackable
162105 Hackable Magazine
960 Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Surveys in Israel 1565-043X Israel Antiquities Authority
86155 Hadeeth ad-dar
110067 Hadronic Journal Supplement
13767 Haematologia 0017-6559 Brill Academic Publishers
22186 Haematologica 0390-6078 Ferrata Storti Foundation
618984 Haematologica 1592-8721
13768 Haemophilia 1351-8216 Wiley
39171 Haemostasis 0301-0147 S Karger AG
47402 Haendel Jahrbuch
71942 Hafo. Historia, antropologia y funestes orales, Verdugos y Victimas
74924 Hagar. Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities
57476 Hagiografica : rivista d'agiografia
176770 Hagiografica. Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società Internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo latino
25917 Hagiographica
164664 Hagiographica : rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internationale per lo studio del medio evo latino 1124-1225 SISMEL ; Brepols
67251 Hagiographica, ISSN : 1124-1225
78127 Hagiographica. Rivista di agiografia e biografia
139491 Hagira
13985 Hague Journal of Diplomacy 1871-1901 Brill Academic Publishers
114822 Haidé. Estudis Maragallians 2014-3818 Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya
13769 Haigan 0386-9628 Japan Lung Cancer Society, The
138458 Haigazian Armenological Review Haigazian University
81280 Haikus sin estación
76435 Haivrit Safa Haya
145496 Haiyang shi yanjiu 海洋史研究 - Studies of maritime history 社会科学文献出版社
569048 Haizebegi #4
133064 Haizebegi: Les mondes de la musique
133706 Halduskultuur - The Estonian Journal of Administrative Culture and Digital Governance 1736-6089 Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance
5092 Hali -London 0142-0798 Hali Publications Limited
36495 Haliotis
58584 Hallesche Forschungen
144722 Hallinnon tutkimus 0359-6680
13770 Hallym International Journal of Aging: Gerontological Research, Policies and Programs in the New Millennium 1535-6523 Baywood Publishing
182667 Halophytes for Food Security in Dry Lands
118180 Halte au pillage!
62319 Halym Academy of Sciences, South Korea
961 Hamburg Review of Social Sciences 1862-3921 Hamburg review of social sciences
164725 Hamburger Wirtschafts-Chronik 0436-7030 Verl. Hanseat. Merkur
751508 Hamel, A., Heyde, F., Löhne, A., Rudloff, B., Schrage, C. (eds) Set Optimization and Applications - The State of the Art. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 151. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2194-1009 Hamel, A., Heyde, F., Löhne, A., Rudloff, B., Schrage, C.
5093 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 0736-1033 Hamline University School of Law
5094 Hamline Law Review 0198-7364 Hamline University
170599 Hammamet
134774 Hamsa Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies 2183-2633 CIDEHUS - Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora
157885 Hamshari (quotidien iranien), Téhéran
503561 Han'guksaron (Histoire de la Corée) Yôksa p'yônch'an wiwônhoe (Commission de rédaction de l'Histoire nationale)
151118 Han-Zangyu Xuebao 《汉藏语学报》 [Journal of Sino-Tibetan Linguistics] 9787100103688 戴庆厦 Randy J.LaPolla(罗仁地)
152081 Hana bijutsukan 花美術館
171713 Hanburyana 1749-723X
13772 Hand Clinics 0749-0712 WB Saunders
121722 Hand Clinics
5095 Hand Papermaking 0887-1418 Hand Papermaking
13773 Hand Surgery 0218-8104 World Scientific Publishing
110271 Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation 2468-1229 Elsevier
82911 Handb Clin Neurol Elsevier B.V
45575 Handb Exp Pharmacol Vsevolod Gurevich
39172 Handboek Jeugdzorg Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum BV
116462 Handbook Mondragon Bilduma - Mondragon Unibertsitatea
13774 Handbook of Agricultural Economics 1574-0072 Elsevier
61215 Handbook of Algebra
604118 Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience 1569-7339 Elsevier
166541 Handbook of Biopolymers and Biodegradable Plastics: Properties, Processing and Applications
13775 Handbook of Business Strategy 1077-5730 Emerald
117981 Handbook of Cellular Metals: Production, Processing, Applications
174761 Handbook of Clinical Neurology 0072-9752 Elsevier
13776 Handbook of Computational Economics 1574-0021 Elsevier
13777 Handbook of Defense Economics 1574-0013 Elsevier
13778 Handbook of Development Economics 1573-4471 Elsevier
55192 Handbook of Differential Equations
13779 Handbook of Econometrics 1573-4412 Elsevier
13780 Handbook of Environmental Economics 1574-0099 Elsevier
514480 Handbook of Exoplanets
23136 Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology
13781 Handbook of Ferromagnetic Materials 1574-9304 Elsevier
13782 Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications 1574-0005 Elsevier
13783 Handbook of Health Economics 1574-0064 Elsevier
50101 Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalysis, 2nd edition, Eds. G. Ertl, H. Knözinger, F. Schüth, and J. Weitkamp, VCh-Wiley, Weinheim 2008
13784 Handbook of Income Distribution 1574-0056 Elsevier
13785 Handbook of Industrial Organization 1573-448X Elsevier
13786 Handbook of International Economics 1573-4404 Elsevier
13787 Handbook of Labor Economics 1573-4463 Elsevier
13788 Handbook of Macroeconomics 1574-0048 Elsevier
140942 Handbook of Magnetic Materials
13790 Handbook of Mathematical Economics 1573-4382 Elsevier