Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
116373 Journal of the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics
131822 Journal of the Japan Society of Mathematical Education 0021-471X Japan Society of Mathematical Education
129359 Journal of the Japan Welding Society 0021-4787 Japan Welding Society
59290 Journal of the Japan society for composite materials
751042 Journal of the Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
50812 Journal of the Kenya Meteorological Society
86452 Journal of the Korea Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
805941 Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1225-729X
182497 Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society
596772 Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1229-7801
161734 Journal of the Korean Physical Society
121424 Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association 1225-9055 Han'gug jiyeog gae'bal haghoe
97079 Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry
87032 Journal of the Korean Society for nondestructuve testing
742516 Journal of the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers 2288-0291
100728 Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering
129258 Journal of the Korean earth science society 1225-6692
785923 Journal of the Kufa Studies Center 1993-7016 UNIVERSITY OF KUFA
96526 Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference
147775 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 0024-0966
130278 Journal of the Less-Common Metals
68168 Journal of the Linguistic Association of Korea
36286 Journal of the Linnean Society
729813 Journal of the Lute society of America
128381 Journal of the Madras School of Social Work
41255 Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan
151172 Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society 2304-7550 Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
114972 Journal of the Marine …
90601 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biological Materials
170482 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
182284 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials
273587 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
100036 Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society
31364 Journal of the Middle East Association
113370 Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems
561299 Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society (JOM) 1543-1851 Springer
57678 Journal of the Moscow State University, Oriental Studies
150163 Journal of the Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade 0522-8328
301604 Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa University of Cape Town
175926 Journal of the National Academy of Art
336354 Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1460-2105
177059 Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series 1802-6842
101885 Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 Eagle Hill Institute
143325 Journal of the Operational Research Society
176333 Journal of the Operational Research Society
848285 Journal of the Optical Society of America A
629178 Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B)
804494 Journal of the Optical Society of Korea 1226-4776 Optical Society of Korea
138358 Journal of the Oriental Institute 0030-5324 Oriental Institute, the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara
520960 Journal of the Oriental Institute, M.S. University Baroda 0030-5324 M.S. University Baroda
143911 Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 1818-1252 Oriental Numismatic Society
310328 Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 2376-0699
164436 Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 2047-1076 Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies
73311 Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society
167189 Journal of the Pali Text Society 0958-8892 The Pali Text Society
169573 Journal of the Papua New Guinea Society
259645 Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society
29441 Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society
121328 Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan
34893 Journal of the Phycological Society of America
29386 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Suppl
173902 Journal of the Polynesian Society
157842 Journal of the Pondicherry University
731003 Journal of the Printing Historical Society 0079-5321
169095 Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ), Special issue ''Robot Audition'', Invited paper
132670 Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps / J R Army Med Corps 0035-8665 London : Royal Army Medical Corps. Regimental Headquarters
124366 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
74705 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3
118045 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)
567484 Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History 1362-248X
62145 Journal of the Seismological Society of Japan (Zisin)
119376 Journal of the Sfds
759877 Journal of the Short Fiction in English
759878 Journal of the Short Fiction in English: Special Issue on Grace Paley
602512 Journal of the Short Story in English 0294-0442 PUR
105631 Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society 0590-9585
151101 Journal of the Social Sciences
912504 Journal of the Social Sciences 0975-8935 Academic Publication Council
177938 Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 0747-9301
597276 Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities 2653-0848
405401 Journal of the Society for Iranian Archaeology SIA
783492 Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada 1486-0872
158941 Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists
92650 Journal of the Society of Information Display - JSID
129439 Journal of the Society of Powder Technology 0386-6157
124238 Journal of the Southwest Nationalities University
42417 Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv, Fundamental Sciences and Applications
866652 Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv. Fundamental Sciences and Applications, 1314-5258
898194 Journal of the Technical University-Sofia Plovdiv Branch, Bulgaria Fundamental Sciences and Applications, ISSN 1310-8271
124881 Journal of the Teikyo Heisei University 1341-5182 Teikyo Heisei University
34405 Journal of the Textile Institue
76194 Journal of the Transportation Research Forum
116227 Journal of the Tunisian Chemical Society
627388 Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association 1309-0399
357398 Journal of the University of Latvia. Law 1691-7677
738424 Journal of the University of Ruhuna 2345-9387
172866 Journal of the Walters Art Gallery
53558 Journal of the World Anthropologies Network/ rede de antropologias del mundo
87681 Journal of the american leather chemists association
109390 Journal of the art of record production 1754-9892
34800 Journal of the chemical society, Perkin transaction 1
129179 Journal of the electronics and telecommunications research institute 1225-6443
165432 Journal of the international Qur'anic Studies Association 2474-8420 Lockwood Press Online
90440 Journal of the international association for shell ans spatial structures
746492 Journal of the international association of zoo educators
66162 Journal of the japan welding society
160640 Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 1878-0180
501587 Journal of the neurological sciences
89247 Journal of the serbian society for computational mechanics
74802 Journal of the studies of humanities
87637 Journal of the theoretical humanities
730183 Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics (Bulgarian academy of sciences)
119977 Journal of theoritical biology 0022-5193 Elsevier
133981 Journal of thermoelectricity 1607-8829 L. Anatychuk
37903 Journal of thin film solid
701900 Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis 1538-7836
135349 Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis
171825 Journal of travel medicine 1708-8305
127546 Journal of travel medicine
101522 Journal of trust management 2196-064X Springer
71622 Journal of vaccum Science and Technology B
100716 Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR
180270 Journal of vascular and interventional radiology: JVIR
143697 Journal of vascular surgery
99567 Journal of vector ecology : journal of the Society for Vector Ecology
100263 Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc
986219 Journal of viral hepatitis 1365-2893
865850 Journal of virological methods 1879-0984
397324 Journal of virology
21805 Journal of vision (Charlottesville, Va.) ARVO Journals
863924 Journal of women's health (2002) 1931-843X
566599 Journal of work health and safety regulation 2758-4771
112509 Journal of workplace rights 1938-4998 Sage Open
114938 Journal of …
518792 Journal ofAfricanCulturalStudies,Taylor&Francis(Routledge), Taylor&Francis
48003 Journal ofNon-CrystallineSolids
71969 Journal ofTheoreticalBiology
77951 Journal of Development Economics
182059 Journal og Energetic Materials
77121 Journal on Advances in Software
112780 Journal on Advances in Theoretical and Applied Informatics (JADI) 2447-5033
55405 Journal on Asian Social Science, Canadian Center of Science and Education
96489 Journal on Business Review
144702 Journal on Chain and Network Science 1569-1829
55402 Journal on Computer and Information Science
78132 Journal on Computer and System Sciences
887256 Journal on Developmental Disabilities 1917-7909 [Newmarket] Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities
94745 Journal on Dynamical and Control Systems
128833 Journal on European History of Law
63891 Journal on Functional Programming Elsevier
127600 Journal on Image and Video Processing 0976-9099 ICTACT
90802 Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare (JITH)
484800 Journal on Mathematics Education 2087-8885 Sriwijaya University
95404 Journal on Modelling, Measurement and Control (AMSE)
58567 Journal on Modern Applied Science
94881 Journal on Multimodal User Interface manuscript
84585 Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (IJNCAA)
142587 Journal on Optical Switching and Networking, Elsevier
167061 Journal on Policy and Complex Systems
63889 Journal on Research in Language and Computation Elsevier
60201 Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation (JSAT)
45576 Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation(JSAT)
145877 Journal on Vehicle Routing Algorithms 2367-3591
46970 Journal on Web Engineering, Special Issue on Engineering the Semantic Web
132996 Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
107495 Journal on graphics, vision and image processing (ICGST-GVIP) 1687-398X
130688 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 2053-1702 Taylor & Francis
41621 Journal ot the European Ceramic Society
36711 Journal phycological
78432 Journal plankton res
851117 Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systèmes
859473 Journal trimestriel du Théâtre du Capitole Théâtre du Capitole de Toulouse
583528 Journal électronique de recherche sur l’intervention en éducation physique et sportive
117770 Journal “Flamme éternelle” Palais de Tokyo
31350 Journal-of-Electrical-Engineering-and-Information-Science
30687 Journal-of-Microelectronic-Systems-Integration
30697 Journal-of-Microelectronic-Systems-Integration
30689 Journal-of-the-Institute-of-Electronics,-Information-and-Communication-Engineers
123641 Journal: International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Taylor & Francis
406592 Journalism 1883-2628 Asahi Shinbun
540737 Journalism Practice
96375 Journalism and Mass Communication
919140 Journalisme et questions sociétales au prisme des industries culturelles. Les Enjeux de l'Information et de la Communication
485314 Journalisme rêvé, journalisme enseigné, journalisme pratiqué. Attentes des jeunes journalistes entrant dans la profession, 12e conférence nationale des métiers du journalisme
357476 Journalistik
61318 JournalofThermalBiology
174914 Journals of Materials Engineering and Performance
77962 Journal of Economic Inequality
33546 Journée "Civilisations atlantiques & Archéosciences", Rennes
31383 Journée ATALA du 12 mars sur les lexiques syntaxiques, Paris
474449 Journée Annuelle du Sensolier 2017 Le Sensolier
33307 Journée Civilisations atlantiques et Archéosciences Université de Rennes 1
31467 Journée Francophone d'Informatique médicale, Tunis
823217 Journée Inter GDR ISIS et Robotique - Caméra à événements appliquée à la robotique
35062 Journée Linguistique du Cercle Belge de Linguistique, K.U. Bruxelles, Bruxelles (10 mai 2003), Belgique
31287 Journée Praticiens – Chercheurs organisée le pôle d'initiative régionale de la Région Centre
510197 Journée User-meeting de « The Observer » et Atelier de découverte de l’application TrackLab (GSM)
36456 Journée d'Etude "Les conflits d'usage et de voisinage", CNRS-INRA, Carré des Sciences, Paris, 11-12 octobre 2004
29772 Journée d'Etudes François Perroux "François Perroux et la gouvernance des nations", Université Montesquieu, Bordeaux, 23 janvier 2004
750848 Journée d'archéologie romaine Comité pour la diffusion de la recherche en archéologie gallo-romaine – Comité voor de verspreiding van het onderzoek in de Gallo-Romeinse archeologie