Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
101939 Artis (Lisboa) 2182-8571 Lisboa: I.H.A.F.L
149741 Convocarte. Revista de Ciências da Arte 2183-6973 Lisbon University College of Fine Arts ;
56385 Ethnologia Balkanica: The Journal for Southeast European Anthropology 1111-0411 Lit Verlag
102736 Feuillets mobiles Litec Droit pharmaceutique [Encyclopédie juridique Juris-classeur] 1270-6876 Litec [1963-2002] - Juris-Classeur [2003-2004] - Litec LexisNexis [2005-....]
123839 Teresa. Revista de literatura brasileira Literatura Brasileira da Faculdade de Filosofia - Universidade de Sao Paolo
262 Baltica : An International Yearbook for Quaternary Geology and Palaeogeography, Coastal Morphology and Shore Processes, Marine Geology and Recent Tectonics of the Baltic Sea Area 0067-3064 Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
169248 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Research Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Odontology Baltic Osseointegration Academy (BOA)
6866 Liturgical Arts 0024-5097 Liturgical Arts Society
134538 Romani Studies 1528-0748 Liverpol University Press
121779 Hunter Gatherer Research 2056-3264 Liverpoll University Press
1880 Open Government : A Journal on Freedom of Information 1745-8293 Liverpool John Moores University
3597 Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 1475-3839 Liverpool University Press
119563 Contemporary French Civilization 0147-9156 Liverpool University Press
4765 Extrapolation 0014-5483 Liverpool University Press
897610 Global nineteenth-century studies 2752-6623 Liverpool University Press
160214 Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 1362-1572 Liverpool University Press
39365 International Development Planning Review 1474-6743 Liverpool University Press
16666 Labour History Review 0961-5652 Liverpool University Press
8947 Town Planning Review 0041-0020 Liverpool University Press
47844 Australian Journal of French Studies 0004-9468 Liverpool University Press Online
121445 European Journal of Language Policy = Revue européenne de politique linguistique 1757-6822 Liverpool University Press and the European Language Council/Conseil Européen pour les Langues
1687 Living Reviews in Relativity 1433-8351 Living Reviews
1688 Living Reviews in Solar Physics 1614-4961 Living Reviews
129833 L'Observatoire (Liège) 0779-3677 Liège: L'Observatoire
148435 Acta Neophilologica 0567-784X Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts
25837 Documenta Praehistorica 1854-2492 Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts
142058 ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 1581-8918 Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts
93136 Linguistica 0024-3922 Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts
38858 Electronic Fairplay 0307-0220 Lloyd's Register Fairplay
6872 Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly 0306-2945 Lloyds of London Press Ltd
5586 International Construction Law Review 0265-1416 Lloyds of London Press Ltd (Londres, Royaume-Uni) [1983-....]
8395 School Library Media Activities Monthly 0889-9371 Lms Associates
81696 Lo Squaderno Lo Squaderno
5858 Journal of architectural and planning research 0738-0895 Locke Science Publishers
2033 Qualitative Sociology Review 1733-8077 Lodz University
348856 Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne 2450-4491 Lodz University Press, Poland
160755 Autex Research Journal 1470-9589 Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design
629977 La Ricerca 2282-2852 Loescher Editore
109283 Critica Letteraria 0390-0142 Loffredo
101900 Bollettino di Studi Latini 0006-6583 Loffredo Editore
1692 Logical Methods in Computer Science Logical Methods in Computer Science Association
102243 La Loire et ses terroirs 1167-2781 Loire et terroirs
5500 Information Retrieval and Library Automation 0020-0220 Lomond Systems
3241 Aslib Information 0305-0033 London : Aslib
170889 Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2059-8696 London : BMJ, [2016]
96458 Recusant History 0034-1932 London : Catholic Record Society
116913 IBRO Reports 2451-8301 London : Elsevier Ltd
59996 Sociolinguistic Studies 0873-6529 London : Equinox
108352 Neurodegenerative disease management 1758-2024 London : Future Medicine
128547 The Court Historian 1462-9712 London : Society for Court Studies