Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
95243 Pedometron
155293 Pedometron - Newsletter of the Pedometrics Commission of the IUSS
74216 Pedone
17838 Pedosphere 1002-0160 Elsevier
539275 Pedralbes 0211-9587 Universitat autonoma de Barcelona — UAB (1968 à …)
147951 Peer Community In Animal Science 2677-9307 Peer Community In
158531 Peer Community In Archaeology 2742-1929 Peer Community In
129424 Peer Community In Ecology 2606-4979 Peer Community In
178674 Peer Community In Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry 2779-9948 Peer Community In
114496 Peer Community In Evolutionary Biology 2551-668X Peer Community In
177211 Peer Community In Forest & Wood Sciences 2803-9971 Peer Community In
167538 Peer Community In Genomics 2780-0539 Peer Community In
826659 Peer Community In Health & Movement Sciences Peer Community In
215741 Peer Community In Infections 2968-2126 Peer Community In
160903 Peer Community In Mathematical and Computational Biology 2803-9963 Peer Community In
826656 Peer Community In Microbiology 2999-9332 Peer Community In
170944 Peer Community In Network Science 2968-2142 Peer Community In
173848 Peer Community In Neuroscience 2780-2795 Peer Community In
826661 Peer Community In Organization Studies Peer Community In
146297 Peer Community In Paleontology 2606-4820 Peer Community In
175526 Peer Community In Registered Reports 2823-9393 Peer Community In
159111 Peer Community In Zoology 2781-4734 Peer Community In
177014 Peer Community Journal 2804-3871 Peer Community In
125454 Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 1936-6442 Springer
104712 PeerJ 2167-8359 PeerJ
628393 PeerJ Analytical Chemistry 2691-6630
137397 PeerJ Comput.Sci
110081 PeerJ Computer Science 2376-5992 PeerJ
147217 PeerJ Physical Chemistry PeerJ
110359 PeerJ Preprints 2167-9843 Computer Science Preprints
27807 Peeters Online Journal
277757 Pegasus. Journal of the Classics and Ancient History 0308-2431 University of Exeter Classics Department
49913 Peintures, Pigments, Vernis
652998 Peking Mathematical Journal 2524-7182 Springer
311046 Peking University Law Journal / 中外法学 1002-4875 Université de Pékin [1988-....]
122534 Peking University Transnational Law Review Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL) (Shenzhen, Chine) [2013-2018]
182288 Pelargòs 2723-9551 Edizioni Quasar
167195 Pelicano
953161 Pelita Perkebunan : a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal 0215-0212
398099 Peloro 2499-8923 Università di Messina - Dipartimento di civiltà antiche e moderne
17839 Pelvi-périnéologie 1778-3712 Springer Verlag
45549 Pelvi-périonéologie
65028 Penal Field
65078 Penal Issues 1155-4169 CESDIP - Centre de recherches sociologiques sur le droit et les institutions pénales (Guyancourt, Yvelines ; 1983-....)
74413 Penant : Revue de droit des pays d'Afrique 0336-1551 Éditions Juris Africa (EJA) (Paris, France) [1961-2020] - Juriscope (Poitiers, France) [2021-....]
471133 Pending
7716 Penn State International Law Review 1546-3435 Dickinson School of Law
7717 Penn State Law Review 1545-7877 The Dickinson School of Law
121218 Penn ar Bed 0553-4992 Société pour l'étude et la protection de la nature en Bretagne (SEPNB)
7718 Pennsylvania Bar Association quarterly. Pennsylvania Bar Association 0196-2051 Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly
21522 Pennsylvania Dental Journal 0031-4439 The Pennsylvania Dental Association
7719 Pennsylvania History 0031-4528 Penn State University Press
7720 Pennsylvania Library Association. Bulletin 0197-9299 Pennsylvania Library Association
7721 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 0031-4587 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
7722 Pennsylvania School Journal 0031-4676 Pennsylvania State Education Association
21521 Pennsylvania health & you 1539-8684
110693 Pensamiento Jurídico 2357-6170
177456 Pensamiento Universitario 0327-9901
132278 Pensamiento crítico 0717-7224 Santiago: Pensamiento Crítico
164326 Pensamiento de los confines 1514-044X Ed. Diótima : Universidad de Buenos Aires
166323 Pensamiento del confines
134956 Pensamiento urbano - Findeter Colciencias
149153 Pensar Université de Fortaleza
101133 Pensar BH Política social
149497 Pensardiverso Revista de Estudos Lusofonos 1647-3945 Universidade da Madeira (Portugal)
121429 Pensares em Revista 2317-2215 Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Letras da Faculdade de Formação de Professores da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
385548 Pensata: Revista dos Alunos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da UNIFESP 2237-678X
166677 Pensee
826589 Pensee 0031-4773 Espaces Marx
87773 Penser / Rêver 1633-0552 Editions de l'Olivier
48607 Penser l'éducation 1253-1006 Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre
37166 Penser la ville sans bornes
144988 Penser le vivant
123491 Penser les Ailes Françaises Centre d'Etudes Aériennes Aérospatiales
32122 Penser les médiacultures
161727 Penser l’après Louis XIV
35811 Penser par cas, Enquête, Jean-Claude Passeron, Jacques Revel (dir.)
296934 Penser pour agir
95071 Penser-Rêver
68242 Penser/rêver
111141 Pensiamento 0031-4749 Universidad Pontificia Comillas
7723 Pension Management 1078-9766 Prism Business Media
7724 Pension World 0098-1753 Pension World
40171 Pension and Benefits Reporter 1522-5976 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
17840 Pensions 1478-5315 Palgrave Macmillan
7725 Pensions & Investment Age 0273-5466 Pensions & Investment Age
7726 Pensions & Investments 1050-4974 Crain Communications Inc
65799 Pensions : an International Journal
37490 Pensée plurielle - Parole, pratiques et réflexions du social 1376-0963 Haute École Charleroi-Europe / De Boeck Supérieur
115768 Pensées vives 2425-7028 Université Clermont-Auvergne et Université de Wuhan
740279 Pensées vives 2425-7028 École doctorale des Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines et Sociales (ED 370), Université Clermont Auvergne
177472 Penumbra Hippocampus Press
125345 Península : publicación semestral del Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y en Ciencias Sociales 1870-5766 Mérida : Universidad nacional autónoma de México, Coordinación de humanidades
7727 People (New York, N.Y.: 2002) 0093-7673 Time Inc
131953 People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice 2575-9078 International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations
145985 People and Nature 2575-8314 Wiley Open Access
47367 People and culture in Oceania 1349-5380 Japanese Society for Oceanic Studies
471080 People at Work AROCOM
7728 People management 1358-6297 Personnel Publications Ltd
40172 People on the Move Pontificio Consiglio Migranti
48391 People's Plan
181430 People, places, stories - Faro Convention inspired experiences 1889-6359 Communication and Publications Service (Jaume I University) and the Council of Europe (Faro Convention)
137482 Peoplesphere Peoplesphere Company
7729 Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal 1536-3090 Pepperdine University School of Law
7730 Pepperdine Law Review 0092-430X Pepperdine University
99966 Pept Res
52519 Peptide
124680 Peptide Research 1040-5704 Blackwell
40174 Peptide Science 2475-8817 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
17841 Peptides 0196-9781 Elsevier
98779 Peptides / Peptides (Fayetteville)
155976 Pequeños Rumiantes 1888-4865
681097 Per Musi. Revista Académica de música
162061 Per civile conversazione Bulzoni editore
40175 Per la Filosofia 0394-4131 Fabrizio Serra editore
112214 Per leggere. I generi della letteratura 1591-4861 Pensa MultiMedia
29456 Per un atlante storico del Mezzogiorno e della Sicilia. Omaggio a Bernard Lepetit
83351 PerCom '13 : IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
756931 Perambulation
102481 Percentile 1372-4916
44791 Percept & Mot
34139 Percept and Mot Skills
17842 Perception 0301-0066 SAGE Publications
121073 Perception
101043 Perception -London
79812 Perception ECVP
21499 Perception and Psychophysics 0031-5117 Psychonomic Society
148758 Perceptual & Motor Skills: Learning & Memory 0031-5125
58528 Perceptual and Motor Skill
7731 Perceptual and Motor Skills 0031-5125 Ammons Scientific
94713 Perceptual and Motors Skills
94671 Percevejo online, Périodico do programma de pos-graduaçao em artes cenicas. PPGAC/UNIRIO
94665 Percevejo online. Périodico do programma de pos-graduaçao em artes cenicas. PPGAC/UNIRIO
148418 Percorsi costituzionali 1974-1928 Jovene editore
727541 Percorsi costituzionali
494599 Percorsi di lingua e letteratura francese per Marilia Marchetti
147478 Percosi costituzionali
94255 Percurso
116822 Percurso 0103-6815 Departamento de Psicanálise do Instituto Sedes Sapientiae
62799 Percursos
144089 Percursos (Cessada) Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
503805 Percuso digital
40176 Percussion News Percussive Arts Society
105020 Percussions Chaillye-en-Bière
40177 Percussive Notes Percussive Arts Society
175817 Percées
181492 Percées. Explorations en arts vivants 2563-660X Université du Québec à Montréal
170544 Perditions Idéologiques 2781-0496
1916 Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture 1554-8678 International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art
131747 Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture
177751 Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture Art History, Kenyon College Gambier, OH 43022 USA
165474 Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture Kenyon College
172766 Peregrino
887890 Perfect Beat 1038-2909
135001 Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie 2588-932X Elservier Masson
717125 Perfil Jorge Fontevecchia
196922 Perfiles Educativos 2448-6167 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación (IISUE)
144959 Perfiles Latinoamericanos 0188-7653 Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
112785 Perfiles de la cultura cubana
170959 Performance Enhancement & Health 2211-2669 Sydney : Elsevier Australia
17843 Performance Evaluation 0166-5316 Elsevier
102802 Performance Evaluation
17844 Performance Improvement 1090-8811 Wiley
7732 Performance Improvement Quarterly 0898-5952 Wiley
133225 Performance Matters 2369-2537 Burnaby BC: Institute for Performance Studies Simon Fraser University
17845 Performance Measurement and Metrics 1467-8047 Emerald
352531 Performance Paradigm 1832-5580
158107 Performance Philosophy
558458 Performance Philosophy 2057-7176
40178 Performance Practice Review 1044-1638 Claremont Graduate University
17846 Performance Research 1352-8165 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
60153 Performance and reliability of semiconductor devices
708566 Performance collective
21498 Performance improvement advisor 1543-6160
78533 Performances
47526 Performances Humaines et Techniques 1247-7575 Performances humaines et techniques
113461 Performances Médicales. Réalités en Chirurgie Plastique
156831 Performances et Sélection
168131 Performances poétiques
36344 Performances économiques et performances sociales à l'heure de la RSE, Marrakech, 6-8 mai 2005, CD Rom, p. 225-232.7e Université de Printemps de l'Audit Social
7733 Performing Arts Journal 0735-8393 JSTOR
7734 Performing Arts Review 0031-5249 Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundating
7735 Perfumer and flavorist 0272-2666 Allured Publishing Corporation
17847 Perfusion 0267-6591 SAGE Publications
35605 Peri Hermeneias Symposium, organised by John Marenbon
139332 Periferia : revista de recerca i formacio en antropologia
97057 Periferia, revue en ligne de l'Université de l'État de Rio de Janeiro
70138 Periferias
150344 Periférica Internacional. Revista Para El Análisis De La Cultura Y El Territorio 2445-2696 Universidad de Cadiz
177222 Periférica Internacional. Revista para el análisis de la cultura y el territorio
17848 PerinatalMedizin 0936-7160 Springer Verlag
74851 Period. Math. Hungar
23466 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
17849 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 0031-5303 Springer Verlag
99476 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica / Periodica Mathematica Hungarica Journal of the J anos Bolyai Mathematical Society
91461 Periodica Polytechnica
122865 Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering 0324-5853 Budapest : BUTE
104968 Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 1587-3773 he Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
178825 Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2064-5279
169425 Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science